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Regenerated command documentation

Christopher 9 years ago
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@ -4,65 +4,65 @@
# Play Anim State # {#PlayAnimState}
Plays a state of an animator according to the state name
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PlayAnimState
Defined in Fungus.PlayAnimState
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
State Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the state you want to play
Layer | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Layer to play animation on
Time | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Start time of animation
Animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
State Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the state you want to play
Layer | Fungus.IntegerData | Layer to play animation on
Time | Fungus.FloatData | Start time of animation
# Reset Anim Trigger # {#ResetAnimTrigger}
Resets a trigger parameter on an Animator component.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ResetAnimTrigger
Defined in Fungus.ResetAnimTrigger
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will be reset
_animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will be reset
# Set Anim Bool # {#SetAnimBool}
Sets a boolean parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimBool
Defined in Fungus.SetAnimBool
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the boolean Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | The boolean value to set the parameter to
_animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the boolean Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.BooleanData | The boolean value to set the parameter to
# Set Anim Float # {#SetAnimFloat}
Sets a float parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimFloat
Defined in Fungus.SetAnimFloat
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the float Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The float value to set the parameter to
_animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the float Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.FloatData | The float value to set the parameter to
# Set Anim Integer # {#SetAnimInteger}
Sets an integer parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimInteger
Defined in Fungus.SetAnimInteger
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the integer Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | The integer value to set the parameter to
_animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the integer Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.IntegerData | The integer value to set the parameter to
# Set Anim Trigger # {#SetAnimTrigger}
Sets a trigger parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimTrigger
Defined in Fungus.SetAnimTrigger
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will have its value changed
_animator | Fungus.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will have its value changed


@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
# Control Audio # {#ControlAudio}
Plays, loops, or stops an audiosource. Any AudioSources with the same tag as the target Audio Source will automatically be stoped.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ControlAudio
Defined in Fungus.ControlAudio
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Control | Fungus.Commands.ControlAudioType | What to do to audio
_audio Source | Fungus.Variables.AudioSourceData | Audio clip to play
Control | Fungus.ControlAudioType | What to do to audio
_audio Source | Fungus.AudioSourceData | Audio clip to play
Start Volume | System.Single | Start audio at this volume
End Volume | System.Single | End audio at this volume
Fade Duration | System.Single | Time to fade between current volume level and target volume level.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until this command has finished befo
# Play Music # {#PlayMusic}
Plays looping game music. If any game music is already playing, it is stopped. Game music will continue playing across scene loads.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PlayMusic
Defined in Fungus.PlayMusic
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Fade Duration | System.Single | Length of time to fade out previous playing musi
# Play Sound # {#PlaySound}
Plays a once-off sound effect. Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PlaySound
Defined in Fungus.PlaySound
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the sound has finished playing
# Play Usfxr Sound # {#PlayUsfxrSound}
Plays a usfxr synth sound. Use the usfxr editor [Tools > Fungus > Utilities > Generate usfxr Sound Effects] to create the SettingsString. Set a ParentTransform if using positional sound. See for more information about usfxr.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PlayUsfxrSound
Defined in Fungus.PlayUsfxrSound
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Parent Transform | UnityEngine.Transform | Transform to use for positional audio
_ Settings String | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | Settings string which describes the audio
_ Settings String | Fungus.StringDataMulti | Settings string which describes the audio
Wait Duration | System.Single | Time to wait before executing the next command
# Set Audio Pitch # {#SetAudioPitch}
Sets the global pitch level for audio played with Play Music and Play Sound commands.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAudioPitch
Defined in Fungus.SetAudioPitch
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the pitch change has finished
# Set Audio Volume # {#SetAudioVolume}
Sets the global volume level for audio played with Play Music and Play Sound commands.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAudioVolume
Defined in Fungus.SetAudioVolume
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the volume fade has completed
# Stop Music # {#StopMusic}
Stops the currently playing game music.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopMusic
Defined in Fungus.StopMusic


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Fade Screen # {#FadeScreen}
Draws a fullscreen texture over the scene to give a fade effect. Setting Target Alpha to 1 will obscure the screen, alpha 0 will reveal the screen. If no Fade Texture is provided then a default flat color texture is used.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeScreen
Defined in Fungus.FadeScreen
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Fade Texture | UnityEngine.Texture2D | Optional texture to use when rendering th
# Fade To View # {#FadeToView}
Fades the camera out and in again at a position specified by a View object.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeToView
Defined in Fungus.FadeToView
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the fade. Will use main c
