Fixed indentlevel for EventHandler:DrawProperties
Added Playground to the FungusExamples
Added Vector3 FungusCommands
- Fields, Normalise, Convert to Vector2, Arithetic
Added TransformProperty FungusCommand
-Get an Set a transform's fields and properties./
-Does not currently support rotation, localRotation nor the Mat4x4 commands as we do not have the appropriate FungusVariables to store them in
Added FungusCommand to Reload Current Scene
Added Rigidbody2D FungusCommands
- AddForce, AddTorque, StopMotion
Added Input GetAxis fungusCommand, fetch Input.GetAxis and store in a FloatData
SpawnObject FungusCommand now can store the gameobject it instantiates and can spawn at itself
Destroy FungusCommand can now be told to pass down a delay to Destroy
Updated Docs with all changes and addtions