You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
# Using Markdown to learn Markdown
## Table of contents
1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [Paragraph 1](#paragraph-1)
3. [References](#references)
4. [Other interesting files](#other-interesting-files)
## Introduction <a name="introduction"></a>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisl nisi, maximus vel elit sed, rutrum suscipit libero. Proin ullamcorper sagittis dui, et luctus odio hendrerit ornare. Sed fringilla fringilla ligula vitae porttitor. Integer odio dui, malesuada a lorem vel, tincidunt malesuada nisi. Suspendisse lacinia vel lectus vel mattis. Etiam iaculis turpis ut sem vulputate viverra. Nunc nec ullamcorper felis, at aliquam purus. Nunc tincidunt sapien purus. Donec interdum iaculis ipsum et maximus. Nam justo metus, volutpat eget libero at, malesuada viverra lorem. Ut sed dictum felis. Aenean tempus ipsum quam, et mollis nunc maximus id.
## Basic Syntax
2 years ago
### Headings
2 years ago
**Headings** in Markdown work like headings in HTML. Create a heading by adding # characters before the content of the heading. The number of # characters determines the *heading level*.
### Formatting
- Bold is delimited with ** characters before and after the bolded text
- Italic is delimeted with a * character before and after the italic text
2 years ago
## Documenting Code
2 years ago
## References
1. [Markdown Guide](
2. [Markdown Cheatsheet](