# Fullscreen # {#Fullscreen}
Sets the application to fullscreen, windowed or toggles the current state.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Fullscreen
Defined in Fungus.Fullscreen
# Move To View # {#MoveToView}
Moves the camera to a location specified by a View object.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.MoveToView
Defined in Fungus.MoveToView
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the pan. Will use main ca
# Shake Camera # {#ShakeCamera}
Applies a camera shake effect to the main camera.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShakeCamera
Defined in Fungus.ShakeCamera
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the shake effect has finished
# Start Swipe # {#StartSwipe}
Activates swipe panning mode where the player can pan the camera within the area between viewA & viewB.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StartSwipe
Defined in Fungus.StartSwipe
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the pan. Will use main ca
# Stop Swipe # {#StopSwipe}
Deactivates swipe panning mode.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopSwipe
Defined in Fungus.StopSwipe


@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
# Flowchart Enabled # {#FlowchartEnabled}
The block will execute when the Flowchart game object is enabled.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.FlowchartEnabled
Defined in Fungus.FlowchartEnabled
# Game Started # {#GameStarted}
The block will execute when the game starts playing.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.GameStarted
Defined in Fungus.GameStarted
# Message Received # {#MessageReceived}
The block will execute when the specified message is received from a Send Message command.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.MessageReceived
Defined in Fungus.MessageReceived
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---


@ -4,68 +4,68 @@
# Break # {#Break}
Force a loop to terminate immediately.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Break
Defined in Fungus.Break
# Call # {#Call}
Execute another block in the same Flowchart as the command, or in a different Flowchart.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Call
Defined in Fungus.Call
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Flowchart | Fungus.Flowchart | Flowchart which contains the block to execute. If none is specified then the current Flowchart is used.
Target Block | Fungus.Block | Block to start executing
Start Index | System.Int32 | Command index to start executing
Call Mode | Fungus.Commands.CallMode | Select if the calling block should stop or continue executing commands, or wait until the called block finishes.
Call Mode | Fungus.CallMode | Select if the calling block should stop or continue executing commands, or wait until the called block finishes.
# Else # {#Else}
Marks the start of a command block to be executed when the preceding If statement is False.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Else
Defined in Fungus.Else
# Else If # {#ElseIf}
Marks the start of a command block to be executed when the preceding If statement is False and the test expression is true.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ElseIf
Defined in Fungus.ElseIf
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to use in expression
Boolean Data | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Boolean Data | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Compare Operator | Fungus.CompareOperator | The type of comparison to be performed
# End # {#End}
Marks the end of a conditional block.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.End
Defined in Fungus.End
# If # {#If}
If the test expression is true, execute the following command block.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.If
Defined in Fungus.If
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to use in expression
Boolean Data | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Boolean Data | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Compare Operator | Fungus.CompareOperator | The type of comparison to be performed
# Jump # {#Jump}
Move execution to a specific Label command in the same block
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Jump
Defined in Fungus.Jump
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_target Label | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of a label in this block to jump to
_target Label | Fungus.StringData | Name of a label in this block to jump to
# Label # {#Label}
Marks a position in the command list for execution to jump to.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Label
Defined in Fungus.Label
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -74,45 +74,45 @@ Key | System.String | Display name for the label
# Load Scene # {#LoadScene}
Loads a new Unity scene and displays an optional loading image. This is useful for splitting a large game across multiple scene files to reduce peak memory usage. Previously loaded assets will be released before loading the scene to free up memory.The scene to be loaded must be added to the scene list in Build Settings.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.LoadScene
Defined in Fungus.LoadScene
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_scene Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the scene to load. The scene must also be added to the build settings.
_scene Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the scene to load. The scene must also be added to the build settings.
Loading Image | UnityEngine.Texture2D | Image to display while loading the scene
# Quit # {#Quit}
Quits the application. Does not work in Editor or Webplayer builds. Shouldn't generally be used on iOS.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Quit
Defined in Fungus.Quit
# Send Message # {#SendMessage}
Sends a message to either the owner Flowchart or all Flowcharts in the scene. Blocks can listen for this message using a Message Received event handler.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SendMessage
Defined in Fungus.SendMessage
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Message Target | Fungus.Commands.MessageTarget | Target flowchart(s) to send the message to
_message | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the message to send
Message Target | Fungus.MessageTarget | Target flowchart(s) to send the message to
_message | Fungus.StringData | Name of the message to send
# Stop # {#Stop}
Stop executing the Block that contains this command.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Stop
Defined in Fungus.Stop
# Stop Block # {#StopBlock}
Stops executing the named Block
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopBlock
Defined in Fungus.StopBlock
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Flowchart | Fungus.Flowchart | Flowchart containing the Block. If none is specified, the parent Flowchart is used.
