# Installs poetry-based python dependencies
echo "Installing python dependencies"
poetry install
# List of commands to check and add or update alias for
commands = ( "fabric" "fabric-api" "fabric-webui" )
# List of shell configuration files to update
config_files = ( ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc ~/.bash_profile)
# Initialize an empty string to hold the path of the sourced file
source_command = ""
for config_file in " ${ config_files [@] } " ; do
# Check if the configuration file exists
if [ -f " $config_file " ] ; then
echo " Updating $config_file "
for cmd in " ${ commands [@] } " ; do
# Get the path of the command
CMD_PATH = $( poetry run which $cmd )
# Check if the config file contains an alias for the command
if grep -q " alias $cmd = " " $config_file " ; then
# Replace the existing alias with the new one
sed -i " /alias $cmd =/c\alias $cmd =' $CMD_PATH ' " " $config_file "
echo " Updated alias for $cmd in $config_file . "
# If not, add the alias to the config file
echo -e " \nalias $cmd =' $CMD_PATH ' " >> " $config_file "
echo " Added alias for $cmd to $config_file . "
# Set source_command to source the updated file
source_command = " source $config_file "
echo " $config_file does not exist. "
# Provide instruction to source the updated file
if [ ! -z " $source_command " ] ; then
echo "To apply the changes, please run the following command in your terminal:"
echo " $source_command "
echo "No configuration files were updated. No need to source."