An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityTest
class IntegrationTestLine : IntegrationTestRendererBase
public static List<TestResult> Results;
protected TestResult m_Result;
public IntegrationTestLine(GameObject gameObject, TestResult testResult) : base(gameObject)
m_Result = testResult;
protected internal override void DrawLine(Rect rect, GUIContent label, bool isSelected, RenderingOptions options)
if(Event.current.type != EventType.repaint)
Styles.testName.Draw (rect, label, false, false, false, isSelected);
if (m_Result.IsTimeout)
float min, max;
Styles.testName.CalcMinMaxWidth(label, out min, out max);
var timeoutRect = new Rect(rect);
timeoutRect.x += min - 12;
Styles.testName.Draw(timeoutRect, s_GUITimeoutIcon, false, false, false, isSelected);
protected internal override TestResult.ResultType GetResult()
if (!m_Result.Executed && test.ignored) return TestResult.ResultType.Ignored;
return m_Result.resultType;
protected internal override bool IsVisible(RenderingOptions options)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.nameFilter) && ! return false;
if (!options.showSucceeded && m_Result.IsSuccess) return false;
if (!options.showFailed && m_Result.IsFailure) return false;
if (!options.showNotRunned && !m_Result.Executed) return false;
if (!options.showIgnored && test.ignored) return false;
return true;
public override bool SetCurrentTest(TestComponent tc)
m_IsRunning = test == tc;
return m_IsRunning;