// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus).
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE)
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
using Fungus.Commands ;
using Fungus.Utils ;
namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
[CustomEditor (typeof(Portrait))]
public class PortraitEditor : CommandEditor
protected SerializedProperty stageProp ;
protected SerializedProperty displayProp ;
protected SerializedProperty characterProp ;
protected SerializedProperty replacedCharacterProp ;
protected SerializedProperty portraitProp ;
protected SerializedProperty offsetProp ;
protected SerializedProperty fromPositionProp ;
protected SerializedProperty toPositionProp ;
protected SerializedProperty facingProp ;
protected SerializedProperty useDefaultSettingsProp ;
protected SerializedProperty fadeDurationProp ;
protected SerializedProperty moveDurationProp ;
protected SerializedProperty shiftOffsetProp ;
protected SerializedProperty waitUntilFinishedProp ;
protected SerializedProperty moveProp ;
protected SerializedProperty shiftIntoPlaceProp ;
protected virtual void OnEnable ( )
if ( NullTargetCheck ( ) ) // Check for an orphaned editor instance
return ;
stageProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "stage" ) ;
displayProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "display" ) ;
characterProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "character" ) ;
replacedCharacterProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "replacedCharacter" ) ;
portraitProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "portrait" ) ;
offsetProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "offset" ) ;
fromPositionProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "fromPosition" ) ;
toPositionProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "toPosition" ) ;
facingProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "facing" ) ;
useDefaultSettingsProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "useDefaultSettings" ) ;
fadeDurationProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "fadeDuration" ) ;
moveDurationProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "moveDuration" ) ;
shiftOffsetProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "shiftOffset" ) ;
waitUntilFinishedProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "waitUntilFinished" ) ;
moveProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "move" ) ;
shiftIntoPlaceProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "shiftIntoPlace" ) ;
public override void DrawCommandGUI ( )
serializedObject . Update ( ) ;
Portrait t = target as Portrait ;
if ( Stage . ActiveStages . Count > 1 )
CommandEditor . ObjectField < Stage > ( stageProp ,
new GUIContent ( "Portrait Stage" , "Stage to display the character portraits on" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<Default>" ) ,
Stage . ActiveStages ) ;
t . _ Stage = null ;
// Format Enum names
string [ ] displayLabels = StringFormatter . FormatEnumNames ( t . Display , "<None>" ) ;
displayProp . enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout . Popup ( "Display" , ( int ) displayProp . enumValueIndex , displayLabels ) ;
string characterLabel = "Character" ;
if ( t . Display = = DisplayType . Replace )
CommandEditor . ObjectField < Character > ( replacedCharacterProp ,
new GUIContent ( "Replace" , "Character to replace" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<None>" ) ,
Character . ActiveCharacters ) ;
characterLabel = "With" ;
CommandEditor . ObjectField < Character > ( characterProp ,
new GUIContent ( characterLabel , "Character to display" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<None>" ) ,
Character . ActiveCharacters ) ;
bool showOptionalFields = true ;
Stage s = t . _ Stage ;
// Only show optional portrait fields once required fields have been filled...
