// This code is part of the Fungus library (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus) // It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections.Generic; public class FungusConversationParseTests { private const string SimpleConv = @"john bored left: Oh, so that's how you use the Conversation command. sherlock eyeroll right nowait: Yes, well done John. {w=1.5} You catch on quickly don't you? sherlock >>>: hide john ""offscreen left"": I sure do. -- This is a comment, it doesn't appear in the conversation "; private static readonly List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem> SimpleConvRes = new List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem>() { new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "john", "bored", "left" }, text = "Oh, so that's how you use the Conversation command."}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "sherlock", "eyeroll", "right", "nowait" }, text = "Yes, well done John. {w=1.5}"}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ }, text = "You catch on quickly don't you?"}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "sherlock", ">>>" }, text = ""}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "hide", "john", "offscreen left" }, text = "I sure do."}, }; [Test] public void FungusConversationPreParseSimple() { var res = Fungus.ConversationManager.PreParse(SimpleConv); ValueCompareRawConversationItemLists(res, SimpleConvRes); } private void ValueCompareRawConversationItemLists(List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem> lhs, List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem> rhs) { Assert.AreEqual(lhs.Count, rhs.Count, "Different number of results found."); for (int i = 0; i < lhs.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(lhs[i].text, rhs[i].text, "RawConItem " + i.ToString() + " has different text body."); Assert.AreEqual(lhs[i].sayParams.Length, rhs[i].sayParams.Length, "RawConItem " + i.ToString() + " have differing say param counts"); for (int j = 0; j < lhs[i].sayParams.Length; j++) { Assert.AreEqual(lhs[i].sayParams[j], rhs[i].sayParams[j], "RawConItem " + i.ToString() + " param: " + j.ToString() + " content"); } } } private const string MultiColonConv = @"sherlock left: Outragous! john bashful: This is an overreaction Sherlock. sherlock: Colon to direct attention to a list. Colon to emphasize connecton between independent phrases. : To Buy: Eggs, Milk, Flour. sherlock irate right: In this world, there are only two tragedies: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. john smug:Love is blind: sometimes it keeps us from seeing the truth."; private static readonly List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem> MultiColonConvRes = new List<Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem>() { new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "sherlock", "left" }, text = "Outragous!"}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "john", "bashful" }, text = "This is an overreaction Sherlock."}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "sherlock" }, text = "Colon to direct attention to a list. Colon to emphasize connecton between independent phrases."}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ }, text = "To Buy: Eggs, Milk, Flour."}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "sherlock", "irate", "right" }, text = "In this world, there are only two tragedies: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."}, new Fungus.ConversationManager.RawConversationItem(){ sayParams = new string[]{ "john", "smug" }, text = "Love is blind: sometimes it keeps us from seeing the truth."}, }; [Test] public void FungusConversationPreParseMultiColon() { var res = Fungus.ConversationManager.PreParse(MultiColonConv); ValueCompareRawConversationItemLists(res, MultiColonConvRes); } }