"Plays a usfxr synth sound. Use the usfxr editor [Window->Generate usfxr Sound Effects] to create the SettingsString. Set a ParentTransform if using positional sound. See https://github.com/zeh/usfxr for more information about usfxr.")]
"Plays a usfxr synth sound. Use the usfxr editor [Window > Generate usfxr Sound Effects] to create the SettingsString. Set a ParentTransform if using positional sound. See https://github.com/zeh/usfxr for more information about usfxr.")]
"Draws a fullscreen texture over the scene to give a fade effect. Target alpha 1 will obscure the screen, alpha 0 will reveal the screen.")]
"Draws a fullscreen texture over the scene to give a fade effect. Setting Target Alpha to 1 will obscure the screen, alpha 0 will reveal the screen. "+
"If no Fade Texture is provided then a default flat color texture is used.")]
"Writes a line of story text to the dialog. A list of options can be specified for the player to choose from. Use a non-zero timeout to give the player a limited time to choose.")]
"Writes a line of story text to a Say Dialog. "+
"Select [Game Object > Fungus > Dialog > Say Dialog] to create a new Say Dialog in your scene. "+
"Select [Game Object > Fungus > Dialog > Character] to create a new selectable speaking character.")]
"Saves all current global variables to be loaded again later using the LoadGlobals command. This provides a basic save game system.")]
"Saves all current global variables to persistent storage. These can be loaded back in again in future using the LoadGlobals command. This provides a basic save game system.")]