if ( t . _ Character ! = null ) // Character is selected
if ( t . _ Character . Portraits = = null | | // Character has a portraits field
t . _ Character . Portraits . Count < = 0 ) // Character has at least one portrait
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "This character has no portraits. Please add portraits to the character's prefab before using this command." , MessageType . Error ) ;
showOptionalFields = false ;
if ( t . _ Stage = = null ) // If default portrait stage selected
if ( t . _ Stage = = null ) // If no default specified, try to get any portrait stage in the scene
s = GameObject . FindObjectOfType < Stage > ( ) ;
if ( s = = null )
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "No portrait stage has been set." , MessageType . Error ) ;
showOptionalFields = false ;
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . None & & t . _ Character ! = null & & showOptionalFields )
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . Hide & & t . Display ! = DisplayType . MoveToFront )
CommandEditor . ObjectField < Sprite > ( portraitProp ,
new GUIContent ( "Portrait" , "Portrait representing character" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<Previous>" ) ,
t . _ Character . Portraits ) ;
if ( t . _ Character . PortraitsFace ! = FacingDirection . None )
// Display the values of the facing enum as <-- and --> arrows to avoid confusion with position field
string [ ] facingArrows = new string [ ]
"<Previous>" ,
"<--" ,
"-->" ,
} ;
facingProp . enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout . Popup ( "Facing" , ( int ) facingProp . enumValueIndex , facingArrows ) ;
t . Facing = FacingDirection . None ;
t . _ Portrait = null ;
t . Facing = FacingDirection . None ;
string toPositionPrefix = "" ;
if ( t . Move )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( moveProp ) ;
if ( t . Move )
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . Hide )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( shiftIntoPlaceProp ) ;
if ( t . Move )
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . Hide )
if ( t . ShiftIntoPlace )
t . FromPosition = null ;
// Format Enum names
string [ ] offsetLabels = StringFormatter . FormatEnumNames ( t . Offset , "<Previous>" ) ;
offsetProp . enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout . Popup ( "From Offset" , ( int ) offsetProp . enumValueIndex , offsetLabels ) ;
t . Offset = PositionOffset . None ;
CommandEditor . ObjectField < RectTransform > ( fromPositionProp ,
new GUIContent ( "From Position" , "Move the portrait to this position" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<Previous>" ) ,
s . Positions ) ;
toPositionPrefix = "To " ;
t . ShiftIntoPlace = false ;
t . FromPosition = null ;
toPositionPrefix = "At " ;
if ( t . Display = = DisplayType . Show | | ( t . Display = = DisplayType . Hide & & t . Move ) )
CommandEditor . ObjectField < RectTransform > ( toPositionProp ,
new GUIContent ( toPositionPrefix + "Position" , "Move the portrait to this position" ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<Previous>" ) ,
s . Positions ) ;
t . ToPosition = null ;
if ( ! t . Move & & t . Display ! = DisplayType . MoveToFront )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( moveProp ) ;
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . MoveToFront )
EditorGUILayout . Separator ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( useDefaultSettingsProp ) ;
if ( ! t . UseDefaultSettings ) {
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( fadeDurationProp ) ;
if ( t . Move )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( moveDurationProp ) ;
if ( t . ShiftIntoPlace )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( shiftOffsetProp ) ;
t . Move = false ;
t . UseDefaultSettings = true ;
EditorGUILayout . Separator ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( waitUntilFinishedProp ) ;
if ( t . _ Portrait ! = null & & t . Display ! = DisplayType . Hide )
Texture2D characterTexture = t . _ Portrait . texture ;
float aspect = ( float ) characterTexture . width / ( float ) characterTexture . height ;
Rect previewRect = GUILayoutUtility . GetAspectRect ( aspect , GUILayout . Width ( 1 0 0 ) , GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( true ) ) ;
if ( characterTexture ! = null )
GUI . DrawTexture ( previewRect , characterTexture , ScaleMode . ScaleToFit , true , aspect ) ;
if ( t . Display ! = DisplayType . Hide )
string portraitName = "<Previous>" ;
if ( t . _ Portrait ! = null )
portraitName = t . _ Portrait . name ;
string portraitSummary = " " + portraitName ;
int toolbarInt = 1 ;
string [ ] toolbarStrings = { "<--" , portraitSummary , "-->" } ;
toolbarInt = GUILayout . Toolbar ( toolbarInt , toolbarStrings , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 0 ) ) ;
int portraitIndex = - 1 ;
if ( toolbarInt ! = 1 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < t . _ Character . Portraits . Count ; i + + ) {
if ( portraitName = = t . _ Character . Portraits [ i ] . name )
portraitIndex = i ;
if ( toolbarInt = = 0 )
if ( portraitIndex > 0 )
t . _ Portrait = t . _ Character . Portraits [ - - portraitIndex ] ;
t . _ Portrait = null ;
if ( toolbarInt = = 2 )
if ( portraitIndex < t . _ Character . Portraits . Count - 1 )
t . _ Portrait = t . _ Character . Portraits [ + + portraitIndex ] ;
serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;