Block Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the Block to stop
Block Name | Fungus.StringData | Name of the Block to stop
# Stop Flowchart # {#StopFlowchart}
Stops execution of all Blocks in a Flowchart
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopFlowchart
Defined in Fungus.StopFlowchart
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -122,11 +122,20 @@ Target Flowcharts | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Fungus.Flowchart] | Stop a
# Wait # {#Wait}
Waits for period of time before executing the next command in the block.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Wait
Defined in Fungus.Wait
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Duration to wait for
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Duration to wait for
# WaitFrames # {#WaitFrames}
Waits for a number of frames before executing the next command in the block.
Defined in Fungus.WaitFrames
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Frame Count | Fungus.IntegerData | Number of frames to wait for
# WaitInput # {#WaitInput}
Waits for a period of time or for player input before executing the next command in the block.
@ -140,14 +149,14 @@ Duration | System.Single | Duration to wait for. If negative will wait until pla
# While # {#While}
Continuously loop through a block of commands while the condition is true. Use the Break command to force the loop to terminate immediately.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.While
Defined in Fungus.While
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to use in expression
Boolean Data | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Boolean Data | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to compare against
Integer Data | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer value to compare against
Float Data | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to compare against
String Data | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to compare against
Compare Operator | Fungus.CompareOperator | The type of comparison to be performed


@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Key Pressed # {#KeyPressed}
The block will execute when a key press event occurs.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.KeyPressed
Defined in Fungus.KeyPressed
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Key Press Type | Fungus.EventHandlers.KeyPressType | The type of keypress to activate on
Key Press Type | Fungus.KeyPressType | The type of keypress to activate on
Key Code | UnityEngine.KeyCode | Keycode of the key to activate on


@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
# Look From # {#LookFrom}
Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.LookFrom
Defined in Fungus.LookFrom
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_from Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will look at
_from Position | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will look at, if no From Transform is set
Axis | Fungus.Commands.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_from Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will look at
_from Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will look at, if no From Transform is set
Axis | Fungus.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Look To # {#LookTo}
Rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.LookTo
Defined in Fungus.LookTo
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_to Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will look at
_to Position | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will look at, if no From Transform is set
Axis | Fungus.Commands.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will look at
_to Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will look at, if no From Transform is set
Axis | Fungus.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Move Add # {#MoveAdd}
Moves a game object by a specified offset over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.MoveAdd
Defined in Fungus.MoveAdd
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_offset | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_offset | Fungus.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Space | UnityEngine.Space | Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Move From # {#MoveFrom}
Moves a game object from a specified position back to its starting position over time. The position can be defined by a transform in another object (using To Transform) or by setting an absolute position (using To Position, if To Transform is set to None).
Defined in Fungus.Commands.MoveFrom
Defined in Fungus.MoveFrom
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_from Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move from
_from Position | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move from, if no From Transform is set
_from Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move from
_from Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move from, if no From Transform is set
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Move To # {#MoveTo}
Moves a game object to a specified position over time. The position can be defined by a transform in another object (using To Transform) or by setting an absolute position (using To Position, if To Transform is set to None).
