// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus). // It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using UnityEngine.Events; using MarkerMetro.Unity.WinLegacy.Reflection; namespace Fungus { /// <summary> /// Invokes a method of a component via reflection. Supports passing multiple parameters and storing returned values in a Fungus variable. /// </summary> [CommandInfo("Scripting", "Invoke Method", "Invokes a method of a component via reflection. Supports passing multiple parameters and storing returned values in a Fungus variable.")] public class InvokeMethod : Command { [Tooltip("A description of what this command does. Appears in the command summary.")] [SerializeField] protected string description = ""; [Tooltip("GameObject containing the component method to be invoked")] [SerializeField] protected GameObject targetObject; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Name of assembly containing the target component")] [SerializeField] protected string targetComponentAssemblyName; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Full name of the target component")] [SerializeField] protected string targetComponentFullname; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Display name of the target component")] [SerializeField] protected string targetComponentText; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Name of target method to invoke on the target component")] [SerializeField] protected string targetMethod; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Display name of target method to invoke on the target component")] [SerializeField] protected string targetMethodText; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("List of parameters to pass to the invoked method")] [SerializeField] protected InvokeMethodParameter[] methodParameters; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("If true, store the return value in a flowchart variable of the same type.")] [SerializeField] protected bool saveReturnValue; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("Name of Fungus variable to store the return value in")] [SerializeField] protected string returnValueVariableKey; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("The type of the return value")] [SerializeField] protected string returnValueType; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("If true, list all inherited methods for the component")] [SerializeField] protected bool showInherited; [HideInInspector] [Tooltip("The coroutine call behavior for methods that return IEnumerator")] [SerializeField] protected CallMode callMode; protected Type componentType; protected Component objComponent; protected Type[] parameterTypes = null; protected MethodInfo objMethod; protected virtual void Awake() { if (componentType == null) { componentType = ReflectionHelper.GetType(targetComponentAssemblyName); } if (objComponent == null) { objComponent = targetObject.GetComponent(componentType); } if (parameterTypes == null) { parameterTypes = GetParameterTypes(); } if (objMethod == null) { objMethod = UnityEvent.GetValidMethodInfo(objComponent, targetMethod, parameterTypes); } } protected virtual IEnumerator ExecuteCoroutine() { yield return StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)objMethod.Invoke(objComponent, GetParameterValues())); if (callMode == CallMode.WaitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } protected virtual System.Type[] GetParameterTypes() { System.Type[] types = new System.Type[methodParameters.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < methodParameters.Length; i++) { var item = methodParameters[i]; var objType = ReflectionHelper.GetType(item.objValue.typeAssemblyname); types[i] = objType; } return types; } protected virtual object[] GetParameterValues() { object[] values = new object[methodParameters.Length]; var flowChart = GetFlowchart(); for (int i = 0; i < methodParameters.Length; i++) { var item = methodParameters[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.variableKey)) { values[i] = item.objValue.GetValue(); } else { object objValue = null; switch (item.objValue.typeFullname) { case "System.Int32": var intvalue = flowChart.GetVariable<IntegerVariable>(item.variableKey); if (intvalue != null) objValue = intvalue.Value; break; case "System.Boolean": var boolean = flowChart.GetVariable<BooleanVariable>(item.variableKey); if (boolean != null) objValue = boolean.Value; break; case "System.Single": var floatvalue = flowChart.GetVariable<FloatVariable>(item.variableKey); if (floatvalue != null) objValue = floatvalue.Value; break; case "System.String": var stringvalue = flowChart.GetVariable<StringVariable>(item.variableKey); if (stringvalue != null) objValue = stringvalue.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Color": var color = flowChart.GetVariable<ColorVariable>(item.variableKey); if (color != null) objValue = color.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.GameObject": var gameObject = flowChart.GetVariable<GameObjectVariable>(item.variableKey); if (gameObject != null) objValue = gameObject.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Material": var material = flowChart.GetVariable<MaterialVariable>(item.variableKey); if (material != null) objValue = material.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Sprite": var sprite = flowChart.GetVariable<SpriteVariable>(item.variableKey); if (sprite != null) objValue = sprite.