11 changed files with 149 additions and 229 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# GameObject commands # {#gameobject_commands} |
[TOC] |
# Instantiate # {#Instantiate} |
Instantiate a game object |
Defined in Fungus.SpawnObject |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_source Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Game object to copy when spawning. Can be a scene object or a prefab. |
_parent Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Transform to use as parent during instantiate. |
_spawn At Self | Fungus.BooleanData | If true, will use the Transfrom of this Flowchart for the position and rotation. |
_spawn Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Local position of newly spawned object. |
_spawn Rotation | Fungus.Vector3Data | Local rotation of newly spawned object. |
_newly Spawned Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Optional variable to store the GameObject that was just created. |
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# Input Commands # {#input_commands} |
Commands that interact with UnityEngine.Input |
# Input commands # {#input_commands} |
[TOC] |
# Move # {#Move} |
Moves a game object to a specified position over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
# GetAxis # {#GetAxis} |
Store Input.GetAxis in a variable |
Defined in Fungus.MoveLean |
Defined in Fungus.GetAxis |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
axisName | Fungus.StringData | Input Axis name, defined in [InputManager](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-InputManager.html) |
axisRaw | System.Boolean | If true, calls GetAxisRaw instead of GetAxis |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Float to store the value of the GetAxis. |
Axis Raw | System.Boolean | If true, calls GetAxisRaw instead of GetAxis |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Float to store the value of the GetAxis |
@ -1,74 +1,72 @@
# LeanTween commands # {#leanTween_commands} |
Fungus Commands that apply [LeanTweens](http://dentedpixel.com/LeanTweenDocumentation/classes/LeanTween.html) to a GameObject. |
# LeanTween commands # {#leantween_commands} |
[TOC] |
# Move # {#Move} |
Moves a game object to a specified position over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
Moves a game object to a specified position over time. The position can be defined by a transform in another object (using To Transform) or by setting an absolute position (using To Position, if To Transform is set to None). |
Defined in Fungus.MoveLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move to. Often easier to configure tweens with the use of a target gameobject than a hard coded world position. (if this is not set then the _toPosition vector3 will be used) |
_toPosition | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set. This is only used if the _toTransform is null |
isLocal | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move to |
_to Position | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set |
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete |
_to From | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom | Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current |
_abs Add | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd | Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current. |
Ease Type | LeanTweenType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation |
Loop Type | LeanTweenType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed |
Repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command |
# Scale # {#Scale} |
Scales a game object to a specified scale over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
# Rotate # {#Rotate} |
Rotates a game object to the specified angles over time. |
Defined in Fungus.ScaleLean |
Defined in Fungus.RotateLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Target scale for the tween to use. If null then the _toScale vector3 is used instead. |
_toScale | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale to. Only used if _toTransform is null. Default is 1,1,1 |
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will rotate to |
_to Rotation | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set |
Is Local | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
Rotate Mode | Fungus.RotateLean+RotateMode | Whether to use the provided Transform or Vector as a target to look at rather than a euler to match. |
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete |
_to From | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom | Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current |
_abs Add | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd | Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current. |
Ease Type | LeanTweenType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation |
Loop Type | LeanTweenType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed |
Repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command |
# Rotate # {#Rotate} |
Rotate a game object to a specified rotation (matching another transform or eulerAngle) over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
# Scale # {#Scale} |
Changes a game object's scale to a specified value over time. |
Defined in Fungus.RotateLean |
Defined in Fungus.ScaleLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Rotation for the tween to match. If not set _toRotation will be used. |
_ToRotation | Fungus.FloatData | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set |
isLocal | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
rotateMode | System.Enum | 'PureRotate', 'LookAt2D' or 'LookAt3D'. Determines how to use the supplied rotation information. PureRotate is a simply euler/quaternion match. LookAt2D matches the euler z only. LookAt3D rotations the objects forward to point at the given direction/target. |
_to Transform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will scale to |
_to Scale | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale to, if no To Transform is set |
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object to apply the Tween to |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | The time in seconds the animation will take to complete |
_to From | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom | Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current |