Defined in Fungus.Commands.MoveTo
Defined in Fungus.MoveTo
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_to Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move to
_to Position | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move to
_to Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Punch Position # {#PunchPosition}
Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PunchPosition
Defined in Fungus.PunchPosition
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Space | UnityEngine.Space | Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Punch Rotation # {#PunchRotation}
Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PunchRotation
Defined in Fungus.PunchRotation
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Space | UnityEngine.Space | Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Punch Scale # {#PunchScale}
Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.PunchScale
Defined in Fungus.PunchScale
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Rotate Add # {#RotateAdd}
Rotates a game object by the specified angles over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.RotateAdd
Defined in Fungus.RotateAdd
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_offset | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_offset | Fungus.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Space | UnityEngine.Space | Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Rotate From # {#RotateFrom}
Rotates a game object from the specified angles back to its starting orientation over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.RotateFrom
Defined in Fungus.RotateFrom
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_from Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will rotate from
_from Rotation | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate from, if no From Transform is set
_from Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will rotate from
_from Rotation | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate from, if no From Transform is set
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -178,16 +178,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Rotate To # {#RotateTo}
Rotates a game object to the specified angles over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.RotateTo
Defined in Fungus.RotateTo
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_to Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will rotate to
_to Rotation | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will rotate to
_to Rotation | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Scale Add # {#ScaleAdd}
Changes a game object's scale by a specified offset over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ScaleAdd
Defined in Fungus.ScaleAdd
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_offset | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_offset | Fungus.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -212,15 +212,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Scale From # {#ScaleFrom}
Changes a game object's scale to the specified value and back to its original scale over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ScaleFrom
Defined in Fungus.ScaleFrom
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_from Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will scale from
_from Scale | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale from, if no From Transform is set
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_from Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will scale from
_from Scale | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale from, if no From Transform is set
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -229,15 +229,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Scale To # {#ScaleTo}
Changes a game object's scale to a specified value over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ScaleTo
Defined in Fungus.ScaleTo
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_to Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will scale to
_to Scale | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale to, if no To Transform is set
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will scale to
_to Scale | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale to, if no To Transform is set
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Shake Position # {#ShakePosition}
Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShakePosition
Defined in Fungus.ShakePosition
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A translation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
Axis | Fungus.Commands.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Axis | Fungus.iTweenAxis | Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -264,15 +264,15 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Shake Rotation # {#ShakeRotation}
Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShakeRotation
Defined in Fungus.ShakeRotation
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to
Space | UnityEngine.Space | Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Shake Scale # {#ShakeScale}
Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShakeScale
Defined in Fungus.ShakeScale
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_amount | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_amount | Fungus.Vector3Data | A scale offset in space the GameObject will animate to
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | An individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
Ease Type | Fungus.iTween+EaseType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type | Fungus.iTween+LoopType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously added iTweens on this object before adding this iTween
@ -297,13 +297,13 @@ Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before
# Stop Tween # {#StopTween}
Stops an active iTween by name.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopTween
Defined in Fungus.StopTween
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_tween Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Stop and destroy any Tweens in current scene with the supplied name
_tween Name | Fungus.StringData | Stop and destroy any Tweens in current scene with the supplied name
# Stop Tweens # {#StopTweens}
Stop all active iTweens in the current scene.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopTweens
Defined in Fungus.StopTweens


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Clear Menu # {#ClearMenu}
Clears the options from a menu dialogue
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ClearMenu
Defined in Fungus.ClearMenu
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Menu Dialog | Fungus.MenuDialog | Menu Dialog to clear the options on
# Control Stage # {#ControlStage}
Controls the stage on which character portraits are displayed.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ControlStage
Defined in Fungus.ControlStage
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ Replaced Stage | Fungus.Stage | Stage to swap with
Use Default Settings | System.Boolean | Use Default Settings
Fade Duration | System.Single | Fade Duration
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command
Display | Fungus.Commands.StageDisplayType | Display type
Display | Fungus.StageDisplayType | Display type
# Conversation # {#Conversation}
Do multiple say and portrait commands in a single block of text. Format is: [character] [portrait] [stage position] [: Story text]
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Conversation
Defined in Fungus.Conversation
# Menu # {#Menu}
Displays a button in a multiple choice menu
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Menu
Defined in Fungus.Menu
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -39,23 +39,23 @@ Text | System.String | Text to display on the menu button
Description | System.String | Notes about the option text for other authors, localization, etc.
Target Block | Fungus.Block | Block to execute when this option is selected
Hide If Visited | System.Boolean | Hide this option if the target block has been executed previously
Interactable | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | If false, the menu option will be displayed but will not be selectable
Interactable | Fungus.BooleanData | If false, the menu option will be displayed but will not be selectable
Set Menu Dialog | Fungus.MenuDialog | A custom Menu Dialog to use to display this menu. All subsequent Menu commands will use this dialog.
