// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus).
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using MoonSharp.Interpreter;
using Fungus.Utils;
namespace Fungus
/// A collection of utilites to use in Lua for common Unity / Fungus tasks.
public class LuaUtils : LuaEnvironmentInitializer, ISubstitutionHandler, ILuaUtils
[Tooltip("Controls if the fungus utilities are accessed from globals (e.g. say) or via a fungus variable (e.g. fungus.say). You can also choose to disable loading the fungus module if it's not required by your script.")]
[SerializeField] protected FungusModuleOptions fungusModule = FungusModuleOptions.UseGlobalVariables;
[Tooltip("The currently selected language in the string table. Affects variable substitution.")]
[SerializeField] protected string activeLanguage = "en";
/// Lua script file which defines the global string table used for localisation.
[Tooltip("List of JSON text files which contain localized strings. These strings are added to the 'stringTable' table in the Lua environment at startup.")]
[SerializeField] protected List stringTables = new List();
/// JSON text files listing the c# types that can be accessed from Lua.
[Tooltip("JSON text files listing the c# types that can be accessed from Lua.")]
[SerializeField] protected List registerTypes = new List();
/// Flag used to avoid startup dependency issues.
protected bool initialised = false;
/// Cached reference to the string table (if loaded).
protected Table stringTable;
/// Cached reference to the Lua Environment component.
protected ILuaEnvironment LuaEnv { get; set; }
protected StringSubstituter stringSubstituter;
protected ConversationManager conversationManager;
/// Registers all listed c# types for interop with Lua.
/// You can also register types directly in the Awake method of any
/// monobehavior in your scene using UserData.RegisterType().
protected virtual void InitTypes()
bool isFungusInstalled = (Type.GetType("Fungus.Flowchart") != null);
foreach (TextAsset textFile in registerTypes)
if (textFile == null)
// Parse JSON file
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(textFile.text);
if (jsonObject == null ||
jsonObject.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error parsing JSON file " + textFile.name);
// Register types with MoonSharp
JSONObject registerTypesArray = jsonObject.GetField("registerTypes");
if (registerTypesArray != null &&
registerTypesArray.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY)
foreach (JSONObject entry in registerTypesArray.list)
if (entry != null &&
entry.type == JSONObject.Type.STRING)
string typeName = entry.str.Trim();
// Don't register fungus types if the Fungus library is not present
if (!isFungusInstalled &&
// Register extension types with MoonSharp
JSONObject extensionTypesArray = jsonObject.GetField("extensionTypes");
if (extensionTypesArray != null &&
extensionTypesArray.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY)
foreach (JSONObject entry in extensionTypesArray.list)
if (entry != null &&
entry.type == JSONObject.Type.STRING)
string typeName = entry.str.Trim();
// Don't register fungus types if the Fungus library is not present
if (!isFungusInstalled &&
LuaEnvironment.RegisterType(typeName, true);
/// Binds all gameobjects and components defined in LuaBindings components to LuaEnvironments.
protected virtual void InitBindings()
LuaBindingsBase[] bindings = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType();
foreach (LuaBindingsBase binding in bindings)
/// Register some commonly used Unity classes and objects for Lua interop.
/// To register more class objects externally to this class, register them in the Awake method of any
/// monobehavior in your scene.
protected virtual void InitFungusModule()
if (fungusModule == FungusModuleOptions.NoFungusModule)
MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script interpreter = LuaEnv.Interpreter;
// Require the Fungus module and assign it to the global 'fungus'
Table fungusTable = null;
MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue value = interpreter.RequireModule("fungus");
if (value != null &&
value.Type == DataType.Function)
fungusTable = value.Function.Call().Table;
if (fungusTable == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Failed to create Fungus table");
interpreter.Globals["fungus"] = fungusTable;
// Static classes
fungusTable["time"] = UserData.CreateStatic(typeof(Time));
fungusTable["playerprefs"] = UserData.CreateStatic(typeof(PlayerPrefs));
fungusTable["prefs"] = UserData.CreateStatic(typeof(FungusPrefs));
fungusTable["factory"] = UserData.CreateStatic(typeof(PODTypeFactory));
// Lua Environment and Lua Utils components
fungusTable["luaenvironment"] = LuaEnv;
fungusTable["luautils"] = this;
// Provide access to the Unity Test Tools (if available).
