An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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using UnityEngine;
public class SfxrParams {
* SfxrSynth
* Copyright 2010 Thomas Vian
* Copyright 2013 Zeh Fernando
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SfxrParams
* Holds parameters used by SfxrSynth
* @author Zeh Fernando
// Properties
public bool paramsDirty; // Whether the parameters have been changed since last time (shouldn't used cached sound)
private uint _waveType = 0; // Shape of wave to generate (see enum WaveType)
private float _masterVolume = 0.5f; // Overall volume of the sound (0 to 1)
private float _attackTime = 0.0f; // Length of the volume envelope attack (0 to 1)
private float _sustainTime = 0.0f; // Length of the volume envelope sustain (0 to 1)
private float _sustainPunch = 0.0f; // Tilts the sustain envelope for more 'pop' (0 to 1)
private float _decayTime = 0.0f; // Length of the volume envelope decay (yes, I know it's called release) (0 to 1)
private float _startFrequency = 0.0f; // Base note of the sound (0 to 1)
private float _minFrequency = 0.0f; // If sliding, the sound will stop at this frequency, to prevent really low notes (0 to 1)
private float _slide = 0.0f; // Slides the note up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _deltaSlide = 0.0f; // Accelerates the slide (-1 to 1)
private float _vibratoDepth = 0.0f; // Strength of the vibrato effect (0 to 1)
private float _vibratoSpeed = 0.0f; // Speed of the vibrato effect (i.e. frequency) (0 to 1)
private float _changeAmount = 0.0f; // Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _changeSpeed = 0.0f; // How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1)
private float _squareDuty = 0.0f; // Controls the ratio between the up and down states of the square wave, changing the tibre (0 to 1)
private float _dutySweep = 0.0f; // Sweeps the duty up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _repeatSpeed = 0.0f; // Speed of the note repeating - certain variables are reset each time (0 to 1)
private float _phaserOffset = 0.0f; // Offsets a second copy of the wave by a small phase, changing the tibre (-1 to 1)
private float _phaserSweep = 0.0f; // Sweeps the phase up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _lpFilterCutoff = 0.0f; // Frequency at which the low-pass filter starts attenuating higher frequencies (0 to 1)
private float _lpFilterCutoffSweep = 0.0f; // Sweeps the low-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _lpFilterResonance = 0.0f; // Changes the attenuation rate for the low-pass filter, changing the timbre (0 to 1)
private float _hpFilterCutoff = 0.0f; // Frequency at which the high-pass filter starts attenuating lower frequencies (0 to 1)
private float _hpFilterCutoffSweep = 0.0f; // Sweeps the high-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1)
// From BFXR
private float _changeRepeat = 0.0f; // Pitch Jump Repeat Speed: larger Values means more pitch jumps, which can be useful for arpeggiation (0 to 1)
private float _changeAmount2 = 0.0f; // Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1)
private float _changeSpeed2 = 0.0f; // How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1)
private float _compressionAmount = 0.0f; // Compression: pushes amplitudes together into a narrower range to make them stand out more. Very good for sound effects, where you want them to stick out against background music (0 to 1)
private float _overtones = 0.0f; // Harmonics: overlays copies of the waveform with copies and multiples of its frequency. Good for bulking out or otherwise enriching the texture of the sounds (warning: this is the number 1 cause of usfxr slowdown!) (0 to 1)
private float _overtoneFalloff = 0.0f; // Harmonics falloff: the rate at which higher overtones should decay (0 to 1)
private float _bitCrush = 0.0f; // Bit crush: resamples the audio at a lower frequency (0 to 1)
private float _bitCrushSweep = 0.0f; // Bit crush sweep: sweeps the Bit Crush filter up or down (-1 to 1)
// ================================================================================================================
// ACCESSOR INTERFACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Shape of the wave (0:square, 1:sawtooth, 2:sin, 3:noise) */
public uint waveType {
get { return _waveType; }
set { _waveType = value > 8 ? 0 : value; paramsDirty = true; }
/** Overall volume of the sound (0 to 1) */
public float masterVolume {
get { return _masterVolume; }
set { _masterVolume = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Length of the volume envelope attack (0 to 1) */
public float attackTime {
get { return _attackTime; }
set { _attackTime = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Length of the volume envelope sustain (0 to 1) */
public float sustainTime {
get { return _sustainTime; }
