import requests
import os
from openai import OpenAI
import pyperclip
import sys
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from requests . exceptions import HTTPError
from tqdm import tqdm
current_directory = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
config_directory = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.config/fabric " )
env_file = os . path . join ( config_directory , " .env " )
class Standalone :
def __init__ ( self , args , pattern = " " , env_file = " ~/.config/fabric/.env " ) :
""" Initialize the class with the provided arguments and environment file.
Args :
args : The arguments for initialization .
pattern : The pattern to be used ( default is an empty string ) .
env_file : The path to the environment file ( default is " ~/.config/fabric/.env " ) .
Returns :
Raises :
KeyError : If the " OPENAI_API_KEY " is not found in the environment variables .
FileNotFoundError : If no API key is found in the environment variables .
# Expand the tilde to the full path
env_file = os . path . expanduser ( env_file )
load_dotenv ( env_file )
try :
apikey = os . environ [ " OPENAI_API_KEY " ]
self . client = OpenAI ( )
self . client . api_key = apikey
except KeyError :
print ( " OPENAI_API_KEY not found in environment variables. " )
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " No API key found. Use the --apikey option to set the key " )
sys . exit ( )
self . config_pattern_directory = config_directory
self . pattern = pattern
self . args = args
def streamMessage ( self , input_data : str ) :
""" Stream a message and handle exceptions.
Args :
input_data ( str ) : The input data for the message .
Returns :
None : If the pattern is not found .
Raises :
FileNotFoundError : If the pattern file is not found .
wisdomFilePath = os . path . join (
config_directory , f " patterns/ { self . pattern } / "
user_message = { " role " : " user " , " content " : f " { input_data } " }
wisdom_File = os . path . join ( current_directory , wisdomFilePath )
buffer = " "
if self . pattern :
try :
with open ( wisdom_File , " r " ) as f :
system = f . read ( )
system_message = { " role " : " system " , " content " : system }
messages = [ system_message , user_message ]
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " pattern not found " )
else :
messages = [ user_message ]
try :
stream = self . client . chat . completions . create (
model = " gpt-4-turbo-preview " ,
messages = messages ,
temperature = 0.0 ,
top_p = 1 ,
frequency_penalty = 0.1 ,
presence_penalty = 0.1 ,
stream = True ,
for chunk in stream :
if chunk . choices [ 0 ] . delta . content is not None :
char = chunk . choices [ 0 ] . delta . content
buffer + = char
if char not in [ " \n " , " " ] :
print ( char , end = " " )
elif char == " " :
print ( " " , end = " " ) # Explicitly handle spaces
elif char == " \n " :
print ( ) # Handle newlines
sys . stdout . flush ( )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error: { e } " )
print ( e )
if self . args . copy :
pyperclip . copy ( buffer )
if self . args . output :
with open ( self . args . output , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( buffer )
def sendMessage ( self , input_data : str ) :
""" Send a message using the input data and generate a response.
Args :
input_data ( str ) : The input data to be sent as a message .
Returns :
Raises :
FileNotFoundError : If the specified pattern file is not found .
wisdomFilePath = os . path . join (
config_directory , f " patterns/ { self . pattern } / "
user_message = { " role " : " user " , " content " : f " { input_data } " }
wisdom_File = os . path . join ( current_directory , wisdomFilePath )
if self . pattern :
try :
with open ( wisdom_File , " r " ) as f :
system = f . read ( )
system_message = { " role " : " system " , " content " : system }
messages = [ system_message , user_message ]
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " pattern not found " )
else :
messages = [ user_message ]
try :
response = self . client . chat . completions . create (
model = " gpt-4-turbo-preview " ,
messages = messages ,
temperature = 0.0 ,
top_p = 1 ,
frequency_penalty = 0.1 ,
presence_penalty = 0.1 ,
print ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error: { e } " )
print ( e )
if self . args . copy :
pyperclip . copy ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
if self . args . output :
with open ( self . args . output , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
class Update :
def __init__ ( self ) :
""" Initialize the object with default values and update patterns.
This method initializes the object with default values for root_api_url , config_directory , and pattern_directory .
It then creates the pattern_directory if it does not exist and calls the update_patterns method to update the patterns .
Raises :
OSError : If there is an issue creating the pattern_directory .
self . root_api_url = " "
self . config_directory = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.config/fabric " )
self . pattern_directory = os . path . join ( self . config_directory , " patterns " )
os . makedirs ( self . pattern_directory , exist_ok = True )
self . update_patterns ( ) # Call the update process from a method.
def update_patterns ( self ) :
""" Update the patterns by downloading from the GitHub directory.
