using System.Linq; using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Input; using Avalonia.Interactivity; using Avalonia.VisualTree; using JetBrains.Annotations; namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.MarkupExtensions; /// /// Show tooltip on Controls with IsEffectivelyEnabled = false /// /// [PublicAPI] public static class ShowDisabledTooltipExtension { static ShowDisabledTooltipExtension() { ShowOnDisabledProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler(HandleShowOnDisabledChanged); } public static bool GetShowOnDisabled(AvaloniaObject obj) { return obj.GetValue(ShowOnDisabledProperty); } public static void SetShowOnDisabled(AvaloniaObject obj, bool value) { obj.SetValue(ShowOnDisabledProperty, value); } public static readonly AttachedProperty ShowOnDisabledProperty = AvaloniaProperty.RegisterAttached< object, Control, bool >("ShowOnDisabled"); private static void HandleShowOnDisabledChanged(Control control, AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.GetNewValue()) { control.DetachedFromVisualTree += AttachedControl_DetachedFromVisualOrExtension; control.AttachedToVisualTree += AttachedControl_AttachedToVisualTree; if (control.IsInitialized) { // enabled after visual attached AttachedControl_AttachedToVisualTree(control, null!); } } else { AttachedControl_DetachedFromVisualOrExtension(control, null!); } } private static void AttachedControl_AttachedToVisualTree(object? sender, VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs e) { if (sender is not Control control || TopLevel.GetTopLevel(control) is not { } tl) { return; } // NOTE pointermove needed to be tunneled for me but you may not need to... tl.AddHandler(InputElement.PointerMovedEvent, TopLevel_PointerMoved, RoutingStrategies.Tunnel); } private static void AttachedControl_DetachedFromVisualOrExtension(object? s, VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs e) { if (s is not Control control) { return; } control.DetachedFromVisualTree -= AttachedControl_DetachedFromVisualOrExtension; control.AttachedToVisualTree -= AttachedControl_AttachedToVisualTree; if (TopLevel.GetTopLevel(control) is not { } tl) { return; } tl.RemoveHandler(InputElement.PointerMovedEvent, TopLevel_PointerMoved); } private static void TopLevel_PointerMoved(object? sender, PointerEventArgs e) { if (sender is not Control tl) { return; } var attachedControls = tl.GetVisualDescendants().Where(GetShowOnDisabled).Cast().ToList(); // find disabled children under pointer w/ this extension enabled var disabledChildUnderPointer = attachedControls.FirstOrDefault( x => x.Bounds.Contains(e.GetPosition(x.Parent as Visual)) && x is { IsEffectivelyVisible: true, IsEffectivelyEnabled: false } ); if (disabledChildUnderPointer != null) { // manually show tooltip ToolTip.SetIsOpen(disabledChildUnderPointer, true); } var disabledTooltipsToHide = attachedControls.Where( x => ToolTip.GetIsOpen(x) && x != disabledChildUnderPointer && !x.IsEffectivelyEnabled ); foreach (var control in disabledTooltipsToHide) { ToolTip.SetIsOpen(control, false); } } }