set { _sustainTime = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Tilts the sustain envelope for more 'pop' (0 to 1) */
public float sustainPunch {
get { return _sustainPunch; }
set { _sustainPunch = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Length of the volume envelope decay (yes, I know it's called release) (0 to 1) */
public float decayTime {
get { return _decayTime; }
set { _decayTime = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Base note of the sound (0 to 1) */
public float startFrequency {
get { return _startFrequency; }
set { _startFrequency = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** If sliding, the sound will stop at this frequency, to prevent really low notes (0 to 1) */
public float minFrequency {
get { return _minFrequency; }
set { _minFrequency = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Slides the note up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float slide {
get { return _slide; }
set { _slide = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Accelerates the slide (-1 to 1) */
public float deltaSlide {
get { return _deltaSlide; }
set { _deltaSlide = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Strength of the vibrato effect (0 to 1) */
public float vibratoDepth {
get { return _vibratoDepth; }
set { _vibratoDepth = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Speed of the vibrato effect (i.e. frequency) (0 to 1) */
public float vibratoSpeed {
get { return _vibratoSpeed; }
set { _vibratoSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float changeAmount {
get { return _changeAmount; }
set { _changeAmount = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1) */
public float changeSpeed {
get { return _changeSpeed; }
set { _changeSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Controls the ratio between the up and down states of the square wave, changing the tibre (0 to 1) */
public float squareDuty {
get { return _squareDuty; }
set { _squareDuty = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Sweeps the duty up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float dutySweep {
get { return _dutySweep; }
set { _dutySweep = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Speed of the note repeating - certain variables are reset each time (0 to 1) */
public float repeatSpeed {
get { return _repeatSpeed; }
set { _repeatSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Offsets a second copy of the wave by a small phase, changing the tibre (-1 to 1) */
public float phaserOffset {
get { return _phaserOffset; }
set { _phaserOffset = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Sweeps the phase up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float phaserSweep {
get { return _phaserSweep; }
set { _phaserSweep = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Frequency at which the low-pass filter starts attenuating higher frequencies (0 to 1) */
public float lpFilterCutoff {
get { return _lpFilterCutoff; }
set { _lpFilterCutoff = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Sweeps the low-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float lpFilterCutoffSweep {
get { return _lpFilterCutoffSweep; }
set { _lpFilterCutoffSweep = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Changes the attenuation rate for the low-pass filter, changing the timbre (0 to 1) */
public float lpFilterResonance {
get { return _lpFilterResonance; }
set { _lpFilterResonance = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Frequency at which the high-pass filter starts attenuating lower frequencies (0 to 1) */
public float hpFilterCutoff {
get { return _hpFilterCutoff; }
set { _hpFilterCutoff = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Sweeps the high-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float hpFilterCutoffSweep {
get { return _hpFilterCutoffSweep; }
set { _hpFilterCutoffSweep = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
// From BFXR
/** Pitch Jump Repeat Speed: larger Values means more pitch jumps, which can be useful for arpeggiation (0 to 1) */
public float changeRepeat {
get { return _changeRepeat; }
set { _changeRepeat = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float changeAmount2 {
get { return _changeAmount2; }
set { _changeAmount2 = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1) */
public float changeSpeed2 {
get { return _changeSpeed2; }
set { _changeSpeed2 = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Pushes amplitudes together into a narrower range to make them stand out more. Very good for sound effects, where you want them to stick out against background music (0 to 1) */
public float compressionAmount {
get { return _compressionAmount; }
