using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Fungus

	[CustomEditor (typeof(EventHandler), true)]
	public class EventHandlerEditor : Editor 
		 * Returns the class attribute info for an event handler class.
		public static EventHandlerInfoAttribute GetEventHandlerInfo(System.Type eventHandlerType)
			object[] attributes = eventHandlerType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EventHandlerInfoAttribute), false);
			foreach (object obj in attributes)
				EventHandlerInfoAttribute eventHandlerInfoAttr = obj as EventHandlerInfoAttribute;
				if (eventHandlerInfoAttr != null)
					return eventHandlerInfoAttr;
			return null;

		public virtual void DrawInspectorGUI()
			// Users should not be able to change the MonoScript for the command using the usual Script field.
			// Doing so could cause block.commandList to contain null entries.
			// To avoid this we manually display all properties, except for m_Script.
			SerializedProperty iterator = serializedObject.GetIterator();
			bool enterChildren = true;
			while (iterator.NextVisible(enterChildren))
				enterChildren = false;
				if ( == "m_Script")
				EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(iterator, true, new GUILayoutOption[0]);

			EventHandler t = target as EventHandler;
			EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(t.GetType());
			if (info != null &&
			    info.HelpText.Length > 0)
				EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(info.HelpText, MessageType.Info);

