An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

2114 lines
54 KiB

Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u!,2011:
--- !u!29 &1
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
serializedVersion: 2
smallestOccluder: 5
smallestHole: 0.25
backfaceThreshold: 100
m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000
m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!104 &2
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
serializedVersion: 8
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Fog: 0
m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1}
m_FogMode: 3
m_FogDensity: 0.01
m_LinearFogStart: 0
m_LinearFogEnd: 300
m_AmbientSkyColor: {r: 0.212, g: 0.227, b: 0.259, a: 1}
m_AmbientEquatorColor: {r: 0.114, g: 0.125, b: 0.133, a: 1}
m_AmbientGroundColor: {r: 0.047, g: 0.043, b: 0.035, a: 1}
m_AmbientIntensity: 1
m_AmbientMode: 3
m_SubtractiveShadowColor: {r: 0.42, g: 0.478, b: 0.627, a: 1}
m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 0}
m_HaloStrength: 0.5
m_FlareStrength: 1
m_FlareFadeSpeed: 3
m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0}
m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 10001, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0}
m_DefaultReflectionMode: 0
m_DefaultReflectionResolution: 128
m_ReflectionBounces: 1
m_ReflectionIntensity: 1
m_CustomReflection: {fileID: 0}
m_Sun: {fileID: 0}
m_IndirectSpecularColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
--- !u!157 &3
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
serializedVersion: 11
m_GIWorkflowMode: 1
serializedVersion: 2
m_BounceScale: 1
m_IndirectOutputScale: 1
m_AlbedoBoost: 1
m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold: 1
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_EnvironmentLightingMode: 0
m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 0
m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 0
serializedVersion: 9
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Resolution: 2
m_BakeResolution: 40
m_TextureWidth: 1024
m_TextureHeight: 1024
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_AO: 0
m_AOMaxDistance: 1
m_CompAOExponent: 1
m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0
m_Padding: 2
m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0}
m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1
m_TextureCompression: 1
m_FinalGather: 0
m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1
m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256
m_ReflectionCompression: 2
m_MixedBakeMode: 2
m_BakeBackend: 1
m_PVRSampling: 1
m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32
m_PVRSampleCount: 500
m_PVRBounces: 2
m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0
m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0
m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0
m_PVRFilteringMode: 2
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_PVRCulling: 1
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1
m_ShowResolutionOverlay: 1
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_LightingDataAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_UseShadowmask: 1
--- !u!196 &4
serializedVersion: 2
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
serializedVersion: 2
agentTypeID: 0
agentRadius: 0.5
agentHeight: 2
agentSlope: 45
agentClimb: 0.4
ledgeDropHeight: 0
maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0
minRegionArea: 2
manualCellSize: 0
cellSize: 0.16666667
manualTileSize: 0
tileSize: 256
accuratePlacement: 0
m_Flags: 0
m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!1 &340584333
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 340584336}
- component: {fileID: 340584335}
- component: {fileID: 340584334}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: Main Camera
m_TagString: MainCamera
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!81 &340584334
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 340584333}
m_Enabled: 1
--- !u!20 &340584335
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 340584333}
m_Enabled: 1
serializedVersion: 2
m_ClearFlags: 1
m_BackGroundColor: {r: 0.19215687, g: 0.3019608, b: 0.4745098, a: 0}
serializedVersion: 2
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width: 1
height: 1
near clip plane: 0.3
far clip plane: 1000
field of view: 60
orthographic: 1
orthographic size: 5
m_Depth: -1
serializedVersion: 2
m_Bits: 4294967295
m_RenderingPath: -1
m_TargetTexture: {fileID: 0}
m_TargetDisplay: 0
m_TargetEye: 3
m_HDR: 1
m_AllowMSAA: 1
m_AllowDynamicResolution: 0
m_ForceIntoRT: 0
m_OcclusionCulling: 1
m_StereoConvergence: 10
m_StereoSeparation: 0.022
--- !u!4 &340584336
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 340584333}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: -10}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &826101087
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 826101089}
- component: {fileID: 826101088}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: FloatCol
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &826101088
