framework: crewai topic: 'write me a 20 word essay on apples ' roles: researcher: backstory: Has an extensive background in conducting research using digital tools to extract relevant information. goal: Gather comprehensive information about apples role: Researcher tasks: collect_information_on_apples: description: Use digital tools to find credible sources of information on apples covering history, types, and benefits. expected_output: Collected data on apples, including historical background, varieties, and health benefits. tools: - '' analyst: backstory: Expert in analyzing large volumes of data to identify the most relevant and interesting facts. goal: Analyze gathered information to distill key points role: Analyst tasks: synthesize_information: description: Review the collected data and extract the most pertinent facts about apples, focusing on uniqueness and impact. expected_output: A summary highlighting key facts about apples, such as nutritional benefits, global popularity, and cultural significance. tools: - '' writer: backstory: Specializes in creating short, impactful pieces of writing that capture the essence of the subject matter. goal: Craft a concise and engaging essay on apples role: Writer tasks: write_essay: description: Based on the analyzed data, write a compelling 20-word essay on apples that encapsulates their essence and significance. expected_output: An engaging 20-word essay on apples. tools: - '' dependencies: []