// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus).
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE)
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.Serialization ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// Displays a button in a multiple choice menu.
/// </summary>
[ CommandInfo ( "Narrative" ,
"Menu" ,
"Displays a button in a multiple choice menu" ) ]
public class Menu : Command , ILocalizable , IBlockCaller
[Tooltip("Text to display on the menu button")]
[SerializeField] protected string text = "Option Text" ;
[Tooltip("Notes about the option text for other authors, localization, etc.")]
[SerializeField] protected string description = "" ;
[Tooltip("Block to execute when this option is selected")]
[SerializeField] protected Block targetBlock ;
[Tooltip("Hide this option if the target block has been executed previously")]
[SerializeField] protected bool hideIfVisited ;
[Tooltip("If false, the menu option will be displayed but will not be selectable")]
[SerializeField] protected BooleanData interactable = new BooleanData ( true ) ;
[Tooltip("A custom Menu Dialog to use to display this menu. All subsequent Menu commands will use this dialog.")]
[SerializeField] protected MenuDialog setMenuDialog ;
[Tooltip("If true, this option will be passed to the Menu Dialogue but marked as hidden, this can be used to hide options while maintaining a Menu Shuffle.")]
[SerializeField] protected BooleanData hideThisOption = new BooleanData ( false ) ;
#region Public members
public MenuDialog SetMenuDialog { get { return setMenuDialog ; } set { setMenuDialog = value ; } }
public override void OnEnter ( )
if ( setMenuDialog ! = null )
// Override the active menu dialog
MenuDialog . ActiveMenuDialog = setMenuDialog ;
bool hideOption = ( hideIfVisited & & targetBlock ! = null & & targetBlock . GetExecutionCount ( ) > 0 ) | | hideThisOption . Value ;
var menuDialog = MenuDialog . GetMenuDialog ( ) ;
if ( menuDialog ! = null )
menuDialog . SetActive ( true ) ;
var flowchart = GetFlowchart ( ) ;
string displayText = flowchart . SubstituteVariables ( text ) ;
menuDialog . AddOption ( displayText , interactable , hideOption , targetBlock ) ;
Continue ( ) ;
public override void GetConnectedBlocks ( ref List < Block > connectedBlocks )
if ( targetBlock ! = null )
connectedBlocks . Add ( targetBlock ) ;
public override string GetSummary ( )
if ( targetBlock = = null )
return "Error: No target block selected" ;
if ( text = = "" )
return "Error: No button text selected" ;
return text + " : " + targetBlock . BlockName ;
public override Color GetButtonColor ( )
return new Color32 ( 1 8 4 , 2 1 0 , 2 3 5 , 2 5 5 ) ;
public override bool HasReference ( Variable variable )
return interactable . booleanRef = = variable | | hideThisOption . booleanRef = = variable | |
base . HasReference ( variable ) ;
public bool MayCallBlock ( Block block )
return block = = targetBlock ;
public string GetLocationIdentifier ( )
return ParentBlock . GetFlowchart ( ) . GetName ( ) + ":" + ParentBlock . BlockName + ".Menu:" + CommandIndex . ToString ( ) ;
# endregion
#region ILocalizable implementation
public virtual string GetStandardText ( )
return text ;
public virtual void SetStandardText ( string standardText )
text = standardText ;
public virtual string GetDescription ( )
return description ;
public virtual string GetStringId ( )
// String id for Menu commands is MENU.<Localization Id>.<Command id>
return "MENU." + GetFlowchartLocalizationId ( ) + "." + itemId ;
# endregion
#region Editor caches
protected override void RefreshVariableCache ( )
base . RefreshVariableCache ( ) ;
var f = GetFlowchart ( ) ;
f . DetermineSubstituteVariables ( text , referencedVariables ) ;
# endif
#endregion Editor caches