document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , async function ( ) {
const patternSelector = document . getElementById ( "patternSelector" ) ;
const userInput = document . getElementById ( "userInput" ) ;
const submitButton = document . getElementById ( "submit" ) ;
const responseContainer = document . getElementById ( "responseContainer" ) ;
const themeChanger = document . getElementById ( "themeChanger" ) ;
const configButton = document . getElementById ( "configButton" ) ;
const configSection = document . getElementById ( "configSection" ) ;
const saveApiKeyButton = document . getElementById ( "saveApiKey" ) ;
const apiKeyInput = document . getElementById ( "apiKeyInput" ) ;
const originalPlaceholder = userInput . placeholder ;
const copyButton = document . getElementById ( "copyButton" ) ;
async function submitQuery ( userInputValue ) {
userInput . value = "" ; // Clear the input after submitting
systemCommand = await window . electronAPI . invoke (
"get-pattern-content" ,
patternSelector . value
) ;
responseContainer . innerHTML = "" ; // Clear previous responses
responseContainer . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
window . electronAPI . send (
"start-query-openai" ,
systemCommand ,
) ;
function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text ) {
const textArea = document . createElement ( "textarea" ) ;
textArea . value = text ;
// Avoid scrolling to bottom
textArea . style . top = "0" ;
textArea . style . left = "0" ;
textArea . style . position = "fixed" ;
document . body . appendChild ( textArea ) ;
textArea . focus ( ) ;
textArea . select ( ) ;
function copyToClipboard ( ) {
try {
if ( responseContainer . textContent ) {
text = responseContainer . textContent ;
if ( navigator . clipboard ) {
navigator . clipboard
. writeText ( text )
. then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( "Text successfully copied to clipboard" ) ;
} )
. catch ( function ( err ) {
console . error ( "Error in copying text: " , err ) ;
// Optionally, use fallback method here
} ) ;
} else {
fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( "Error in copying text: " , err ) ;
try {
const successful = document . execCommand ( "copy" ) ;
const msg = successful ? "successful" : "unsuccessful" ;
console . log ( "Fallback: Copying text command was " + msg ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( "Fallback: Oops, unable to copy" , err ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( textArea ) ;
// Load patterns on startup
try {
const patterns = await window . electronAPI . invoke ( "get-patterns" ) ;
patterns . forEach ( ( pattern ) => {
const option = document . createElement ( "option" ) ;
option . value = pattern ;
option . textContent = pattern ;
patternSelector . appendChild ( option ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( "Failed to load patterns:" , error ) ;
// Listen for OpenAI responses
window . electronAPI . on ( "openai-response" , ( message ) => {
const formattedMessage = message . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
responseContainer . innerHTML += formattedMessage ; // Append new data as it arrives
} ) ;
window . electronAPI . on ( "file-response" , ( message ) => {
if ( message . startsWith ( "Error" ) ) {
alert ( message ) ;
return ;
submitQuery ( message ) ;
} ) ;
// Submit button click handler
submitButton . addEventListener ( "click" , async ( ) => {
const userInputValue = userInput . value ;
submitQuery ( userInputValue ) ;
} ) ;
// Theme changer click handler
themeChanger . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
document . body . classList . toggle ( "light-theme" ) ;
themeChanger . innerText =
themeChanger . innerText === "Dark" ? "Light" : "Dark" ;
} ) ;
// Config button click handler - toggles the config section visibility
configButton . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
configSection . classList . toggle ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
// Save API Key button click handler
saveApiKeyButton . addEventListener ( "click" , ( ) => {
const apiKey = apiKeyInput . value ;
window . electronAPI
. invoke ( "save-api-key" , apiKey )
. then ( ( ) => {
alert ( "API Key saved successfully." ) ;
// Optionally hide the config section and clear the input after saving
configSection . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
apiKeyInput . value = "" ;
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . error ( "Error saving API key:" , err ) ;
alert ( "Failed to save API Key." ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Handler for pattern selection change
patternSelector . addEventListener ( "change" , async ( ) => {
const selectedPattern = patternSelector . value ;
const systemCommand = await window . electronAPI . invoke (
"get-pattern-content" ,
) ;
// Use systemCommand as part of the input for querying OpenAI
} ) ;
userInput . addEventListener ( "dragover" , ( event ) => {
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
// Add some visual feedback
userInput . classList . add ( "drag-over" ) ;
userInput . placeholder = "Drop file here" ;
} ) ;
userInput . addEventListener ( "dragleave" , ( event ) => {
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
// Remove visual feedback
userInput . classList . remove ( "drag-over" ) ;
userInput . placeholder = originalPlaceholder ;
} ) ;
userInput . addEventListener ( "drop" , ( event ) => {
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
const file = event . dataTransfer . files [ 0 ] ;
userInput . classList . remove ( "drag-over" ) ;
userInput . placeholder = originalPlaceholder ;
processFile ( file ) ;
} ) ;
function processFile ( file ) {
const fileType = file . type ;
const reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
let content = "" ;
reader . onload = ( event ) => {
content = event . target . result ;
userInput . value = content ;
submitQuery ( content ) ;
} ;
if ( fileType === "text/plain" || fileType === "image/svg+xml" ) {
reader . readAsText ( file ) ;
} else if (
fileType === "application/pdf" ||
fileType . match ( /wordprocessingml/ )
) {
// For PDF and DOCX, we need to handle them in the main process due to complexity
window . electronAPI . send ( "process-complex-file" , file . path ) ;
} else {
console . error ( "Unsupported file type" ) ;
} ) ;