namespace Fungus { using System; using UnityEngine; [CommandInfo("Audio", "Play Usfxr Sound", "Plays a usfxr synth sound. Use the usfxr editor [Tools > Fungus > Utilities > Generate usfxr Sound Effects] to create the SettingsString. Set a ParentTransform if using positional sound. See for more information about usfxr.")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class PlayUsfxrSound : Command { protected SfxrSynth _synth = new SfxrSynth(); public Transform ParentTransform = null; public String SettingsString = ""; public float waitDuration = 0; //Call this if the settings have changed protected void UpdateCache() { if (SettingsString != null) { _synth.parameters.SetSettingsString(SettingsString); _synth.CacheSound(); } } public void Awake() { //Always build the cache on awake UpdateCache(); } public override void OnEnter() { _synth.SetParentTransform(ParentTransform); _synth.Play(); if (waitDuration == 0f) { Continue(); } else { Invoke ("DoWait", waitDuration); } } protected void DoWait() { Continue(); } public override string GetSummary() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SettingsString)) { return "Settings String hasn't been set!"; } if (ParentTransform != null) { return "" + + ": " + SettingsString; } return "Camera.main: " + SettingsString; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(128, 200, 200, 255); } } }