# Menu Timer # {#MenuTimer}
Displays a timer bar and executes a target block if the player fails to select a menu option in time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.MenuTimer
Defined in Fungus.MenuTimer
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Length of time to display the timer for
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Length of time to display the timer for
Target Block | Fungus.Block | Block to execute when the timer expires
# Portrait # {#Portrait}
Controls a character portrait.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Portrait
Defined in Fungus.Portrait
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ Replaced Character | Fungus.Character | Character to swap with
Portrait | UnityEngine.Sprite | Portrait to display
Offset | Fungus.PositionOffset | Move the portrait from/to this offset position
From Position | UnityEngine.RectTransform | Move the portrait from this position
To Position | UnityEngine.RectTransform | Move the portrait to this positoin
To Position | UnityEngine.RectTransform | Move the portrait to this position
Facing | Fungus.FacingDirection | Direction character is facing
Use Default Settings | System.Boolean | Use Default Settings
Fade Duration | System.Single | Fade Duration
Move Duration | System.Single | Movement Duration
Shift Offset | UnityEngine.Vector2 | Shift Offset
Move | System.Boolean | Move
Shift Into Place | System.Boolean | Start from offset
Move | System.Boolean | Move portrait into new position
Shift Into Place | System.Boolean | Start from offset position
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command
Display | Fungus.DisplayType | Display type
# Say # {#Say}
Writes text in a dialog box.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Say
Defined in Fungus.Say
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ Set Say Dialog | Fungus.SayDialog | Sets the active Say dialog with a reference
# Set Language # {#SetLanguage}
Set the active language for the scene. A Localization object with a localization file must be present in the scene.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetLanguage
Defined in Fungus.SetLanguage
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_language Code | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Code of the language to set. e.g. ES, DE, JA
_language Code | Fungus.StringData | Code of the language to set. e.g. ES, DE, JA
# Set Menu Dialog # {#SetMenuDialog}
Sets a custom menu dialog to use when displaying multiple choice menus
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetMenuDialog
Defined in Fungus.SetMenuDialog
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Menu Dialog | Fungus.MenuDialog | The Menu Dialog to use for displaying menu but
# Set Say Dialog # {#SetSayDialog}
Sets a custom say dialog to use when displaying story text
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetSayDialog
Defined in Fungus.SetSayDialog
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Comment # {#Comment}
Use comments to record design notes and reminders about your game.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Comment
Defined in Fungus.Comment
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Comment Text | System.String | Text to display for this comment
# Call Method # {#CallMethod}
Calls a named method on a GameObject using the GameObject.SendMessage() system.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.CallMethod
Defined in Fungus.CallMethod
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -25,26 +25,26 @@ Delay | System.Single | Delay (in seconds) before the method will be called
# Debug Log # {#DebugLog}
Writes a log message to the debug console.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.DebugLog
Defined in Fungus.DebugLog
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Log Type | Fungus.Commands.DebugLogType | Display type of debug log info
Log Message | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | Text to write to the debug log. Supports variable substitution, e.g. {$Myvar}
Log Type | Fungus.DebugLogType | Display type of debug log info
Log Message | Fungus.StringDataMulti | Text to write to the debug log. Supports variable substitution, e.g. {$Myvar}
# Destroy # {#Destroy}
Destroys a specified game object in the scene.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Destroy
Defined in Fungus.Destroy
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_target Game Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Reference to game object to destroy
_target Game Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Reference to game object to destroy
# Execute Lua # {#ExecuteLua}
Executes a Lua code chunk using a Lua Environment.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ExecuteLua
Defined in Fungus.ExecuteLua
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -58,25 +58,26 @@ Return Variable | Fungus.Variable | A Flowchart variable to store the returned v
# Invoke Event # {#InvokeEvent}
Calls a list of component methods via the Unity Event System (as used in the Unity UI). This command is more efficient than the Invoke Method command but can only pass a single parameter and doesn't support return values.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.InvokeEvent
Defined in Fungus.InvokeEvent
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Delay | System.Single | Delay (in seconds) before the methods will be called
Invoke Type | Fungus.InvokeType | Selects type of method parameter to pass
Static Event | UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with no parameters or exactly one string, int, float or object parameter.
Boolean Parameter | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Boolean parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Boolean Event | Fungus.Commands.InvokeEvent+BooleanEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one boolean parameter.
Integer Parameter | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Integer parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Integer Event | Fungus.Commands.InvokeEvent+IntegerEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one integer parameter.
Float Parameter | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Float Event | Fungus.Commands.InvokeEvent+FloatEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one float parameter.
String Parameter | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
String Event | Fungus.Commands.InvokeEvent+StringEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one string parameter.
Boolean Parameter | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Boolean Event | Fungus.InvokeEvent+BooleanEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one boolean parameter.
Integer Parameter | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Integer Event | Fungus.InvokeEvent+IntegerEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one integer parameter.
Float Parameter | Fungus.FloatData | Float parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Float Event | Fungus.InvokeEvent+FloatEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one float parameter.
String Parameter | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
String Event | Fungus.InvokeEvent+StringEvent | List of methods to call. Supports methods with one string parameter.