set { _compressionAmount = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Harmonics: overlays copies of the waveform with copies and multiples of its frequency. Good for bulking out or otherwise enriching the texture of the sounds (warning: this is the number 1 cause of bfxr slowdown!) (0 to 1) */
public float overtones {
get { return _overtones; }
set { _overtones = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Harmonics falloff: The rate at which higher overtones should decay (0 to 1) */
public float overtoneFalloff {
get { return _overtoneFalloff; }
set { _overtoneFalloff = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Bit crush: resamples the audio at a lower frequency (0 to 1) */
public float bitCrush {
get { return _bitCrush; }
set { _bitCrush = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
/** Bit crush sweep: sweeps the Bit Crush filter up or down (-1 to 1) */
public float bitCrushSweep {
get { return _bitCrushSweep; }
set { _bitCrushSweep = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1, 1); paramsDirty = true; }
// ================================================================================================================
// PUBLIC INTERFACE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generator methods
* Sets the parameters to generate a pickup/coin sound
public void GeneratePickupCoin() {
_startFrequency = 0.4f + GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_sustainTime = GetRandom() * 0.1f;
_decayTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_sustainPunch = 0.3f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_changeSpeed = 0.5f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
int cnum = (int)(GetRandom()*7f) + 1;
int cden = cnum + (int)(GetRandom()*7f) + 2;
_changeAmount = (float)cnum / (float)cden;
* Sets the parameters to generate a laser/shoot sound
public void GenerateLaserShoot() {
_waveType = (uint)(GetRandom() * 3);
if (_waveType == 2 && GetRandomBool()) _waveType = (uint)(GetRandom() * 2f);
_startFrequency = 0.5f + GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_minFrequency = _startFrequency - 0.2f - GetRandom() * 0.6f;
if (_minFrequency < 0.2f) _minFrequency = 0.2f;
_slide = -0.15f - GetRandom() * 0.2f;
if (GetRandom() < 0.33f) {
_startFrequency = 0.3f + GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_minFrequency = GetRandom() * 0.1f;
_slide = -0.35f - GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_squareDuty = GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_dutySweep = GetRandom() * 0.2f;
} else {
_squareDuty = 0.4f + GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_dutySweep = -GetRandom() * 0.7f;
_sustainTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
_decayTime = GetRandom() * 0.4f;
if (GetRandomBool()) _sustainPunch = GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if (GetRandom() < 0.33f) {
_phaserOffset = GetRandom() * 0.2f;
_phaserSweep = -GetRandom() * 0.2f;
if (GetRandomBool()) _hpFilterCutoff = GetRandom() * 0.3f;
* Sets the parameters to generate an explosion sound
public void GenerateExplosion() {
_waveType = 3;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_startFrequency = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_slide = -0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
} else {
_startFrequency = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.7f;
_slide = -0.2f - GetRandom() * 0.2f;
_startFrequency *= _startFrequency;
if (GetRandom() < 0.2f) _slide = 0.0f;
if (GetRandom() < 0.33f) _repeatSpeed = 0.3f + GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_sustainTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_decayTime = GetRandom() * 0.5f;
_sustainPunch = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.6f;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_phaserOffset = -0.3f + GetRandom() * 0.9f;
_phaserSweep = -GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if (GetRandom() < 0.33f) {
_changeSpeed = 0.6f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_changeAmount = 0.8f - GetRandom() * 1.6f;
* Sets the parameters to generate a powerup sound
public void GeneratePowerup() {
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_waveType = 1;
} else {
_squareDuty = GetRandom() * 0.6f;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_startFrequency = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_slide = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_repeatSpeed = 0.4f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
} else {
_startFrequency = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_slide = 0.05f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
if (GetRandomBool()) {
_vibratoDepth = GetRandom() * 0.7f;
_vibratoSpeed = GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_sustainTime = GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_decayTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
* Sets the parameters to generate a hit/hurt sound
public void GenerateHitHurt() {