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 826101087}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: f48297b98c3c1414c8e94ebe45883bb1, type: 3}
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 3.14
- 4
- 5
--- !u!4 &826101089
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 826101087}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 3
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &960365509
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 960365511}
- component: {fileID: 960365510}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: bag
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &960365510
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 960365509}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 221f0f261cfcb8a40b9f79cbc51a9148, type: 3}
collection: 0100000002000000030000000400000005000000
--- !u!4 &960365511
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 960365509}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 4
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &1071152884
m_ObjectHideFlags: 1
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 1071152886}
- component: {fileID: 1071152885}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: _FungusState
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &1071152885
m_ObjectHideFlags: 1
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1071152884}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 61dddfdc5e0e44ca298d8f46f7f5a915, type: 3}
selectedFlowchart: {fileID: 1163017699}
--- !u!4 &1071152886
m_ObjectHideFlags: 1
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1071152884}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 1
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &1163017693
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 1163017700}
- component: {fileID: 1163017699}
- component: {fileID: 1163017698}
- component: {fileID: 1163017696}
- component: {fileID: 1163017695}
- component: {fileID: 1163017694}
- component: {fileID: 1163017701}
- component: {fileID: 1163017706}
- component: {fileID: 1163017704}
- component: {fileID: 1163017703}
- component: {fileID: 1163017702}
- component: {fileID: 1163017708}
- component: {fileID: 1163017707}
- component: {fileID: 1163017710}
- component: {fileID: 1163017709}
- component: {fileID: 1163017713}
- component: {fileID: 1163017712}
- component: {fileID: 1163017711}
- component: {fileID: 1163017716}
- component: {fileID: 1163017715}
- component: {fileID: 1163017714}
- component: {fileID: 1163017722}
- component: {fileID: 1163017720}
- component: {fileID: 1163017719}
- component: {fileID: 1163017718}
- component: {fileID: 1163017717}
- component: {fileID: 1163017723}
- component: {fileID: 1163017721}
- component: {fileID: 1163017705}
- component: {fileID: 1163017697}
- component: {fileID: 1163017726}
- component: {fileID: 1163017725}
- component: {fileID: 1163017724}
- component: {fileID: 1163017733}
- component: {fileID: 1163017732}
- component: {fileID: 1163017731}
- component: {fileID: 1163017730}
- component: {fileID: 1163017729}
- component: {fileID: 1163017728}
- component: {fileID: 1163017727}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: GameObject
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017694
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fb77d0ce495044f6e9feb91b31798e8c, type: 3}
itemId: 2
indentLevel: 1
variable: {fileID: 1163017695}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
setOperator: 2
variable: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &1163017695
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: afb91b566ceda411bad1e9d3c3243ecc, type: 3}
scope: 0
key: while
value: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017696
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 663c8a7831a104d16ad7078a4dc2bd10, type: 3}
itemId: 1
indentLevel: 0
anyOrAllConditions: 0
- compareOperator: 2
variable: {fileID: 1163017695}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 50
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
compareOperator: 2
variable: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
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--- !u!114 &1163017697
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: de9232e9295ed476a8cfb707b5c242b9, type: 3}
itemId: 24
indentLevel: 1
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017698
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 3d3d73aef2cfc4f51abf34ac00241f60, type: 3}
serializedVersion: 2
x: 240
y: 180
width: 100
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
height: 40
tint: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
useCustomTint: 0
itemId: 0
blockName: New Block
eventHandler: {fileID: 1163017726}
- {fileID: 1163017696}
- {fileID: 1163017721}
- {fileID: 1163017713}
- {fileID: 1163017711}
- {fileID: 1163017712}
- {fileID: 1163017694}
- {fileID: 1163017710}
- {fileID: 1163017701}
- {fileID: 1163017709}
suppressAllAutoSelections: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017699
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 7a334fe2ffb574b3583ff3b18b4792d3, type: 3}
version: 1
scrollPos: {x: -48, y: -73}
variablesScrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
variablesExpanded: 1
blockViewHeight: 480
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
zoom: 1
serializedVersion: 2
x: 0
y: 0
width: 0
height: 0
- {fileID: 1163017733}
selectedCommands: []
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- {fileID: 1163017695}
- {fileID: 1163017704}
- {fileID: 1163017718}
- {fileID: 1163017728}
stepPause: 0
colorCommands: 1
hideComponents: 1
saveSelection: 1
showLineNumbers: 0
hideCommands: []
luaEnvironment: {fileID: 0}
luaBindingName: flowchart
--- !u!4 &1163017700
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 793, y: 446, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 2
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &1163017701
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 3
indentLevel: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017702
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 6
indentLevel: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017703
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: b0eebb5bf2fc1e542a35e2e5332e60d4, type: 3}
itemId: 5
indentLevel: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 50
integerRef: {fileID: 1163017704}
integerVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017704
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: afb91b566ceda411bad1e9d3c3243ecc, type: 3}
scope: 0
key: looprange
value: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017705
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: de9232e9295ed476a8cfb707b5c242b9, type: 3}
itemId: 23
indentLevel: 1
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017706
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 3d3d73aef2cfc4f51abf34ac00241f60, type: 3}
serializedVersion: 2
x: 240
y: 240
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
width: 120
height: 40
tint: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
useCustomTint: 0
itemId: 4
blockName: New Block1
eventHandler: {fileID: 1163017725}
- {fileID: 1163017703}
- {fileID: 1163017705}
- {fileID: 1163017716}
- {fileID: 1163017714}
- {fileID: 1163017702}
- {fileID: 1163017708}
- {fileID: 1163017715}
- {fileID: 1163017707}
suppressAllAutoSelections: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017707
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 8
indentLevel: 0
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: loop range ended @ {$looprange}
--- !u!114 &1163017708
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 7
indentLevel: 1
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: in loop {$looprange}
--- !u!114 &1163017709
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 10
indentLevel: 0
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: while ended {$while}
--- !u!114 &1163017710
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 9
indentLevel: 1
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: while {$while}
--- !u!114 &1163017711
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: c9b9c7a9785c34fc889da2b3a40344db, type: 3}
itemId: 13
indentLevel: 2
--- !u!114 &1163017712
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 12
indentLevel: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017713
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 70c5622b8a80845c980954170295f292, type: 3}
itemId: 11
indentLevel: 1
anyOrAllConditions: 0
- compareOperator: 5
variable: {fileID: 1163017695}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 5
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
compareOperator: 5
variable: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
variable: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &1163017714
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: c9b9c7a9785c34fc889da2b3a40344db, type: 3}
itemId: 16
indentLevel: 2
--- !u!114 &1163017715
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 15
indentLevel: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017716
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 70c5622b8a80845c980954170295f292, type: 3}
itemId: 14
indentLevel: 1
anyOrAllConditions: 0
- compareOperator: 5
variable: {fileID: 1163017704}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 5
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
compareOperator: 5
variable: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 0}
collider2DRef: {fileID: 0}
collider2DVal: {fileID: 0}
colliderRef: {fileID: 0}
colliderVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
matrix4x4Ref: {fileID: 0}
e00: 0
e01: 0
e02: 0
e03: 0
e10: 0
e11: 0
e12: 0
e13: 0
e20: 0
e21: 0
e22: 0
e23: 0
e30: 0
e31: 0
e32: 0
e33: 0
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
quaternionRef: {fileID: 0}
quaternionVal: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
vector4Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector4Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
variable: {fileID: 0}
booleanRef: {fileID: 0}
booleanVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
floatRef: {fileID: 0}
floatVal: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceVal: {fileID: 0}
colorRef: {fileID: 0}