# Invoke Method # {#InvokeMethod}
Invokes a method of a component via reflection. Supports passing multiple parameters and storing returned values in a Fungus variable.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.InvokeMethod
Defined in Fungus.InvokeMethod
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -86,41 +87,41 @@ Target Component Fullname | System.String | Full name of the target component
Target Component Text | System.String | Display name of the target component
Target Method | System.String | Name of target method to invoke on the target component
Target Method Text | System.String | Display name of target method to invoke on the target component
Method Parameters | Fungus.Commands.InvokeMethodParameter[] | List of parameters to pass to the invoked method
Method Parameters | Fungus.InvokeMethodParameter[] | List of parameters to pass to the invoked method
Save Return Value | System.Boolean | If true, store the return value in a flowchart variable of the same type.
Return Value Variable Key | System.String | Name of Fungus variable to store the return value in
Return Value Type | System.String | The type of the return value
Show Inherited | System.Boolean | If true, list all inherited methods for the component
Call Mode | Fungus.Commands.CallMode | The coroutine call behavior for methods that return IEnumerator
Call Mode | Fungus.CallMode | The coroutine call behavior for methods that return IEnumerator
# Open URL # {#OpenURL}
Opens the specified URL in the browser.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.LinkToWebsite
Defined in Fungus.LinkToWebsite
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Url | Fungus.Variables.StringData | URL to open in the browser
Url | Fungus.StringData | URL to open in the browser
# Set Active # {#SetActive}
Sets a game object in the scene to be active / inactive.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetActive
Defined in Fungus.SetActive
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_target Game Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Reference to game object to enable / disable
Active State | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the game object
_target Game Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Reference to game object to enable / disable
Active State | Fungus.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the game object
# Spawn Object # {#SpawnObject}
Spawns a new object based on a reference to a scene or prefab game object.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SpawnObject
Defined in Fungus.SpawnObject
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
_source Object | Fungus.Variables.GameObjectData | Game object to copy when spawning. Can be a scene object or a prefab.
_parent Transform | Fungus.Variables.TransformData | Transform to use for position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Position | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Local position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Rotation | Fungus.Variables.Vector3Data | Local rotation of newly spawned object.
_source Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Game object to copy when spawning. Can be a scene object or a prefab.
_parent Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Transform to use for position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Local position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Rotation | Fungus.Vector3Data | Local rotation of newly spawned object.


@ -4,50 +4,50 @@
# Fade Sprite # {#FadeSprite}
Fades a sprite to a target color over a period of time.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeSprite
Defined in Fungus.FadeSprite
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Sprite Renderer | UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer | Sprite object to be faded
_duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Length of time to perform the fade
_target Color | Fungus.Variables.ColorData | Target color to fade to. To only fade transparency level, set the color to white and set the alpha to required transparency.
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Length of time to perform the fade
_target Color | Fungus.ColorData | Target color to fade to. To only fade transparency level, set the color to white and set the alpha to required transparency.
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the fade has finished before executing the next command
# Set Clickable 2D # {#SetClickable2D}
Sets a Clickable2D component to be clickable / non-clickable.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetClickable2D
Defined in Fungus.SetClickable2D
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Clickable2 D | Fungus.Clickable2D | Reference to Clickable2D component on a gameobject
Active State | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the component
Active State | Fungus.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the component
# Set Collider # {#SetCollider}
Sets all collider (2d or 3d) components on the target objects to be active / inactive
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetCollider
Defined in Fungus.SetCollider
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Objects | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] | A list of gameobjects containing collider components to be set active / inactive
Target Tag | System.String | All objects with this tag will have their collider set active / inactive
Active State | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the collider components
Active State | Fungus.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the collider components
# Set Draggable 2D # {#SetDraggable2D}
Sets a Draggable2D component to be draggable / non-draggable.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetDraggable2D
Defined in Fungus.SetDraggable2D
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Draggable2 D | Fungus.Draggable2D | Reference to Draggable2D component on a gameobject
Active State | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the component
Active State | Fungus.BooleanData | Set to true to enable the component
# Set Mouse Cursor # {#SetMouseCursor}
Sets the mouse cursor sprite.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetMouseCursor
Defined in Fungus.SetMouseCursor
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Hot Spot | UnityEngine.Vector2 | The offset from the top left of the texture to
# Set Sorting Layer # {#SetSortingLayer}
Sets the Renderer sorting layer of every child of a game object. Applies to all Renderers (including mesh, skinned mesh, and sprite).