_abs Add | Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd | Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current. |
Ease Type | LeanTweenType | The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation |
Loop Type | LeanTweenType | The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed |
Repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
Stop Previous Tweens | System.Boolean | Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command |
# Stop Tweens # {#StopTweens} |
Stops the all active LeanTweens, made by fungus or otherwise, on the target GameObject |
# StopTweens # {#StopTweens} |
Stops the LeanTweens on a target GameObject |
Defined in Fungus.StopTweensLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object stop LeanTweens on |
@ -1,201 +1,161 @@
# Math commands # {#math_commands} |
Provides a way for Fungus.FloatData to be used in conjunction with most of [Mathf](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.html) and more. |
[TOC] |
# Abs # {#Abs} |
Sets the outValue to the be Absolute value of the inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Abs |
Defined in Fungus.Abs |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Clamp # {#Clamp} |
Sets the outValue to the result of a clamp of value, between lower and upper. |
Command to contain a value between a lower and upper bound, with optional wrapping modes |
Defined in Fungus.Clamp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
mode | System.Enum | Clamp or Repeat or Pingpong. See [Repeat and Pingpong](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.html) for more details. |
lower | Fungus.FloatData | The lower bound of the clamp |
upper | Fungus.FloatData | The upper bound of the clamp |
value | Fungus.FloatData | The value to be clamped |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Result put here, if using pingpong don't use the same var for value as outValue. |
# Curve # {#Curve} |
Sets the outValue to the evaluation at inValue of the supplied animation curve. Useful for non linearly remapping values. |
Pass a value through an AnimationCurve |
Defined in Fungus.Curve |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
curve | Unity.AnimationCurve | See [AnimationCurve](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/AnimationCurve.html) for more info. Defaults to a Linear 0,0, to 1,1 AnimationCurve. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Exp # {#Exp} |
Sets the outValue to the be Exp (e^) value of the inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Exp |
Defined in Fungus.Exp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Inv # {#Inv} |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative inverse of the inValue, 1 / inValue. |
# Inverse # {#Inverse} |
Multiplicative Inverse of a float (1/f) |
Defined in Fungus.Inv |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# InvLerp # {#InvLerp} |
Sets the outValue to the Calculates the inverse lerp, the percentage a value is between two others. |
Calculates the inverse lerp, the percentage a value is between two others. |
Defined in Fungus.InvLerp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
clampResult | System.Boolean | Clamp percentage to 0-1? |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to determine precentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Clamp Result | System.Boolean | Clamp percentage to 0-1? |
# Lerp # {#Lerp} |
Sets the outValue to the linear interpolation of a percentage between two other values. |
Linearly Interpolate from A to B |
Defined in Fungus.Lerp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
mode | System.Enum | Lerp or LerpUnclamped or LerpAngle. See [Lerp functions in Mathf](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.html) for more details. |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range, default 0. |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range, default 1. |
percentage | Fungus.FloatData | percentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# Log # {#Log} |
Sets the outValue to the be Log or Ln of the inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Log |
Defined in Fungus.Log |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Base10 or Natural. Base10 is the standard Log, Natural log is often seen as Ln. |
Mode | Fungus.Log+Mode | Which log to use, natural or base 10 |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Map # {#Map} |
Sets the outValue mapping of a value that currently exists between a set of numbers to another set of numbers. |
E.g. a value of 5 between 0 and 10, mapped to 0-20 would result in 10. |
Does not clamp between ranges, use a Fungus.Clamp before or after this command for that if is desired. |
Map a value that exists in 1 range of numbers to another. |
Defined in Fungus.Map |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
initialRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the initial range, default 0. |
initialRangeupper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the initial range, default 1. |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be mapped from initial to new range. |
newRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the new target range, default 0. |
newRangeUpper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the new target range, default 1. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# MinMax # {#MinMax} |
Sets the outValue to minimum or the maximum of 2 given values. |
Command to store the min or max of 2 values |
Defined in Fungus.MinMax |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
function | System.Enum | Min or Max. |
inLHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | lhs given to min or max function. |
inRHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | rhs given to min or max function. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function min or max. |
Function | Fungus.MinMax+Function | Min Or Max |
# Neg # {#Neg} |
Sets the outValue to the be addative inverse of the inValue, becomes -inValue. |
# Negate # {#Negate} |
Negate a float |
Defined in Fungus.Neg |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Pow # {#Pow} |
Sets the outValue to result of a base value rasied to an exponent. |
E.g. 2^5 |
2 is the base |
5 is the exponent. |
