%Fungus is a free open source tool for creating storytelling games, with a strong focus on accessibility for novice game developers. Users all over the world are now using it to create a wonderfully diverse range of storytelling games.
Yes. %Fungus has an Open Source M.I.T. license. You can use %Fungus with any version of the Unity game engine, including the freely available personal edition.
Yes. %Fungus provides an easy way to add visual novel features to any Unity game. It is also possible to extend %Fungus to customise the workflow for your team. Checkout the documentation and tutorials for more information.
We provide extensive tutorials and documentation on our website here. There is also a comprehensive online training course suitable for beginners at Udemy.
After creating a build, you can use a hosting service such as [itch.io](http://itch.io), [gamejolt.com](http://gamejolt.com) or [newgrounds.com](http://newgrounds.com)
If a bug is critical and we can't offer a sensible workaround, we will try to fix it as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will aim to fix the issue in the next release.
4. Let us know on the forum if you've made a game with %Fungus so we can add it to the site.
5. If you write an article, blog post, podcast, etc. about %Fungus send it in and we'll add it to the [community articles](../articles/index.md) section.