using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement ;
# endif
namespace UnityTest
public class AssertionComponentEditor : Editor
private readonly DropDownControl < Type > m_ComparerDropDown = new DropDownControl < Type > ( ) ;
private readonly PropertyPathSelector m_ThisPathSelector = new PropertyPathSelector ( "Compare" ) ;
private readonly PropertyPathSelector m_OtherPathSelector = new PropertyPathSelector ( "Compare to" ) ;
#region GUI Contents
private readonly GUIContent m_GUICheckAfterTimeGuiContent = new GUIContent ( "Check after (seconds)" , "After how many seconds the assertion should be checked" ) ;
private readonly GUIContent m_GUIRepeatCheckTimeGuiContent = new GUIContent ( "Repeat check" , "Should the check be repeated." ) ;
private readonly GUIContent m_GUIRepeatEveryTimeGuiContent = new GUIContent ( "Frequency of repetitions" , "How often should the check be done" ) ;
private readonly GUIContent m_GUICheckAfterFramesGuiContent = new GUIContent ( "Check after (frames)" , "After how many frames the assertion should be checked" ) ;
private readonly GUIContent m_GUIRepeatCheckFrameGuiContent = new GUIContent ( "Repeat check" , "Should the check be repeated." ) ;
# endregion
private static List < Type > allComparersList = null ;
public AssertionComponentEditor ( )
m_ComparerDropDown . convertForButtonLabel = type = > type . Name ;
m_ComparerDropDown . convertForGUIContent = type = > type . Name ;
m_ComparerDropDown . ignoreConvertForGUIContent = types = > false ;
m_ComparerDropDown . tooltip = "Comparer that will be used to compare values and determine the result of assertion." ;
public override void OnInspectorGUI ( )
var script = ( AssertionComponent ) target ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
var obj = DrawComparerSelection ( script ) ;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
script . checkMethods = ( CheckMethod ) EditorGUILayout . EnumFlagsField ( script . checkMethods ,
EditorStyles . popup ,
GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
# else
script . checkMethods = ( CheckMethod ) EditorGUILayout . EnumMaskField ( script . checkMethods ,
EditorStyles . popup ,
GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
# endif
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( script . IsCheckMethodSelected ( CheckMethod . AfterPeriodOfTime ) )
DrawOptionsForAfterPeriodOfTime ( script ) ;
if ( script . IsCheckMethodSelected ( CheckMethod . Update ) )
DrawOptionsForOnUpdate ( script ) ;
if ( obj )
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
m_ThisPathSelector . Draw ( script . Action . go , script . Action ,
script . Action . thisPropertyPath , script . Action . GetAccepatbleTypesForA ( ) ,
go = >
script . Action . go = go ;
AssertionExplorerWindow . Reload ( ) ;
} ,
s = >
script . Action . thisPropertyPath = s ;
AssertionExplorerWindow . Reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
DrawCustomFields ( script ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
if ( script . Action is ComparerBase )
DrawCompareToType ( script . Action as ComparerBase ) ;
if ( GUI . changed )
EditorSceneManager . MarkSceneDirty ( EditorSceneManager . GetActiveScene ( ) ) ;
# else
EditorApplication . MarkSceneDirty ( ) ;
# endif
private void DrawOptionsForAfterPeriodOfTime ( AssertionComponent script )
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
script . checkAfterTime = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( m_GUICheckAfterTimeGuiContent ,
script . checkAfterTime ) ;
if ( script . checkAfterTime < 0 )
script . checkAfterTime = 0 ;
script . repeatCheckTime = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( m_GUIRepeatCheckTimeGuiContent ,
script . repeatCheckTime ) ;
if ( script . repeatCheckTime )
script . repeatEveryTime = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( m_GUIRepeatEveryTimeGuiContent ,
script . repeatEveryTime ) ;
if ( script . repeatEveryTime < 0 )
script . repeatEveryTime = 0 ;
private void DrawOptionsForOnUpdate ( AssertionComponent script )
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
script . checkAfterFrames = EditorGUILayout . IntField ( m_GUICheckAfterFramesGuiContent ,
script . checkAfterFrames ) ;
if ( script . checkAfterFrames < 1 )
script . checkAfterFrames = 1 ;
script . repeatCheckFrame = EditorGUILayout . Toggle ( m_GUIRepeatCheckFrameGuiContent ,
script . repeatCheckFrame ) ;
if ( script . repeatCheckFrame )
script . repeatEveryFrame = EditorGUILayout . IntField ( m_GUIRepeatEveryTimeGuiContent ,
script . repeatEveryFrame ) ;
if ( script . repeatEveryFrame < 1 )
script . repeatEveryFrame = 1 ;
private void DrawCompareToType ( ComparerBase comparer )
comparer . compareToType = ( ComparerBase . CompareToType ) EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( "Compare to type" ,
comparer . compareToType ,
EditorStyles . popup ) ;
if ( comparer . compareToType = = ComparerBase . CompareToType . CompareToConstantValue )
DrawConstCompareField ( comparer ) ;
catch ( NotImplementedException )
Debug . LogWarning ( "This comparer can't compare to static value" ) ;
comparer . compareToType = ComparerBase . CompareToType . CompareToObject ;
else if ( comparer . compareToType = = ComparerBase . CompareToType . CompareToObject )
DrawObjectCompareField ( comparer ) ;
private void DrawObjectCompareField ( ComparerBase comparer )
m_OtherPathSelector . Draw ( comparer . other , comparer ,
comparer . otherPropertyPath , comparer . GetAccepatbleTypesForB ( ) ,
go = >
comparer . other = go ;
AssertionExplorerWindow . Reload ( ) ;
} ,
s = >
comparer . otherPropertyPath = s ;
AssertionExplorerWindow . Reload ( ) ;
) ;
private void DrawConstCompareField ( ComparerBase comparer )
if ( comparer . ConstValue = = null )
comparer . ConstValue = comparer . GetDefaultConstValue ( ) ;
var so = new SerializedObject ( comparer ) ;
var sp = so . FindProperty ( "constantValueGeneric" ) ;
if ( sp ! = null )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( sp , new GUIContent ( "Constant" ) , true ) ;
so . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
private bool DrawComparerSelection ( AssertionComponent script )
if ( allComparersList = = null )
allComparersList = new List < Type > ( ) ;
var allAssemblies = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) ;
foreach ( var assembly in allAssemblies )
var types = assembly . GetTypes ( ) ;
allComparersList . AddRange ( types . Where ( type = > type . IsSubclassOf ( typeof ( ActionBase ) ) & & ! type . IsAbstract ) ) ;
var allComparers = allComparersList . ToArray ( ) ;
if ( script . Action = = null )
script . Action = ( ActionBase ) CreateInstance ( allComparers . First ( ) ) ;
m_ComparerDropDown . Draw ( script . Action . GetType ( ) , allComparers ,
type = >
if ( script . Action = = null | | script . Action . GetType ( ) . Name ! = type . Name )
script . Action = ( ActionBase ) CreateInstance ( type ) ;
AssertionExplorerWindow . Reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
return script . Action ! = null ;
private void DrawCustomFields ( AssertionComponent script )
foreach ( var prop in script . Action . GetType ( ) . GetFields ( BindingFlags . Public | BindingFlags . Instance | BindingFlags . DeclaredOnly ) )
var so = new SerializedObject ( script . Action ) ;
var sp = so . FindProperty ( prop . Name ) ;
if ( sp ! = null )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( sp , true ) ;
so . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;