#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import sys from datetime import datetime from dotenv import load_dotenv DEFAULT_CONFIG = "~/.config/fabric/.env" PATH_KEY = "FABRIC_OUTPUT_PATH" FM_KEY = "FABRIC_FRONTMATTER_TAGS" DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d" load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CONFIG)) def main(tag, tags, fabric): out = os.getenv(PATH_KEY) if out is None: print(f"'{PATH_KEY}' not set in {DEFAULT_CONFIG} or in your environment.") sys.exit(1) out = os.path.expanduser(out) if not os.path.isdir(out): print(f"'{out}' does not exist. Create it and try again.") sys.exit(1) if not out.endswith("/"): out += "/" if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f"'{sys.argv[0]}' takes a single argument to tag your summary") sys.exit(1) yyyymmdd = datetime.now().strftime(DATE_FORMAT) target = f"{out}{yyyymmdd}-{tag}.md" # don't clobber existing files- add an incremented number to the end instead would_clobber = True inc = 0 while would_clobber: if inc > 0: target = f"{out}{yyyymmdd}-{tag}-{inc}.md" if os.path.exists(target): inc += 1 else: would_clobber = False # YAML frontmatter stubs for things like Obsidian # Prevent a NoneType ending up in the tags frontmatter_tags = "" if fabric: frontmatter_tags = os.getenv(FM_KEY) with open(target, "w") as fp: if frontmatter_tags or len(tags) != 0: fp.write("---\n") now = datetime.now().strftime(f"{DATE_FORMAT} %H:%M") fp.write(f"generation_date: {now}\n") fp.write(f"tags: {frontmatter_tags} {tag} {' '.join(tags)}\n") fp.write("---\n") # function like 'tee' and split the output to a file and STDOUT for line in sys.stdin: print(line, end="") fp.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( 'save: a "tee-like" utility to pipeline saving of content, ' "while keeping the output stream intact. Can optionally generate " '"frontmatter" for PKM utilities like Obsidian via the ' '"FABRIC_FRONTMATTER" environment variable' ) ) parser.add_argument( "stub", nargs="?", help=( "stub to describe your content. Use quotes if you have spaces. " "Resulting format is YYYY-MM-DD-stub.md by default" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-t,", "--tag", required=False, action="append", default=[], help=( "add an additional frontmatter tag. Use this argument multiple times" "for multiple tags" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--nofabric", required=False, action="store_false", help="don't use the fabric tags, only use tags from --tag", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.stub: main(args.stub, args.tag, args.nofabric) else: parser.print_help()