using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Ideafixxxer.CsvParser; namespace Fungus { /** * Multi-language localization support. */ public class Language : MonoBehaviour { /** * Currently active language, usually defined by a two letter language code (e.g DE = German) */ public string activeLanguage = ""; protected Dictionary localizedStrings = new Dictionary(); /** * Temp storage for a single item of standard text and its localizations */ protected class LanguageItem { public string description; public string standardText; public Dictionary localizedStrings = new Dictionary(); } /** * CSV file containing localization data */ public TextAsset localizationFile; public virtual void Start() { if (activeLanguage.Length > 0 && localizationFile != null && localizationFile.text.Length > 0) { SetActiveLanguage(activeLanguage, localizationFile.text); } } /** * Convert all language items and localized strings to an easy to edit CSV format. */ public virtual string GetCSVData() { // Collect all the language items present in the scene Dictionary languageItems = FindLanguageItems(); // Update language items with localization data from CSV file if (localizationFile != null && localizationFile.text.Length > 0) { AddLocalizedStrings(languageItems, localizationFile.text); } // Build CSV header row and a list of the language codes currently in use string csvHeader = "Key,Description,Standard"; List languageCodes = new List(); foreach (LanguageItem languageItem in languageItems.Values) { foreach (string languageCode in languageItem.localizedStrings.Keys) { if (!languageCodes.Contains(languageCode)) { languageCodes.Add(languageCode); csvHeader += "," + languageCode; } } } // Build the CSV file using collected language items string csvData = csvHeader + "\n"; foreach (string stringId in languageItems.Keys) { LanguageItem languageItem = languageItems[stringId]; string row = CSVSupport.Escape(stringId); row += "," + CSVSupport.Escape(languageItem.description); row += "," + CSVSupport.Escape(languageItem.standardText); foreach (string languageCode in languageCodes) { if (languageItem.localizedStrings.ContainsKey(languageCode)) { row += "," + CSVSupport.Escape(languageItem.localizedStrings[languageCode]); } else { row += ","; // Empty field } } csvData += row + "\n"; } return csvData; } /** * Buidls a dictionary of localizable objects in the scene. */ protected Dictionary FindLanguageItems() { Dictionary languageItems = new Dictionary(); // Export all character names foreach (Character character in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { // String id for character names is CHARACTER. LanguageItem languageItem = new LanguageItem(); languageItem.standardText = character.nameText; languageItem.description = character.description; string stringId = "CHARACTER." + character.nameText; languageItems[stringId] = languageItem; } // Export all Say and Menu commands in the scene // To make it easier to localize, we preserve the command order in each exported block. Flowchart[] flowcharts = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (Flowchart flowchart in flowcharts) { // Have to set a unique localization id to export strings if (flowchart.localizationId.Length == 0) { continue; } Block[] blocks = flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren(); foreach (Block block in blocks) { foreach (Command command in block.commandList) { string stringId = ""; string standardText = ""; string description = ""; System.Type type = command.GetType(); if (type == typeof(Say)) { // String id for Say commands is SAY... Say sayCommand = command as Say; standardText = sayCommand.storyText; description = sayCommand.description; stringId = "SAY." + flowchart.localizationId + "." + sayCommand.itemId + "."; if (sayCommand.character != null) { stringId += sayCommand.character.nameText; } } else if (type == typeof(Menu)) { // String id for Menu commands is MENU.. Menu menuCommand = command as Menu; standardText = menuCommand.text; description = menuCommand.description; stringId = "MENU." + flowchart.localizationId + "." + menuCommand.itemId; } else { continue; } LanguageItem languageItem = null; if (languageItems.ContainsKey(stringId)) { languageItem = languageItems[stringId]; } else { languageItem = new LanguageItem(); languageItems[stringId] = languageItem; } // Update basic properties,leaving localised strings intact languageItem.standardText = standardText; languageItem.description = description; } } } return languageItems; } /** * Adds localized strings from CSV file data to a dictionary of language items in the scene. */ protected virtual void AddLocalizedStrings(Dictionary languageItems, string csvData) { CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser(); string[][] csvTable = csvParser.Parse(csvData); if (csvTable.Length <= 1) { // No data rows in file return; } // Parse header row string[] columnNames = csvTable[0]; for (int i = 1; i < csvTable.Length; ++i) { string[] fields = csvTable[i]; if (fields.Length < 4) { // No localized string fields present continue; } string stringId = fields[0]; if (!languageItems.ContainsKey(stringId)) { continue; } // Store localized strings for this string id LanguageItem languageItem = languageItems[stringId]; for (int j = 3; j < fields.Length; ++j) { if (j >= columnNames.Length) { continue; } string languageCode = columnNames[j]; string languageEntry = CSVSupport.Unescape(fields[j]); if (languageEntry.Length > 0) { languageItem.localizedStrings[languageCode] = languageEntry; } } } } /** * Scan a localization CSV file and copies the strings for the specified language code * into the text properties of the appropriate scene objects. */ public virtual void SetActiveLanguage(string languageCode, string csvData) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { // This function should only ever be called when the game is playing (not in editor). return; } localizedStrings.Clear(); CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser(); string[][] csvTable = csvParser.Parse(csvData); if (csvTable.Length <= 1) { // No data rows in file return; } // Parse header row string[] columnNames = csvTable[0]; if (columnNames.Length < 4) { // No languages defined in CSV file return; } int languageIndex = -1; for (int i = 3; i < columnNames.Length; ++i) { if (columnNames[i] == languageCode) { languageIndex = i; break; } } if (languageIndex == -1) { // Language not found return; } // Cache a lookup table of characters in the scene Dictionary characterDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (Character character in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { characterDict[character.nameText] = character; } // Cache a lookup table of flowcharts in the scene Dictionary flowchartDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (Flowchart flowChart in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { flowchartDict[flowChart.localizationId] = flowChart; } for (int i = 1; i < csvTable.Length; ++i) { string[] fields = csvTable[i]; if (fields.Length < languageIndex + 1) { continue; } string stringId = fields[0]; string languageEntry = CSVSupport.Unescape(fields[languageIndex]); if (languageEntry.Length > 0) { localizedStrings[stringId] = languageEntry; PopulateTextProperty(stringId, languageEntry, flowchartDict, characterDict); } } } /** * Populates the text property of a single scene object with localized text. */ public virtual void PopulateTextProperty(string stringId, string localizedText, Dictionary flowchartDict, Dictionary characterDict) { string[] idParts = stringId.Split('.'); if (idParts.Length == 0) { return; } string stringType = idParts[0]; if (stringType == "SAY") { if (idParts.Length != 4) { return; } string flowchartId = idParts[1]; if (!flowchartDict.ContainsKey(flowchartId)) { return; } Flowchart flowchart = flowchartDict[flowchartId]; int itemId = int.Parse(idParts[2]); if (flowchart != null) { foreach (Say say in flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (say.itemId == itemId) { say.storyText = localizedText; } } } } else if (stringType == "MENU") { if (idParts.Length != 3) { return; } string flowchartId = idParts[1]; if (!flowchartDict.ContainsKey(flowchartId)) { return; } Flowchart flowchart = flowchartDict[flowchartId]; int itemId = int.Parse(idParts[2]); if (flowchart != null) { foreach (Menu menu in flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (menu.itemId == itemId) { menu.text = localizedText; } } } } else if (stringType == "CHARACTER") { if (idParts.Length != 2) { return; } string characterName = idParts[1]; if (!characterDict.ContainsKey(characterName)) { return; } Character character = characterDict[characterName]; if (character != null) { character.nameText = localizedText; } } } /** * Returns all standard text for SAY & MENU commands in the scene using an * easy to edit custom text format. */ public virtual string GetStandardText() { // Collect all the language items present in the scene Dictionary languageItems = FindLanguageItems(); string textData = ""; foreach (string stringId in languageItems.Keys) { if (!stringId.StartsWith("SAY.") && !(stringId.StartsWith("MENU."))) { continue; } LanguageItem languageItem = languageItems[stringId]; textData += "#" + stringId + "\n"; textData += languageItem.standardText.Trim() + "\n\n"; } return textData; } /** * Sets standard text on scene objects by parsing a text data file. */ public virtual void SetStandardText(string textData) { // Cache a lookup table of characters in the scene Dictionary characterDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (Character character in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { characterDict[character.nameText] = character; } // Cache a lookup table of flowcharts in the scene Dictionary flowchartDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (Flowchart flowChart in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType()) { flowchartDict[flowChart.localizationId] = flowChart; } string[] lines = textData.Split('\n'); string stringId = ""; string buffer = ""; foreach (string line in lines) { // Check for string id line if (line.StartsWith("#")) { if (stringId.Length > 0) { // Write buffered text to the appropriate text property PopulateTextProperty(stringId, buffer.Trim(), flowchartDict, characterDict); } // Set the string id for the follow text lines stringId = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 1); buffer = ""; } else { buffer += line; } } // Handle last buffered entry if (stringId.Length > 0) { PopulateTextProperty(stringId, buffer.Trim(), flowchartDict, characterDict); } } } }