An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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// This code is part of the Fungus library ( maintained by Chris Gregan (
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (
using System;
namespace Fungus
public enum ExecuteMethod
AfterPeriodOfTime = 1 << 0,
Start = 1 << 1,
Update = 1 << 2,
FixedUpdate = 1 << 3,
LateUpdate = 1 << 4,
OnDestroy = 1 << 5,
OnEnable = 1 << 6,
OnDisable = 1 << 7,
OnControllerColliderHit = 1 << 8,
OnParticleCollision = 1 << 9,
OnJointBreak = 1 << 10,
OnBecameInvisible = 1 << 11,
OnBecameVisible = 1 << 12,
OnTriggerEnter = 1 << 13,
OnTriggerExit = 1 << 14,
OnTriggerStay = 1 << 15,
OnCollisionEnter = 1 << 16,
OnCollisionExit = 1 << 17,
OnCollisionStay = 1 << 18,
OnTriggerEnter2D = 1 << 19,
OnTriggerExit2D = 1 << 20,
OnTriggerStay2D = 1 << 21,
OnCollisionEnter2D = 1 << 22,
OnCollisionExit2D = 1 << 23,
OnCollisionStay2D = 1 << 24,
/// <summary>
/// Executes an LuaScript component in the same gameobject when a condition occurs.
/// </summary>
public interface IExecuteHandler
float ExecuteAfterTime { get; set; }
bool RepeatExecuteTime { get; set; }
float RepeatEveryTime { get; set; }
int ExecuteAfterFrames { get; set; }
bool RepeatExecuteFrame { get; set; }
int RepeatEveryFrame { get; set; }
ExecuteMethod ExecuteMethods { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified execute method option has been enabled.
/// </summary>
bool IsExecuteMethodSelected(ExecuteMethod method);
/// <summary>
/// Execute the Lua script immediately.
/// This is the function to call if you want to trigger execution from an external script.
/// </summary>
void Execute();
public interface IExecuteHandlerConfigurator
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, after how many frame should the evaluation start. Defult is 1 (first frame)
/// </summary>
int UpdateExecuteStartOnFrame { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update and UpdateExecuteRepeat is true, how many frame should pass between evaluations
/// </summary>
int UpdateExecuteRepeatFrequency { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, should the evaluation be repeated after UpdateExecuteRepeatFrequency frames
/// </summary>
bool UpdateExecuteRepeat { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time, after how many seconds the first evaluation should be done
/// </summary>
float TimeExecuteStartAfter { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time and TimeExecuteRepeat is true, after how many seconds should the next evaluation happen
/// </summary>
float TimeExecuteRepeatFrequency { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period, should the evaluation happen again after TimeExecuteRepeatFrequency seconds
/// </summary>
bool TimeExecuteRepeat { set; }
ExecuteHandler Component { get; }