const { app , BrowserWindow , ipcMain , dialog } = require ( "electron" ) ;
const pdfParse = require ( "pdf-parse" ) ;
const mammoth = require ( "mammoth" ) ;
const fs = require ( "fs" ) ;
const path = require ( "path" ) ;
const os = require ( "os" ) ;
const { queryOpenAI } = require ( "./chatgpt.js" ) ;
let win ;
function createWindow ( ) {
win = new BrowserWindow ( {
width : 800 ,
height : 600 ,
webPreferences : {
contextIsolation : true ,
nodeIntegration : false ,
preload : path . join ( _ _dirname , "preload.js" ) ,
} ,
} ) ;
win . loadFile ( "index.html" ) ;
win . on ( "closed" , ( ) => {
win = null ;
} ) ;
ipcMain . on ( "process-complex-file" , ( event , filePath ) => {
const extension = path . extname ( filePath ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let fileProcessPromise ;
if ( extension === ".pdf" ) {
const dataBuffer = fs . readFileSync ( filePath ) ;
fileProcessPromise = pdfParse ( dataBuffer ) . then ( ( data ) => data . text ) ;
} else if ( extension === ".docx" ) {
fileProcessPromise = mammoth
. extractRawText ( { path : filePath } )
. then ( ( result ) => result . value )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . error ( "Error processing DOCX file:" , err ) ;
throw new Error ( "Error processing DOCX file." ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
event . reply ( "file-response" , "Error: Unsupported file type" ) ;
return ;
. then ( ( extractedText ) => {
// Sending the extracted text back to the frontend.
event . reply ( "file-response" , extractedText ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( error ) => {
// Handling any errors during file processing and sending them back to the frontend.
event . reply ( "file-response" , ` Error processing file: ${ error . message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
ipcMain . on ( "start-query-openai" , ( event , system , user ) => {
if ( system == null || user == null ) {
console . error ( "Received null for system or user message" ) ;
event . reply ( "openai-response" , "Error: System or user message is null." ) ;
return ;
queryOpenAI ( system , user , ( message ) => {
event . reply ( "openai-response" , message ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Example of using ipcMain.handle for asynchronous operations
ipcMain . handle ( "get-patterns" , async ( event ) => {
try {
return getPatternFolders ( ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( "Failed to get patterns:" , error ) ;
return [ ] ;
} ) ;
ipcMain . handle ( "get-pattern-content" , async ( event , patternName ) => {
try {
return getPatternContent ( patternName ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( "Failed to get pattern content:" , error ) ;
return "" ;
} ) ;
ipcMain . handle ( "save-api-key" , async ( event , apiKey ) => {
try {
const configPath = path . join ( os . homedir ( ) , ".config" , "fabric" ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( configPath ) ) {
fs . mkdirSync ( configPath , { recursive : true } ) ;
const envFilePath = path . join ( configPath , ".env" ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( envFilePath , ` OPENAI_API_KEY= ${ apiKey } ` ) ;
process . env . OPENAI _API _KEY = apiKey ;
return "API Key saved successfully." ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( "Error saving API key:" , error ) ;
throw new Error ( "Failed to save API Key." ) ;
} ) ;
function checkApiKeyExists ( ) {
const configPath = path . join ( os . homedir ( ) , ".config" , "fabric" , ".env" ) ;
return fs . existsSync ( configPath ) ;
function getPatternFolders ( ) {
const patternsPath = path . join ( _ _dirname , "patterns" ) ;
return fs
. readdirSync ( patternsPath , { withFileTypes : true } )
. filter ( ( dirent ) => dirent . isDirectory ( ) )
. map ( ( dirent ) => dirent . name ) ;
function getPatternContent ( patternName ) {
const patternPath = path . join (
_ _dirname ,
"patterns" ,
patternName ,
) ;
try {
return fs . readFileSync ( patternPath , "utf8" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( "Error reading pattern file:" , error ) ;
return "" ;
app . whenReady ( ) . then ( async ( ) => {
createWindow ( ) ;
// Show dialog if API key does not exist
if ( ! checkApiKeyExists ( ) ) {
// Note: Electron does not have a built-in showInputBox method.
// You would need to implement a custom dialog or use a web-based input for this.
console . log ( "API key is missing. Implement dialog to collect API key." ) ;
} ) ;
app . on ( "window-all-closed" , ( ) => {
if ( process . platform !== "darwin" ) {
app . quit ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . on ( "activate" , ( ) => {
if ( win === null ) {
createWindow ( ) ;
} ) ;