_waveType = (uint)(GetRandom() * 3f);
if (_waveType == 2) {
_waveType = 3;
} else if (_waveType == 0) {
_squareDuty = GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_startFrequency = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_slide = -0.3f - GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_sustainTime = GetRandom() * 0.1f;
_decayTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
if (GetRandomBool()) _hpFilterCutoff = GetRandom() * 0.3f;
* Sets the parameters to generate a jump sound
public void GenerateJump() {
_waveType = 0;
_squareDuty = GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_startFrequency = 0.3f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_slide = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
_sustainTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_decayTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.2f;
if (GetRandomBool()) _hpFilterCutoff = GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if (GetRandomBool()) _lpFilterCutoff = 1.0f - GetRandom() * 0.6f;
* Sets the parameters to generate a blip/select sound
public void GenerateBlipSelect() {
_waveType = (uint)(GetRandom() * 2f);
if (_waveType == 0) _squareDuty = GetRandom() * 0.6f;
_startFrequency = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.4f;
_sustainTime = 0.1f + GetRandom() * 0.1f;
_decayTime = GetRandom() * 0.2f;
_hpFilterCutoff = 0.1f;
* Resets the parameters, used at the start of each generate function
protected void resetParams() {
paramsDirty = true;
_waveType = 0;
_startFrequency = 0.3f;
_minFrequency = 0.0f;
_slide = 0.0f;
_deltaSlide = 0.0f;
_squareDuty = 0.0f;
_dutySweep = 0.0f;
_vibratoDepth = 0.0f;
_vibratoSpeed = 0.0f;
_attackTime = 0.0f;
_sustainTime = 0.3f;
_decayTime = 0.4f;
_sustainPunch = 0.0f;
_lpFilterResonance = 0.0f;
_lpFilterCutoff = 1.0f;
_lpFilterCutoffSweep = 0.0f;
_hpFilterCutoff = 0.0f;
_hpFilterCutoffSweep = 0.0f;
_phaserOffset = 0.0f;
_phaserSweep = 0.0f;
_repeatSpeed = 0.0f;
_changeSpeed = 0.0f;
_changeAmount = 0.0f;
// From BFXR
_changeRepeat = 0.0f;
_changeAmount2 = 0.0f;
_changeSpeed2 = 0.0f;
_compressionAmount = 0.3f;
_overtones = 0.0f;
_overtoneFalloff = 0.0f;
_bitCrush = 0.0f;
_bitCrushSweep = 0.0f;
// Randomization methods
* Randomly adjusts the parameters ever so slightly
public void Mutate(float __mutation = 0.05f) {
if (GetRandomBool()) startFrequency += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) minFrequency += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) slide += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) deltaSlide += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) squareDuty += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) dutySweep += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) vibratoDepth += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) vibratoSpeed += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) attackTime += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) sustainTime += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) decayTime += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) sustainPunch += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) lpFilterCutoff += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) lpFilterCutoffSweep += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) lpFilterResonance += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) hpFilterCutoff += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) hpFilterCutoffSweep += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) phaserOffset += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) phaserSweep += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) repeatSpeed += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) changeSpeed += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) changeAmount += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
// From BFXR
if (GetRandomBool()) changeRepeat += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) changeAmount2 += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) changeSpeed2 += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) compressionAmount += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) overtones += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) overtoneFalloff += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) bitCrush += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
if (GetRandomBool()) bitCrushSweep += GetRandom() * __mutation * 2f - __mutation;
* Sets all parameters to random values
public void Randomize() {
_waveType = (uint)(GetRandom() * 9f);
_attackTime = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 4);
_sustainTime = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 2);
_sustainPunch = Pow(GetRandom() * 0.8f, 2);
_decayTime = GetRandom();
