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"# CLIP Interrogator 2.1 by [@pharmapsychotic](https://twitter.com/pharmapsychotic) \n",
"Want to figure out what a good prompt might be to create new images like an existing one? The CLIP Interrogator is here to get you answers!\n",
"This version is specialized for producing nice prompts for use with Stable Diffusion and achieves higher alignment between generated text prompt and source image. You can try out the old [version 1](https://colab.research.google.com/github/pharmapsychotic/clip-interrogator/blob/v1/clip_interrogator.ipynb) to see how different CLIP models ranks terms. \n",
"If this notebook is helpful to you please consider buying me a coffee via [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/pharmapsychotic) or following me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/pharmapsychotic) for more cool Ai stuff. 🙂\n",
"And if you're looking for more Ai art tools check out my [Ai generative art tools list](https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html).\n"
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"#@title Check GPU\n",
"!nvidia-smi -L"
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"#@title Setup\n",
"import argparse, subprocess, sys, time\n",
"def setup():\n",
" install_cmds = [\n",
" ['pip', 'install', 'ftfy', 'gradio', 'regex', 'tqdm', 'transformers==4.21.2', 'timm', 'fairscale', 'requests'],\n",
" ['pip', 'install', '-e', 'git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git@main#egg=clip'],\n",
" ['pip', 'install', '-e', 'git+https://github.com/pharmapsychotic/BLIP.git@lib#egg=blip'],\n",
" ['git', 'clone', '-b', 'lib', 'https://github.com/pharmapsychotic/clip-interrogator.git']\n",
" ]\n",
" for cmd in install_cmds:\n",
" print(subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8'))\n",
"import sys\n",
"import clip\n",
"import gradio as gr\n",
"import torch\n",
"from clip_interrogator import Interrogator, Config\n",
"ci = Interrogator(Config())\n",
"def inference(image, mode):\n",
" image = image.convert('RGB')\n",
" if mode == 'best':\n",
" return ci.interrogate(image)\n",
" elif mode == 'classic':\n",
" return ci.interrogate_classic(image)\n",
" else:\n",
" return ci.interrogate_fast(image)\n"
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"Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set `debug=True` in `launch()`\n",
"Using Embedded Colab Mode (NEW). If you have issues, please use share=True and file an issue at https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/\n",
"Note: opening the browser inspector may crash Embedded Colab Mode.\n",
"To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.\n"
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