colorVal: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
gameObjectRef: {fileID: 0}
gameObjectVal: {fileID: 0}
materialRef: {fileID: 0}
materialVal: {fileID: 0}
objectRef: {fileID: 0}
objectVal: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DRef: {fileID: 0}
rigidbody2DVal: {fileID: 0}
spriteRef: {fileID: 0}
spriteVal: {fileID: 0}
textureRef: {fileID: 0}
textureVal: {fileID: 0}
transformRef: {fileID: 0}
transformVal: {fileID: 0}
vector2Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector2Val: {x: 0, y: 0}
vector3Ref: {fileID: 0}
vector3Val: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &1163017717
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 20
indentLevel: 1
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: foreach item value = {$float_item}
--- !u!114 &1163017718
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 705fa1ac97df74e3a84ff952ffd923f1, type: 3}
scope: 0
key: float_item
value: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017719
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 19
indentLevel: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017720
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 1ce547d5384ce3a41b7142cab8ab41dd, type: 3}
itemId: 18
indentLevel: 0
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 826101088}
item: {fileID: 1163017718}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
--- !u!114 &1163017721
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: de9232e9295ed476a8cfb707b5c242b9, type: 3}
itemId: 22
indentLevel: 1
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017722
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 3d3d73aef2cfc4f51abf34ac00241f60, type: 3}
serializedVersion: 2
x: 240
y: 300
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
width: 120
height: 40
tint: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
useCustomTint: 0
itemId: 17
blockName: float looper
eventHandler: {fileID: 1163017724}
- {fileID: 1163017723}
- {fileID: 1163017720}
- {fileID: 1163017697}
- {fileID: 1163017717}
- {fileID: 1163017719}
suppressAllAutoSelections: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017723
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fb77d0ce495044f6e9feb91b31798e8c, type: 3}
itemId: 21
indentLevel: 0
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floatVal: 1
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e32: 0
e33: 0
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rigidbodyVal: {fileID: 0}
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setOperator: 3
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stringRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorRef: {fileID: 0}
animatorVal: {fileID: 0}
audioSourceRef: {fileID: 0}
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--- !u!114 &1163017724
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d2f6487d21a03404cb21b245f0242e79, type: 3}
parentBlock: {fileID: 1163017722}
suppressBlockAutoSelect: 0
waitForFrames: 3
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
--- !u!114 &1163017725
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d2f6487d21a03404cb21b245f0242e79, type: 3}
parentBlock: {fileID: 1163017706}
suppressBlockAutoSelect: 0
waitForFrames: 2
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
--- !u!114 &1163017726
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d2f6487d21a03404cb21b245f0242e79, type: 3}
parentBlock: {fileID: 1163017698}
suppressBlockAutoSelect: 0
waitForFrames: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017727
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2fab8abf0343545abbfebd9a7b7b34bd, type: 3}
itemId: 29
indentLevel: 1
logType: 0
stringRef: {fileID: 0}
stringVal: 'Random Item: {$bag_item}'
--- !u!114 &1163017728
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: afb91b566ceda411bad1e9d3c3243ecc, type: 3}
scope: 0
key: bag_item
value: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017729
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 56176eef6b396a442b08b88220304436, type: 3}
itemId: 28
indentLevel: 1
collectionRef: {fileID: 0}
collectionVal: {fileID: 960365510}
variableToUse: {fileID: 1163017728}
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 5
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 2147483647
--- !u!114 &1163017730
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 93cb9773f2ca04e2bbf7a68ccfc23267, type: 3}
itemId: 27
indentLevel: 0
--- !u!114 &1163017731
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: b0eebb5bf2fc1e542a35e2e5332e60d4, type: 3}
itemId: 26
indentLevel: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 100
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 0
integerRef: {fileID: 0}
integerVal: 1
--- !u!114 &1163017732
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d2f6487d21a03404cb21b245f0242e79, type: 3}
parentBlock: {fileID: 1163017733}
suppressBlockAutoSelect: 0
waitForFrames: 5
--- !u!114 &1163017733
m_ObjectHideFlags: 2
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1163017693}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 3d3d73aef2cfc4f51abf34ac00241f60, type: 3}