_startFrequency = (GetRandomBool()) ? Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 2) : (Pow(GetRandom() * 0.5f, 3) + 0.5f);
_minFrequency = 0.0f;
_slide = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_deltaSlide = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_vibratoDepth = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_vibratoSpeed = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_changeAmount = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_changeSpeed = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_squareDuty = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_dutySweep = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_repeatSpeed = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_phaserOffset = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_phaserSweep = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_lpFilterCutoff = 1f - Pow(GetRandom(), 3);
_lpFilterCutoffSweep = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 3);
_lpFilterResonance = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_hpFilterCutoff = Pow(GetRandom(), 5);
_hpFilterCutoffSweep = Pow(GetRandom() * 2f - 1f, 5);
if (_attackTime + _sustainTime + _decayTime < 0.2f) {
_sustainTime = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
_decayTime = 0.2f + GetRandom() * 0.3f;
if ((_startFrequency > 0.7f && _slide > 0.2) || (_startFrequency < 0.2 && _slide < -0.05)) {
_slide = -_slide;
if (_lpFilterCutoff < 0.1f && _lpFilterCutoffSweep < -0.05f) {
_lpFilterCutoffSweep = -_lpFilterCutoffSweep;
// From BFXR
_changeRepeat = GetRandom();
_changeAmount2 = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
_changeSpeed2 = GetRandom();
_compressionAmount = GetRandom();
_overtones = GetRandom();
_overtoneFalloff = GetRandom();
_bitCrush = GetRandom();
_bitCrushSweep = GetRandom() * 2f - 1f;
// Setting string methods
* Returns a string representation of the parameters for copy/paste sharing in the old format (24 parameters, SFXR/AS3SFXR compatible)
* @return A comma-delimited list of parameter values
public string GetSettingsStringLegacy() {
string str = "";
// 24 params
str += waveType.ToString() + ",";
str += To4DP(_attackTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_sustainTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_sustainPunch) + ",";
str += To4DP(_decayTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_startFrequency) + ",";
str += To4DP(_minFrequency) + ",";
str += To4DP(_slide) + ",";
str += To4DP(_deltaSlide) + ",";
str += To4DP(_vibratoDepth) + ",";
str += To4DP(_vibratoSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_changeAmount) + ",";
str += To4DP(_changeSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_squareDuty) + ",";
str += To4DP(_dutySweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_repeatSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_phaserOffset) + ",";
str += To4DP(_phaserSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterCutoff) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterCutoffSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterResonance) + ",";
str += To4DP(_hpFilterCutoff) + ",";
str += To4DP(_hpFilterCutoffSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_masterVolume);
return str;
* Returns a string representation of the parameters for copy/paste sharing in the new format (32 parameters, BFXR compatible)
* @return A comma-delimited list of parameter values
public string GetSettingsString() {
string str = "";
// 32 params
str += waveType.ToString() + ",";
str += To4DP(_masterVolume) + ",";
str += To4DP(_attackTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_sustainTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_sustainPunch) + ",";
str += To4DP(_decayTime) + ",";
str += To4DP(_compressionAmount) + ",";
str += To4DP(_startFrequency) + ",";
str += To4DP(_minFrequency) + ",";
str += To4DP(_slide) + ",";
str += To4DP(_deltaSlide) + ",";
str += To4DP(_vibratoDepth) + ",";
str += To4DP(_vibratoSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_overtones) + ",";
str += To4DP(_overtoneFalloff) + ",";
str += To4DP(_changeRepeat) + ","; // _changeRepeat?
str += To4DP(_changeAmount) + ",";
str += To4DP(_changeSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_changeAmount2) + ","; // changeamount2
str += To4DP(_changeSpeed2) + ","; // changespeed2
str += To4DP(_squareDuty) + ",";
str += To4DP(_dutySweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_repeatSpeed) + ",";
str += To4DP(_phaserOffset) + ",";
str += To4DP(_phaserSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterCutoff) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterCutoffSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_lpFilterResonance) + ",";
str += To4DP(_hpFilterCutoff) + ",";
str += To4DP(_hpFilterCutoffSweep) + ",";
str += To4DP(_bitCrush) + ",";
str += To4DP(_bitCrushSweep);
