import requests
import os
from openai import OpenAI
import pyperclip
import sys
current_directory = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
config_directory = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.config/fabric " )
env_file = os . path . join ( config_directory , ' .env ' )
class Standalone :
def __init__ ( self , args , pattern = ' ' ) :
try :
with open ( env_file , " r " ) as f :
apikey = f . read ( ) . split ( " = " ) [ 1 ]
self . client = OpenAI ( api_key = apikey )
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " No API key found. Use the --apikey option to set the key " )
sys . exit ( )
self . config_pattern_directory = config_directory
self . pattern = pattern
self . args = args
def streamMessage ( self , input_data : str ) :
wisdomFilePath = os . path . join (
config_directory , f " patterns/ { self . pattern } / " )
user_message = { " role " : " user " , " content " : f " { input_data } " }
wisdom_File = os . path . join (
current_directory , wisdomFilePath )
buffer = ' '
if self . pattern :
try :
with open ( wisdom_File , " r " ) as f :
system = f . read ( )
system_message = { " role " : " system " , " content " : system }
messages = [ system_message , user_message ]
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( ' pattern not found ' )
else :
messages = [ user_message ]
try :
stream = self . client . chat . completions . create (
model = " gpt-4-1106-preview " ,
messages = messages ,
temperature = 0.0 ,
top_p = 1 ,
frequency_penalty = 0.1 ,
presence_penalty = 0.1 ,
stream = True
for chunk in stream :
if chunk . choices [ 0 ] . delta . content is not None :
char = chunk . choices [ 0 ] . delta . content
buffer + = char
if char not in [ ' \n ' , ' ' ] :
print ( char , end = ' ' )
elif char == ' ' :
print ( ' ' , end = ' ' ) # Explicitly handle spaces
elif char == ' \n ' :
print ( ) # Handle newlines
sys . stdout . flush ( )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error: { e } " )
if self . args . copy :
pyperclip . copy ( buffer )
if self . args . output :
with open ( self . args . output , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( buffer )
def sendMessage ( self , input_data : str ) :
wisdomFilePath = os . path . join (
config_directory , f " paterns/ { self . pattern } / " )
user_message = { " role " : " user " , " content " : f " { input_data } " }
wisdom_File = os . path . join (
current_directory , wisdomFilePath )
if self . pattern :
try :
with open ( wisdom_File , " r " ) as f :
system = f . read ( )
system_message = { " role " : " system " , " content " : system }
messages = [ system_message , user_message ]
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( ' pattern not found ' )
else :
messages = [ user_message ]
try :
response = self . client . chat . completions . create (
model = " gpt-4-1106-preview " ,
messages = messages ,
temperature = 0.0 ,
top_p = 1 ,
frequency_penalty = 0.1 ,
presence_penalty = 0.1
print ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error: { e } " )
if self . args . copy :
pyperclip . copy ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
if self . args . output :
with open ( self . args . output , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content )
class Update :
def __init__ ( self ) :
# Initialize with the root API URL
self . root_api_url = " "
self . config_directory = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.config/fabric " )
self . pattern_directory = os . path . join (
self . config_directory , ' patterns ' )
# Ensure local directory exists
os . makedirs ( self . pattern_directory , exist_ok = True )
self . get_github_directory_contents (
self . root_api_url , self . pattern_directory )
def download_file ( self , url , local_path ) :
Download a file from a URL to a local path .
response = requests . get ( url )
response . raise_for_status ( ) # This will raise an exception for HTTP error codes
with open ( local_path , ' wb ' ) as f :
f . write ( response . content )
def process_item ( self , item , local_dir ) :
Process an individual item , downloading if it ' s a file, or processing further if it ' s a directory .
if item [ ' type ' ] == ' file ' :
print ( f " Downloading file: { item [ ' name ' ] } to { local_dir } " )
self . download_file ( item [ ' download_url ' ] ,
os . path . join ( local_dir , item [ ' name ' ] ) )
elif item [ ' type ' ] == ' dir ' :
new_dir = os . path . join ( local_dir , item [ ' name ' ] )
os . makedirs ( new_dir , exist_ok = True )
self . get_github_directory_contents ( item [ ' url ' ] , new_dir )
def get_github_directory_contents ( self , api_url , local_dir ) :
Fetches the contents of a directory in a GitHub repository and downloads files , recursively handling directories .
response = requests . get ( api_url )
response . raise_for_status ( ) # This will raise an exception for HTTP error codes
jsonList = response . json ( )
for item in jsonList :
self . process_item ( item , local_dir )