We aim to maintain backwards compatibility with each new release (to a reasonable extent).
- Projects should work correctly after upgrading to a newer %Fungus version. Minor behavior changes are acceptable.
- Custom code which uses the %Fungus API should compile without error after upgrading. Minor compile errors that are trivial to fix are sometimes acceptable.
- There are loads of %Fungus tutorial videos and articles on the Internet, so avoid changing the UI too dramatically. Small UI tweaks and adding new controls is acceptable.
- We support Unity 5.0+ so beware of API differences in newer versions. If in doubt, install Unity 5.0 and test your changes.
# Contributing # {#contributing}
We welcome pull requests from everyone. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by the @ref code_of_conduct. You also agree that by submitting a pull request for this project, your contribution will be licensed under the [Open Source license] for this project.
- Fork and clone the %Fungus repo.
- Make sure the tests pass locally (see the project readme for instructions).
- Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass locally.
- Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
Your pull request will have a better chance of being accepted if you do the following:
- Send one pull request for each new feature / bug fix. It's time consuming to review multi-feature changes and we won't merge a change unless we know exactly what it does.
- Write tests for each change / new feature (not always possible)
- Follow our coding standard (see above)
- Write a [good commit message][commit].
[commit]: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
[fork a repo]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/