return str;
* Parses a settings string into the parameters
* @param string Settings string to parse
* @return If the string successfully parsed
public bool SetSettingsString(string __string) {
string[] values = __string.Split(new char[] { ',' });
if (values.Length == 24) {
// Old format (SFXR): 24 parameters
waveType = ParseUint(values[0]);
attackTime = ParseFloat(values[1]);
sustainTime = ParseFloat(values[2]);
sustainPunch = ParseFloat(values[3]);
decayTime = ParseFloat(values[4]);
startFrequency = ParseFloat(values[5]);
minFrequency = ParseFloat(values[6]);
slide = ParseFloat(values[7]);
deltaSlide = ParseFloat(values[8]);
vibratoDepth = ParseFloat(values[9]);
vibratoSpeed = ParseFloat(values[10]);
changeAmount = ParseFloat(values[11]);
changeSpeed = ParseFloat(values[12]);
squareDuty = ParseFloat(values[13]);
dutySweep = ParseFloat(values[14]);
repeatSpeed = ParseFloat(values[15]);
phaserOffset = ParseFloat(values[16]);
phaserSweep = ParseFloat(values[17]);
lpFilterCutoff = ParseFloat(values[18]);
lpFilterCutoffSweep = ParseFloat(values[19]);
lpFilterResonance = ParseFloat(values[20]);
hpFilterCutoff = ParseFloat(values[21]);
hpFilterCutoffSweep = ParseFloat(values[22]);
masterVolume = ParseFloat(values[23]);
} else if (values.Length >= 32) {
// New format (BFXR): 32 parameters (or more, but locked parameters are ignored)
waveType = ParseUint(values[0]);
masterVolume = ParseFloat(values[1]);
attackTime = ParseFloat(values[2]);
sustainTime = ParseFloat(values[3]);
sustainPunch = ParseFloat(values[4]);
decayTime = ParseFloat(values[5]);
compressionAmount = ParseFloat(values[6]);
startFrequency = ParseFloat(values[7]);
minFrequency = ParseFloat(values[8]);
slide = ParseFloat(values[9]);
deltaSlide = ParseFloat(values[10]);
vibratoDepth = ParseFloat(values[11]);
vibratoSpeed = ParseFloat(values[12]);
overtones = ParseFloat(values[13]);
overtoneFalloff = ParseFloat(values[14]);
changeRepeat = ParseFloat(values[15]);
changeAmount = ParseFloat(values[16]);
changeSpeed = ParseFloat(values[17]);
changeAmount2 = ParseFloat(values[18]);
changeSpeed2 = ParseFloat(values[19]);
squareDuty = ParseFloat(values[20]);
dutySweep = ParseFloat(values[21]);
repeatSpeed = ParseFloat(values[22]);
phaserOffset = ParseFloat(values[23]);
phaserSweep = ParseFloat(values[24]);
lpFilterCutoff = ParseFloat(values[25]);
lpFilterCutoffSweep = ParseFloat(values[26]);
lpFilterResonance = ParseFloat(values[27]);
hpFilterCutoff = ParseFloat(values[28]);
hpFilterCutoffSweep = ParseFloat(values[29]);
bitCrush = ParseFloat(values[30]);
bitCrushSweep = ParseFloat(values[31]);
} else {
Debug.LogError("Could not paste settings string: parameters contain " + values.Length + " values (was expecting 24 or >32)");
return false;
return true;
// Copying methods
* Returns a copy of this SfxrParams with all settings duplicated
* @return A copy of this SfxrParams
public SfxrParams Clone() {
SfxrParams outp = new SfxrParams();
return outp;
* Copies parameters from another instance
* @param params Instance to copy parameters from
public void CopyFrom(SfxrParams __params, bool __makeDirty = false) {
bool wasDirty = paramsDirty;
paramsDirty = wasDirty || __makeDirty;
// Utility methods
* Faster power function; this function takes about 36% of the time Mathf.Pow() would take in our use cases
* @param base Base to raise to power
* @param power Power to raise base by
* @return The calculated power
private float Pow(float __pbase, int __power) {
switch(__power) {
case 2: return __pbase * __pbase;
case 3: return __pbase * __pbase * __pbase;
case 4: return __pbase * __pbase * __pbase * __pbase;
case 5: return __pbase * __pbase * __pbase * __pbase * __pbase;
return 1f;
// ================================================================================================================
// INTERNAL INTERFACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the number as a string to 4 decimal places
* @param value Number to convert
* @return Number to 4dp as a string
private string To4DP(float __value) {
if (__value < 0.0001f && __value > -0.0001f) return "";
return __value.ToString("#.####");
* Parses a string into an uint value; also returns 0 if the string is empty, rather than an error
private uint ParseUint(string __value) {
if (__value.Length == 0) return 0;
return uint.Parse(__value);
* Parses a string into a float value; also returns 0 if the string is empty, rather than an error
private float ParseFloat(string __value) {
if (__value.Length == 0) return 0;
return float.Parse(__value);
* Returns a random value: 0 <= n < 1
* This function is needed so we can follow the original code more strictly; Unity's Random.value returns 0 <= n <= 1
private float GetRandom() {
return UnityEngine.Random.value % 1;
* Returns a boolean value
private bool GetRandomBool() {
return UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.5f;