using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEditor ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Collections ;
namespace Fungus
public class MenuItems
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Create/Lua Environment", false, 2000)]
static void CreateLuaEnvironment ( )
SpawnPrefab ( "Prefabs/LuaEnvironment" , false ) ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Create/Lua Bindings", false, 2001)]
static void CreateLuaBindings ( )
SpawnPrefab ( "Prefabs/LuaBindings" , false ) ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Create/Lua Script", false, 2002)]
static void CreateLuaScript ( )
SpawnPrefab ( "Prefabs/LuaScript" , false ) ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Create/Lua Store", false, 2003)]
static void CreateLuaStore ( )
SpawnPrefab ( "Prefabs/LuaStore" , false ) ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Create/Lua File", false, 2100)]
static void CreateLuaFile ( )
string path = EditorUtility . SaveFilePanelInProject ( "Create Lua File" , "script.txt" , "txt" , "Please select a file name for the new Lua script. Note: Lua files in Unity use the .txt extension." ) ;
if ( path . Length = = 0 )
return ;
File . WriteAllText ( path , "" ) ;
AssetDatabase . Refresh ( ) ;
Object asset = AssetDatabase . LoadAssetAtPath < Object > ( path ) ;
# else
Object asset = AssetDatabase . LoadAssetAtPath ( path , typeof ( Object ) ) ;
if ( asset ! = null )
EditorUtility . FocusProjectWindow ( ) ;
EditorGUIUtility . PingObject ( asset ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Spawns a prefab in the scene based on it's filename in a Resources folder in the project.
/// If centerInScene is true then the object will be placed centered in the view window with z = 0.
/// If centerInScene is false the the object will be placed at (0,0,0)
/// </summary>
public static GameObject SpawnPrefab ( string prefabName , bool centerInScene )
GameObject prefab = Resources . Load < GameObject > ( prefabName ) ;
if ( prefab = = null )
return null ;
GameObject go = PrefabUtility . InstantiatePrefab ( prefab ) as GameObject ;
PrefabUtility . DisconnectPrefabInstance ( go ) ;
if ( centerInScene )
SceneView view = SceneView . lastActiveSceneView ;
if ( view ! = null )
Camera sceneCam = view . camera ;
Vector3 pos = sceneCam . ViewportToWorldPoint ( new Vector3 ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 0f ) ) ;
pos . z = 0f ;
go . transform . position = pos ;
go . transform . position = Vector3 . zero ;
Selection . activeGameObject = go ;
Undo . RegisterCreatedObjectUndo ( go , "Create Object" ) ;
return go ;
/// <summary>
/// Create new asset from <see cref="ScriptableObject"/> type with unique name at
/// selected folder in project window. Asset creation can be cancelled by pressing
/// escape key when asset is initially being named.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of scriptable object.</typeparam>
public static void CreateAsset < T > ( ) where T : ScriptableObject {
var asset = ScriptableObject . CreateInstance < T > ( ) ;
ProjectWindowUtil . CreateAsset ( asset , typeof ( T ) . Name + ".asset" ) ;