using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace Fungus
	             "Set Audio Volume",
	             "Sets the global volume level for audio played with Play Music and Play Sound commands.")]
	public class SetAudioVolume : Command
		[Tooltip("Global volume level for audio played using Play Music and Play Sound")]
		public float volume = 1;

		[Tooltip("Time to fade between current volume level and target volume level.")]
		public float fadeDuration; 

		public override void OnEnter()
			MusicController musicController = MusicController.GetInstance();
			if (musicController != null)
				musicController.SetAudioVolume(volume, fadeDuration);


		public override string GetSummary()
			return "Set to " + volume + " over " + fadeDuration + " seconds.";

		public override Color GetButtonColor()
			return new Color32(242, 209, 176, 255);