Type testType = Type.GetType("IntegrationTest");
if (testType != null)
fungusTable["test"] = UserData.CreateStatic(testType);
// Populate the string table by parsing the string table JSON files
stringTable = new Table(interpreter);
fungusTable["stringtable"] = stringTable;
foreach (TextAsset stringFile in stringTables)
if (stringFile.text == "")
JSONObject stringsJSON = new JSONObject(stringFile.text);
if (stringsJSON == null ||
stringsJSON.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("String table JSON format is not correct " + stringFile.name);
foreach (string stringKey in stringsJSON.keys)
if (stringKey == "")
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("String table JSON format is not correct " + stringFile.name);
Table entriesTable = new Table(interpreter);
stringTable[stringKey] = entriesTable;
JSONObject entries = stringsJSON.GetField(stringKey);
if (entries.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("String table JSON format is not correct " + stringFile.name);
foreach (string language in entries.keys)
string translation = entries.GetField(language).str;
entriesTable[language] = translation;
stringSubstituter = new StringSubstituter();
conversationManager = new ConversationManager();
if (fungusModule == FungusModuleOptions.UseGlobalVariables)
// Copy all items from the Fungus table to global variables
foreach (TablePair p in fungusTable.Pairs)
if (interpreter.Globals.Keys.Contains(p.Key))
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Lua globals already contains a variable " + p.Key);
interpreter.Globals[p.Key] = p.Value;
interpreter.Globals["fungus"] = DynValue.Nil;
// Note: We can't remove the fungus table itself because of dependencies between functions
#region LuaEnvironment.Initializer implementation
public override void Initialize()
LuaEnv = GetComponent();
if (LuaEnv == null)
Debug.LogError("No Lua Environment found");
if (LuaEnv.Interpreter == null)
Debug.LogError("No Lua interpreter found");
public override string PreprocessScript(string input)
return input;
#region ILuaUtils implementation
public virtual string ActiveLanguage { get { return activeLanguage; } set { activeLanguage = value; } }
public virtual string GetString(string key)
if (stringTable != null)
// Match against string table and active language
DynValue stringTableVar = stringTable.Get(key);
if (stringTableVar.Type == DataType.Table)
DynValue languageEntry = stringTableVar.Table.Get(activeLanguage);
if (languageEntry.Type == DataType.String)
return languageEntry.String;
return "";
public virtual bool SubstituteStrings(StringBuilder input)
// This method could be called from the Start of another component, so
// we need to ensure that the LuaEnvironment has been initialized.
if (LuaEnv == null)
LuaEnv = GetComponent();
if (LuaEnv != null)
if (LuaEnv == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("No Lua Environment found");
return false;
if (LuaEnv.Interpreter == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("No Lua interpreter found");
return false;
MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script interpreter = LuaEnv.Interpreter;
// Instantiate the regular expression object.
Regex r = new Regex("\\{\\$.*?\\}");
bool modified = false;
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
var results = r.Matches(input.ToString());
foreach (Match match in results)
string key = match.Value.Substring(2, match.Value.Length - 3);
// Match against string table and active language (if specified)
if (stringTable != null)
DynValue stringTableVar = stringTable.Get(key);
if (stringTableVar.Type == DataType.Table)
DynValue languageEntry = stringTableVar.Table.Get(activeLanguage);
if (languageEntry.Type == DataType.String)
input.Replace(match.Value, languageEntry.String);
modified = true;
// Match against global variables
DynValue globalVar = interpreter.Globals.Get(key);
if (globalVar.Type != DataType.Nil)
input.Replace(match.Value, globalVar.ToPrintString());
modified = true;
return modified;
public virtual string Substitute(string input)
return stringSubstituter.SubstituteStrings(input);
public virtual GameObject Find(string name)
return GameObject.Find(name);
public virtual GameObject FindWithTag(string tag)
return GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(tag);
public virtual GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag)
return GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag);
public virtual GameObject Instantiate(GameObject go)
return GameObject.Instantiate(go);
public virtual void Destroy(GameObject go)
public virtual GameObject Spawn(string resourceName)
// Auto spawn a say dialog object from the prefab
GameObject prefab = Resources.Load(resourceName);
if (prefab != null)
GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
go.name = resourceName.Replace("Prefabs/", "");
return go;
return null;
public virtual IEnumerator DoConversation(string conv)
return conversationManager.DoConversation(conv);
public void SetSayDialog(SayDialog sayDialog)
SayDialog.ActiveSayDialog = sayDialog;