Raise a value to the power of another. |
Defined in Fungus.Pow |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
baseValue | Fungus.FloatData | Base value. |
exponentValue | Fungus.FloatData | Exponent value |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the pow function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Round # {#Round} |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded result of inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Round |
Defined in Fungus.Round |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Round or Floor or Ceil. Round is closest whole number, Floor is the smaller whole number, Ceil is the larger whole number. |
Function | Fungus.Round+Mode | Mode; Round (closest), floor(smaller) or ceil(bigger). |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Sign # {#Sign} |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative sign of the inValue. -1 for negative number otherwise it is 1. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Sign |
Defined in Fungus.Sign |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Sqrt # {#Sqrt} |
Sets the outValue to the be square root of the inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a Sqrt |
Defined in Fungus.Sqrt |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# ToInt # {#ToInt} |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded to Int result of inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of a float to int conversion |
Defined in Fungus.ToInt |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | RoundToInt or FloorToInt or CeilToInt. Round is closest integer, Floor is the smaller integer, Ceil is the larger integer. |
Function | Fungus.ToInt+Mode | To integer mode; round, floor or ceil. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.IntegerData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
# Trig # {#Trig} |
Sets the outValue to the of a trigonmetric function performed on inValue. |
Command to execute and store the result of basic trigonometry |
Defined in Fungus.Trig |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
function | System.Enum | Rad2Deg, Deg2Rad, ACos, ASin, ATan, Cos, Sin, Tan. Default is Sin. |
Function | Fungus.Trig+Function | Trigonometric function to run. |
In Value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be passed in to the function. |
Out Value | Fungus.FloatData | Where the result of the function is stored. |
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# Rigidbody2D Commands # {#rigidbody2d_commands} |
Commands that interact with [UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rigidbody2D.html) & Fungus.Rigidbody2DVariable |
# Rigidbody2D commands # {#rigidbody2d_commands} |
[TOC] |
# AddTorque2D # {#AddTorque2D} |
Add Torque to a Rigidbody2D. |
# AddForce2D # {#AddForce2D} |
Add force to a Rigidbody2D |
Defined in Fungus.AddTorque2D |
Defined in Fungus.AddForce2D |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
rb | Fungus.Rigidbody2DData | Targeted rigidbody2d |
forceMode | Unity.ForceMode2D | Parameter given to AddTorque |
force | Fungus.FloatData | Amount of torque to be added |
Force | Fungus.Vector2Data | Vector of force to be added |
Force Scale Factor | Fungus.FloatData | Scale factor to be applied to force as it is used. |
At Position | Fungus.Vector2Data | World position the force is being applied from. Used only in AddForceAtPosition |
# AddForce2D # {#AddForce2D} |
Add Force to a Rigidbody2D. |
# AddTorque2D # {#AddTorque2D} |
Add Torque to a Rigidbody2D |
Defined in Fungus.AddForce2D |
Defined in Fungus.AddTorque2D |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
rb | Fungus.Rigidbody2DData | Targeted rigidbody2d |
forceMode | Unity.ForceMode2D | Parameter given to AddForce |
forceFunction | System.Enum | Which variant of AddForce to use (AddForce,AddForceAtPosition,AddRelativeForce) |
force | Fungus.Vector2DData | Amount of torque to be added |
forceScaleFactor | Fungus.FloatData | Scale factor to be applied to force as it is used. Default 1. |
atPosition | Fungus.Vector2DData | World position the force is being applied from. Used only in AddForceAtPosition |
Force | Fungus.FloatData | Amount of torque to be added |
# StopMotion2D # {#StopMotion2D} |
Stop motion or angularmotion or both of a rigidbody2d. |
Stop velocity and angular velocity on a Rigidbody2D |
Defined in Fungus.StopMotion2D |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
rb | Fungus.Rigidbody2DData | Targeted rigidbody2d |
motionToStop | System.Enum | Which motion to stop (Velocity,AngularVelocity,AngularAndLinearVelocity) |
Defined in Fungus.StopMotionRigidBody2D |
@ -1,49 +1,19 @@
# Vector3 Commands # {#vector3_commands} |
Commands that interact with and manipulate Fungus.Vector3Variable |
# Vector3 commands # {#vector3_commands} |
[TOC] |
# Arithmetic # {#Arithmetic} |
Vector3 add, sub, mul, div arithmetic |
Defined in Fungus.Vector3Arithmetic |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
lhs | Fungus.Vector3Data | Left hand side of the operation |
rhs | Fungus.Vector3Data | Right hand side of the operation |
output | Fungus.Vector3Data | Push result of operation into this variable |
operation | System.Enum | Operation to perform (Add,Sub,Mul,Div) |
# Fields # {#Fields} |
Get or Set the x,y,z fields of a vector3 via floatvars |
Defined in Fungus.Vector3Fields |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
getOrSet | System.Enum | Get or Set the fields of the Vector3. |
vec3 | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target Vector3. |
x | Fungus.FloatData | x field. |
y | Fungus.FloatData | y field. |
z | Fungus.FloatData | z field. |
# Normalise # {#Normalise} |
Normalise a vector3, output can be the same as the input. |
Normalise a Vector3 |
Defined in Fungus.Vector3Normalise |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
vec3In | Fungus.Vector3Data | Vector3 data to be normalised. |
vec3Out | Fungus.Vector3Data | Vector3 to store result of normalisation. |
# ToVector2 # {#ToVector2} |
Convert Fungus Vector3 to Fungus Vector2. |
Convert Fungus Vector3 to Fungus Vector2 |
Defined in Fungus.Vector3ToVector2 |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
vec3 | Fungus.Vector3Data | Vector3 data to be normalised. |
vec2 | Fungus.Vector3Data | Vector2 to store result of normalisation. |
Reference in new issue