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetSortingLayer
Defined in Fungus.SetSortingLayer
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -67,21 +67,21 @@ Sorting Layer | System.String | The New Layer Name to apply
# Set Sprite Order # {#SetSpriteOrder}
Controls the render order of sprites by setting the Order In Layer property of a list of sprites.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetSpriteOrder
Defined in Fungus.SetSpriteOrder
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Sprites | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer] | List of sprites to set the order in layer property on
Order In Layer | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | The order in layer value to set on the target sprites
Order In Layer | Fungus.IntegerData | The order in layer value to set on the target sprites
# Show Sprite # {#ShowSprite}
Makes a sprite visible / invisible by setting the color alpha.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShowSprite
Defined in Fungus.ShowSprite
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Sprite Renderer | UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer | Sprite object to be made visible / invisible
_visible | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Make the sprite visible or invisible
_visible | Fungus.BooleanData | Make the sprite visible or invisible
Affect Children | System.Boolean | Affect the visibility of child sprites


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Drag Cancelled # {#DragCancelled}
The block will execute when the player drags an object and releases it without dropping it on a target object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.DragCancelled
Defined in Fungus.DragCancelled
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Draggable Object | Fungus.Draggable2D | Draggable object to listen for drag even
# Drag Completed # {#DragCompleted}
The block will execute when the player drags an object and successfully drops it on a target object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.DragCompleted
Defined in Fungus.DragCompleted
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Target Object | UnityEngine.Collider2D | Drag target object to listen for drag e
# Drag Entered # {#DragEntered}
The block will execute when the player is dragging an object which starts touching the target object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.DragEntered
Defined in Fungus.DragEntered
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Target Object | UnityEngine.Collider2D | Drag target object to listen for drag e
# Drag Exited # {#DragExited}
The block will execute when the player is dragging an object which stops touching the target object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.DragExited
Defined in Fungus.DragExited
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ Target Object | UnityEngine.Collider2D | Drag target object to listen for drag e
# Drag Started # {#DragStarted}
The block will execute when the player starts dragging an object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.DragStarted
Defined in Fungus.DragStarted
# Object Clicked # {#ObjectClicked}
The block will execute when the user clicks or taps on the clickable object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.ObjectClicked
Defined in Fungus.ObjectClicked
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---


@ -4,66 +4,89 @@
# Fade UI # {#FadeUI}
Fades a UI object
Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeUI
Defined in Fungus.FadeUI
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Objects | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] | List of objects to be affected by the tween
Tween Type | LeanTweenType | Type of tween easing to apply
Wait Until Finished | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Wait until this command completes before continuing execution
Duration | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Time for the tween to complete
Wait Until Finished | Fungus.BooleanData | Wait until this command completes before continuing execution
Duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time for the tween to complete
# Get Text # {#GetText}
Gets the text property from a UI Text object and stores it in a string variable.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.GetText
Defined in Fungus.GetText
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Text Object | UnityEngine.GameObject | Text object to get text value from
String Variable | Fungus.Variables.StringVariable | String variable to store the text value in
String Variable | Fungus.StringVariable | String variable to store the text value in
# Get Toggle State # {#GetToggleState}
Gets the state of a toggle UI object and stores it in a boolean variable.
Defined in Fungus.GetToggleState
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Toggle | UnityEngine.UI.Toggle | Target toggle object to get the value from
Toggle State | Fungus.BooleanVariable | Boolean variable to store the state of the toggle value in.
# Set Interactable # {#SetInteractable}
Set the interactable sate of selectable objects.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetInteractable
Defined in Fungus.SetInteractable
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Objects | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] | List of objects to be affected by the command
Interactable State | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Controls if the selectable UI object be interactable or not
Interactable State | Fungus.BooleanData | Controls if the selectable UI object be interactable or not
# Set Slider Value # {#SetSliderValue}
Sets the value property of a slider object
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetSliderValue
Defined in Fungus.SetSliderValue
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Slider | UnityEngine.UI.Slider | Target slider object to set the value on
Value | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float value to set the slider value to.
Value | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to set the slider value to.
# Set Text # {#SetText}
Sets the text property on a UI Text object and/or an Input Field object.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetText
Defined in Fungus.SetText
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Text Object | UnityEngine.GameObject | Text object to set text on. Can be a UI Text, Text Field or Text Mesh object.
Text | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to assign to the text object
Text | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to assign to the text object
Description | System.String | Notes about this story text for other authors, localization, etc.
# Set Toggle State # {#SetToggleState}
Sets the state of a toggle UI object
Defined in Fungus.SetToggleState
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Toggle | UnityEngine.UI.Toggle | Target toggle object to set the state on
Value | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to set the toggle state to.
# Write # {#Write}
Writes content to a UI Text or Text Mesh object.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Write
Defined in Fungus.Write
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Text Object | UnityEngine.GameObject | Text object to set text on. Text, Input Field and Text Mesh objects are supported.