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Texture": var texture = flowChart.GetVariable<TextureVariable>(item.variableKey); if (texture != null) objValue = texture.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Vector2": var vector2 = flowChart.GetVariable<Vector2Variable>(item.variableKey); if (vector2 != null) objValue = vector2.Value; break; case "UnityEngine.Vector3": var vector3 = flowChart.GetVariable<Vector3Variable>(item.variableKey); if (vector3 != null) objValue = vector3.Value; break; default: var obj = flowChart.GetVariable<ObjectVariable>(item.variableKey); if (obj != null) objValue = obj.Value; break; } values[i] = objValue; } } return values; } protected virtual void SetVariable(string key, object value, string returnType) { var flowChart = GetFlowchart(); switch (returnType) { case "System.Int32": flowChart.GetVariable<IntegerVariable>(key).Value = (int)value; break; case "System.Boolean": flowChart.GetVariable<BooleanVariable>(key).Value = (bool)value; break; case "System.Single": flowChart.GetVariable<FloatVariable>(key).Value = (float)value; break; case "System.String": flowChart.GetVariable<StringVariable>(key).Value = (string)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Color": flowChart.GetVariable<ColorVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Color)value; break; case "UnityEngine.GameObject": flowChart.GetVariable<GameObjectVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.GameObject)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Material": flowChart.GetVariable<MaterialVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Material)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Sprite": flowChart.GetVariable<SpriteVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Sprite)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Texture": flowChart.GetVariable<TextureVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Texture)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Vector2": flowChart.GetVariable<Vector2Variable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Vector2)value; break; case "UnityEngine.Vector3": flowChart.GetVariable<Vector3Variable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Vector3)value; break; default: flowChart.GetVariable<ObjectVariable>(key).Value = (UnityEngine.Object)value; break; } } #region Public members /// <summary> /// GameObject containing the component method to be invoked. /// </summary> public virtual GameObject TargetObject { get { return targetObject; } } public override void OnEnter() { try { if (targetObject == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetComponentAssemblyName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetMethod)) { Continue(); return; } if (returnValueType != "System.Collections.IEnumerator") { var objReturnValue = objMethod.Invoke(objComponent, GetParameterValues()); if (saveReturnValue) { SetVariable(returnValueVariableKey, objReturnValue, returnValueType); } Continue(); } else { StartCoroutine(ExecuteCoroutine()); if (callMode == CallMode.Continue) { Continue(); } else if(callMode == CallMode.Stop) { StopParentBlock(); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + ex.Message); } } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(235, 191, 217, 255); } public override string GetSummary() { if (targetObject == null) { return "Error: targetObject is not assigned"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { return description; } return targetObject.name + "." + targetComponentText + "." + targetMethodText; } #endregion } [System.Serializable] public class InvokeMethodParameter { [SerializeField] public ObjectValue objValue; [SerializeField] public string variableKey; } [System.Serializable] public class ObjectValue { public string typeAssemblyname; public string typeFullname; public int intValue; public bool boolValue; public float floatValue; public string stringValue; public Color colorValue; public GameObject gameObjectValue; public Material materialValue; public UnityEngine.Object objectValue; public Sprite spriteValue; public Texture textureValue; public Vector2 vector2Value; public Vector3 vector3Value; public object GetValue() { switch (typeFullname) { case "System.Int32": return intValue; case "System.Boolean": return boolValue; case "System.Single": return floatValue; case "System.String": return stringValue; case "UnityEngine.Color": return colorValue; case "UnityEngine.GameObject": return gameObjectValue; case "UnityEngine.Material": return materialValue; case "UnityEngine.Sprite": return spriteValue; case "UnityEngine.Texture": return textureValue; case "UnityEngine.Vector2": return vector2Value; case "UnityEngine.Vector3": return vector3Value; default: var objType = ReflectionHelper.GetType(typeAssemblyname); if (objType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { return objectValue; } else if (objType.IsEnum()) return System.Enum.ToObject(objType, intValue); break; } return null; } } public static class ReflectionHelper { static Dictionary<string, System.Type> types = new Dictionary<string, System.Type>(); public static System.Type GetType(string typeName) { if (types.ContainsKey(typeName)) return types[typeName]; types[typeName] = System.Type.GetType(typeName); return types[typeName]; } } }