using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Fungus
				 "Set Draggable 2D",
				 "Sets a Draggable2D component to be draggable / non-draggable.")]
	public class SetDraggable2D : Command
		[Tooltip("Reference to Draggable2D component on a gameobject")]
		public Draggable2D targetDraggable2D;

		[Tooltip("Set to true to enable the component")]
		public BooleanData activeState;

		public override void OnEnter() 
			if (targetDraggable2D != null)         
				targetDraggable2D.dragEnabled = activeState.Value;     


		public override string GetSummary()
			if (targetDraggable2D == null)         
				return "Error: No Draggable2D component selected";     


		public override Color GetButtonColor()
			return new Color32(235, 191, 217, 255);