Text | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to assign to the text object
Text | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to assign to the text object
Description | System.String | Notes about this story text for other authors, localization, etc.
Clear Text | System.Boolean | Clear existing text before writing new text
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until this command finishes before executing the next command
Text Color | Fungus.TextColor | Color mode to apply to the text.
Set Alpha | Fungus.FloatData | Alpha to apply to the text.
Set Color | Fungus.ColorData | Color to apply to the text.


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Button Clicked # {#ButtonClicked}
The block will execute when the user clicks on the target UI button object.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.ButtonClicked
Defined in Fungus.ButtonClicked
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -13,9 +13,19 @@ Target Button | UnityEngine.UI.Button | The UI Button that the user can click on
# End Edit # {#EndEdit}
The block will execute when the user finishes editing the text in the input field.
Defined in Fungus.EventHandlers.EndEdit
Defined in Fungus.EndEdit
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Input Field | UnityEngine.UI.InputField | The UI Input Field that the user can enter text into
# Toggle Changed # {#ToggleChanged}
The block will execute when the state of the target UI toggle object changes. The state of the toggle is stored in the Toggle State boolean variable.
Defined in Fungus.ToggleChanged
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Target Toggle | UnityEngine.UI.Toggle | The block will execute when the state of the target UI toggle object changes.
Toggle State | Fungus.BooleanVariable | The new state of the UI toggle object is stored in this boolean variable.


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Delete Save Key # {#DeleteSaveKey}
Deletes a saved value from permanent storage.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.DeleteSaveKey
Defined in Fungus.DeleteSaveKey
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Key | System.String | Name of the saved value. Supports variable substition e.g.
# Load Variable # {#LoadVariable}
Loads a saved value and stores it in a Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable. If the key is not found then the variable is not modified.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.LoadVariable
Defined in Fungus.LoadVariable
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -23,39 +23,39 @@ Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to store the value in.
# Random Float # {#RandomFloat}
Sets an float variable to a random value in the defined range.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.RandomFloat
Defined in Fungus.RandomFloat
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variables.FloatVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Maximum value for random range
Variable | Fungus.FloatVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.FloatData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.FloatData | Maximum value for random range
# Random Integer # {#RandomInteger}
Sets an integer variable to a random value in the defined range.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.RandomInteger
Defined in Fungus.RandomInteger
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variables.IntegerVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Maximum value for random range
Variable | Fungus.IntegerVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.IntegerData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.IntegerData | Maximum value for random range
# Read Text File # {#ReadTextFile}
Reads in a text file and stores the contents in a string variable
Defined in Fungus.Commands.ReadTextFile
Defined in Fungus.ReadTextFile
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Text File | UnityEngine.TextAsset | Text file to read into the string variable
String Variable | Fungus.Variables.StringVariable | String variable to store the tex file contents in
String Variable | Fungus.StringVariable | String variable to store the tex file contents in
# Reset # {#Reset}
Resets the state of all commands and variables in the Flowchart.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.Reset
Defined in Fungus.Reset
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Reset Variables | System.Boolean | Reset variables back to their default values
# Save Variable # {#SaveVariable}
Save an Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable to persistent storage using a string key. The value can be loaded again later using the Load Variable command. You can also use the Set Save Profile command to manage separate save profiles for multiple players.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SaveVariable
Defined in Fungus.SaveVariable
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to read the value from. Only Boolean, Inte
# Set Save Profile # {#SetSaveProfile}
Sets the active profile that the Save Variable and Load Variable commands will use. This is useful to crete multiple player save games. Once set, the profile applies across all Flowcharts and will also persist across scene loads.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetSaveProfile
Defined in Fungus.SetSaveProfile
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ Save Profile Name | System.String | Name of save profile to make active.
# Set Variable # {#SetVariable}
Sets a Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable to a new value using a simple arithmetic operation. The value can be a constant or reference another variable of the same type.
Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetVariable
Defined in Fungus.SetVariable
Property | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variable | The variable whos value will be set
Set Operator | Fungus.Commands.SetOperator | The type of math operation to be performed
Boolean Data | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | Boolean value to set with
Integer Data | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Integer value to set with
Float Data | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Float value to set with
String Data | Fungus.Variables.StringDataMulti | String value to set with
Set Operator | Fungus.SetOperator | The type of math operation to be performed
Boolean Data | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to set with
Integer Data | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer value to set with
Float Data | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to set with
String Data | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to set with