serializedVersion: 2
x: 240
y: 360
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
width: 120
height: 40
tint: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
useCustomTint: 0
itemId: 25
blockName: New Block2
eventHandler: {fileID: 1163017732}
- {fileID: 1163017731}
- {fileID: 1163017729}
- {fileID: 1163017727}
- {fileID: 1163017730}
suppressAllAutoSelections: 0
--- !u!1 &2029974178
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
- component: {fileID: 2029974182}
- component: {fileID: 2029974181}
- component: {fileID: 2029974180}
- component: {fileID: 2029974179}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: EventSystem
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &2029974179
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2029974178}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 1997211142, guid: f5f67c52d1564df4a8936ccd202a3bd8, type: 3}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ForceModuleActive: 0
--- !u!114 &2029974180
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2029974178}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 1077351063, guid: f5f67c52d1564df4a8936ccd202a3bd8, type: 3}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_HorizontalAxis: Horizontal
m_VerticalAxis: Vertical
m_SubmitButton: Submit
m_CancelButton: Cancel
m_InputActionsPerSecond: 10
m_RepeatDelay: 0.5
m_ForceModuleActive: 0
--- !u!114 &2029974181
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2029974178}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: -619905303, guid: f5f67c52d1564df4a8936ccd202a3bd8, type: 3}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_FirstSelected: {fileID: 0}
m_sendNavigationEvents: 1
m_DragThreshold: 5
--- !u!4 &2029974182
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2029974178}
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 5
Collection (#787) Add concept of Collection to Fungus. Add Collection Demo, Physics Cast Demo. They are their own type, that are addressed in a generic way. Internally using object boxing and type comparisons. A number of refactorings and additions along with this to make it work more seamlessly. Variable operators defined by Variable itself Conditional and Looping commands refactored, to avoid more duplication in the new looping commands, such as ForEach AnyVariableData removes duplication from SetVariable and Condition logic, provides a clearer method of adding additional variable types that result in immediate support in those commands PlayMode Tests and Utils added Additional Variable Types, such as Quaternion, Matrix4x4 Physics casts Commands that use collections * Initial Fungus Collection work with support for int and IntegerVariable * While and Condition related changes to allow for new command Loop Range * Collection Get changes and ForEach rough * Added Collection Commands Reordered Elif logic in Condition * More collection types and commands * Variable reorg to allow for new types to be added more simply and centrally * Added more Fungus Vars for Common Unity types VariableList Adapter can delegate to the variable itself for custom drawing Variable IsArthithemticSupported queries for each op rather than all, more fine grain support for types like color and quaterion Event handlers, such as physics related, now have optional fungus variable to store the data they are given by unity in fungus variable for use in the block VariableInfo consolidates more info into the typeActionLookup table, updates to support new fungus var types * Many basic collection operations added Common Collection types Physics Overlap command * Custom variable drawing moved to VariableInfo.cs rather than child variable itself Added Physics cast and overlap commands * Move all Editor scripts into Editor AsmDef folder * LoopRange also registers as command name For * Condition base class commenting improved and refactored repeated looping style child class elements into base * More descriptive CollectionBase Command class names * Fungus Collection interface and comments refined * Rename ICollection to IFungusCollection Cleanup formatting * Collection example scene * Added Collection Tests * Format collection and test files Added CopyFrom to IFungusCollection * Added FungusCollection initial summaries * Added CollectionRandom commands -added simple use to CollectionLoop demo scene * Added Unique to FungusCollection -Updated tests to include unique Added Collection Physics demo, shows use of returned array of all cast intersecting GameObjects * CollectionPhysics tracks mousepos with visual Added Fungus Command to get mouse position * Variable custom draw moved to its own editor class, no longer part of typeinfo Variable generation run * Add playmode test for variable type sets Add playmode test for flow control * Update doco and formatting for Collection classes Refactor parts of Conditional classes and AnyVariable Move Property commands into Category 'Property' * Update Collection comments, formatting and Update internal to public * Add License header to added variable types
5 years ago
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}