Raises :
HTTPError : If there is an HTTP error while downloading patterns .
try :
self . progress_bar = tqdm ( desc = " Downloading Patterns… " , unit = " file " )
self . get_github_directory_contents (
self . root_api_url , self . pattern_directory
# Close progress bar on success before printing the message.
self . progress_bar . close ( )
except HTTPError as e :
# Ensure progress bar is closed on HTTPError as well.
self . progress_bar . close ( )
if e . response . status_code == 403 :
print (
" GitHub API rate limit exceeded. Please wait before trying again. "
sys . exit ( )
else :
print ( f " Failed to download patterns due to an HTTP error: { e } " )
sys . exit ( ) # Exit after handling the error.
def download_file ( self , url , local_path ) :
""" Download a file from the given URL and save it to the local path.
Args :
url ( str ) : The URL of the file to be downloaded .
local_path ( str ) : The local path where the file will be saved .
Raises :
HTTPError : If an HTTP error occurs during the download process .
try :
response = requests . get ( url )
response . raise_for_status ( )
with open ( local_path , " wb " ) as f :
f . write ( response . content )
self . progress_bar . update ( 1 )
except HTTPError as e :
print ( f " Failed to download file { url } . HTTP error: { e } " )
sys . exit ( )
def process_item ( self , item , local_dir ) :
""" Process the given item and save it to the local directory.
Args :
item ( dict ) : The item to be processed , containing information about the type , download URL , name , and URL .
local_dir ( str ) : The local directory where the item will be saved .
Returns :
Raises :
OSError : If there is an issue creating the new directory using os . makedirs .
if item [ " type " ] == " file " :
self . download_file (
item [ " download_url " ] , os . path . join ( local_dir , item [ " name " ] )
elif item [ " type " ] == " dir " :
new_dir = os . path . join ( local_dir , item [ " name " ] )
os . makedirs ( new_dir , exist_ok = True )
self . get_github_directory_contents ( item [ " url " ] , new_dir )
def get_github_directory_contents ( self , api_url , local_dir ) :
""" Get the contents of a directory from GitHub API and process each item.
Args :
api_url ( str ) : The URL of the GitHub API endpoint for the directory .
local_dir ( str ) : The local directory where the contents will be processed .
Returns :
Raises :
HTTPError : If an HTTP error occurs while fetching the directory contents .
If the status code is 403 , it prints a message about GitHub API rate limit exceeded
and closes the progress bar . For any other status code , it prints a message
about failing to fetch directory contents due to an HTTP error .
try :
response = requests . get ( api_url )
response . raise_for_status ( )
jsonList = response . json ( )
for item in jsonList :
self . process_item ( item , local_dir )
except HTTPError as e :
if e . response . status_code == 403 :
print (
" GitHub API rate limit exceeded. Please wait before trying again. "
self . progress_bar . close ( ) # Ensure the progress bar is cleaned up properly
else :
print ( f " Failed to fetch directory contents due to an HTTP error: { e } " )
class Setup :
def __init__ ( self ) :
""" Initialize the object.
Raises :
OSError : If there is an error in creating the pattern directory .
self . config_directory = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.config/fabric " )
self . pattern_directory = os . path . join ( self . config_directory , " patterns " )
os . makedirs ( self . pattern_directory , exist_ok = True )
self . env_file = os . path . join ( self . config_directory , " .env " )
def api_key ( self , api_key ) :
""" Set the OpenAI API key in the environment file.
Args :
api_key ( str ) : The API key to be set .
Returns :
Raises :
OSError : If the environment file does not exist or cannot be accessed .
if not os . path . exists ( self . env_file ) :
with open ( self . env_file , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( f " OPENAI_API_KEY= { api_key } " )
print ( f " OpenAI API key set to { api_key } " )
def patterns ( self ) :
""" Method to update patterns and exit the system.
Returns :
Update ( )
sys . exit ( )
def run ( self ) :
""" Execute the Fabric program.
This method prompts the user for their OpenAI API key , sets the API key in the Fabric object , and then calls the patterns method .
Returns :
print ( " Welcome to Fabric. Let ' s get started. " )
apikey = input ( " Please enter your OpenAI API key \n " )
self . api_key ( apikey . strip ( ) )
self . patterns ( )