An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

105 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Core;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Event = UnityEngine.Event;
namespace UnityTest
public abstract class UnitTestRendererLine : IComparable<UnitTestRendererLine>
public static Action<TestFilter> RunTest;
public static List<UnitTestRendererLine> SelectedLines;
protected static bool s_Refresh;
protected static GUIContent s_GUIRunSelected = new GUIContent("Run Selected");
protected static GUIContent s_GUIRun = new GUIContent("Run");
protected static GUIContent s_GUITimeoutIcon = new GUIContent(Icons.StopwatchImg, "Timeout");
protected string m_UniqueId;
protected internal string m_FullName;
protected string m_RenderedName;
protected internal Test m_Test;
protected UnitTestRendererLine(Test test)
m_FullName = test.TestName.FullName;
m_RenderedName = test.TestName.Name;
m_UniqueId = test.TestName.UniqueName;
m_Test = test;
public int CompareTo(UnitTestRendererLine other)
return m_UniqueId.CompareTo(other.m_UniqueId);
public bool Render(RenderingOptions options)
s_Refresh = false;
EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(15, 15));
Render(0, options);
return s_Refresh;
protected internal virtual void Render(int indend, RenderingOptions options)
GUILayout.Space(indend * 10);
DrawLine(SelectedLines.Contains(this), options);
protected void OnSelect()
if (!Event.current.control && !Event.current.command)
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
if ((Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && SelectedLines.Contains(this))
s_Refresh = true;
protected abstract void DrawLine(bool isSelected, RenderingOptions options);
protected internal abstract TestResultState ? GetResult();
protected internal abstract bool IsVisible(RenderingOptions options);
public void RunTests(object[] testObjectsList)
RunTest(new TestFilter { objects = testObjectsList });
public void RunTests(string[] testList)
RunTest(new TestFilter {names = testList});
public void RunSelectedTests()
RunTest(new TestFilter { objects = SelectedLines.Select(line => line.m_Test.TestName).ToArray() });
public bool IsAnySelected
return SelectedLines.Count > 0;
public virtual string GetResultText()
return m_RenderedName;