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Comments added to clarify filter conditions on preview commands

Limit the number of suggested commands and show elipsis if there are more than that
desktop-maesty/steve 8 years ago
  1. 29


@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
public Type commandType;
private static readonly char[] SPLIT_INPUT_ON = new char[] { ' ', '/', '\\' };
private static readonly int MAX_PREVIEW_GRID = 7;
private static readonly string ELIPSIS = "...";
public static List<Action> actionList = new List<Action>();
protected Texture2D upIcon;
@ -325,6 +330,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
//should track if text actually changes and pass that to the ShowPartialMatches so it can cache
commandTextFieldContents = GUILayout.TextField(commandTextFieldContents, GUILayout.MinWidth(20), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200));
// Add Button
@ -353,18 +359,23 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
private static readonly char[] SPLIT_INPUT_ON = new char[] { ' ', '/', '\\' };
//Handles showing partial matches against the text input next to the AddCommand button
// Splits and matches and can use up down arrows and return/enter/numenter to confirm
// TODO add sorting of results so we get best match at the not just just a match
// e.g. "if" should show Flow/If at the top not Flow/Else If
private void ShowPartialMatches()
var block = target as Block;
var flowchart = (Flowchart)block.GetFlowchart();
//TODO this could be cached if input hasn't changed to avoid thrashing
var filteredAttributes = GetFilteredSupportedCommands(flowchart);
var upperCommandText = commandTextFieldContents.ToUpper().Trim();
var tokens = upperCommandText.Split();
//we want commands that have all the elements you have typed
filteredAttributes = filteredAttributes.Where((x) =>
bool catAny = tokens.Any(x.Value.Category.ToUpper().Contains);
@ -372,10 +383,13 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
bool catAll = tokens.All(x.Value.Category.ToUpper().Contains);
bool comAll = tokens.All(x.Value.CommandName.ToUpper().Contains);
//so if both category and command found something, then there are multiple tokens and they line up with category and command
if (catAny && comAny)
return true;
//or its a single token or a complex token that matches entirely in cat or com
else if (catAll || comAll)
return true;
//this setup avoids multiple bad suggestions due to a complex category name that gives many false matches on complex partials
return false;
@ -392,13 +406,22 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem = Mathf.Clamp(filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem, 0, filteredAttributes.Count - 1);
//GUILayout.TextArea(string.Join("\n", filteredAttributes.Select(x => x.Value.Category + "/" + x.Value.CommandName).ToArray()));
filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem, filteredAttributes.Select(x => x.Value.Category + "/" + x.Value.CommandName).ToArray(), 1);
var toShow = filteredAttributes.Select(x => x.Value.Category + "/" + x.Value.CommandName).ToArray();
//show the first x max that match our filters
if(toShow.Length > MAX_PREVIEW_GRID)
toShow = toShow.Take(MAX_PREVIEW_GRID).ToArray();
filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem, toShow, 1);
// if enter is hit then create that command and reset the preview window
if ((Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter) &&
filteredAttributes.Count > filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem)
filteredAttributes.Count > filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem && toShow[filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem] != ELIPSIS)
commandTextFieldContents = String.Empty;
