using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using DynamicData; using DynamicData.Binding; using FluentAvalonia.UI.Controls; using Refit; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Services; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Base; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Views; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Api; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.OpenArt; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes; using Symbol = FluentIcons.Common.Symbol; using SymbolIconSource = FluentIcons.Avalonia.Fluent.SymbolIconSource; namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels; [View(typeof(OpenArtBrowserPage))] [Singleton] public partial class OpenArtBrowserViewModel(IOpenArtApi openArtApi, INotificationService notificationService) : PageViewModelBase, IInfinitelyScroll { private const int PageSize = 20; public override string Title => "Workflows"; public override IconSource IconSource => new SymbolIconSource { Symbol = Symbol.Whiteboard }; private SourceCache searchResultsCache = new(x => x.Id); [ObservableProperty] [NotifyPropertyChangedFor(nameof(PageCount), nameof(CanGoBack), nameof(CanGoForward), nameof(CanGoToEnd))] private OpenArtSearchResponse? latestSearchResponse; [ObservableProperty] private IObservableCollection searchResults = new ObservableCollectionExtended(); [ObservableProperty] private string searchQuery = string.Empty; [ObservableProperty] private bool isLoading; [ObservableProperty] [NotifyPropertyChangedFor(nameof(InternalPageNumber), nameof(CanGoBack))] private int displayedPageNumber = 1; public int InternalPageNumber => DisplayedPageNumber - 1; public int PageCount => Math.Max( 1, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((LatestSearchResponse?.Total ?? 0) / Convert.ToDouble(PageSize))) ); public bool CanGoBack => InternalPageNumber > 0; public bool CanGoForward => PageCount > InternalPageNumber + 1; public bool CanGoToEnd => PageCount > InternalPageNumber + 1; protected override void OnInitialLoaded() { searchResultsCache.Connect().DeferUntilLoaded().Bind(SearchResults).Subscribe(); } public override async Task OnLoadedAsync() { if (SearchResults.Any()) return; await DoSearch(); } [RelayCommand] private async Task FirstPage() { DisplayedPageNumber = 1; await DoSearch(); } [RelayCommand] private async Task PreviousPage() { DisplayedPageNumber--; await DoSearch(InternalPageNumber); } [RelayCommand] private async Task NextPage() { DisplayedPageNumber++; await DoSearch(InternalPageNumber); } [RelayCommand] private async Task LastPage() { DisplayedPageNumber = PageCount; await DoSearch(PageCount - 1); } [Localizable(false)] [RelayCommand] private void OpenModel(OpenArtSearchResult workflow) { ProcessRunner.OpenUrl($"{workflow.Id}"); } [RelayCommand] private async Task SearchButton() { DisplayedPageNumber = 1; await DoSearch(); } private async Task DoSearch(int page = 0) { IsLoading = true; try { var response = await openArtApi.SearchAsync( new OpenArtSearchRequest { Keyword = SearchQuery, PageSize = PageSize, CurrentPage = page } ); searchResultsCache.EditDiff(response.Items, (a, b) => a.Id == b.Id); LatestSearchResponse = response; } catch (ApiException e) { notificationService.Show("Error retrieving workflows", e.Message); } finally { IsLoading = false; } } public async Task LoadNextPageAsync() { try { DisplayedPageNumber++; var response = await openArtApi.SearchAsync( new OpenArtSearchRequest { Keyword = SearchQuery, PageSize = PageSize, CurrentPage = InternalPageNumber } ); searchResultsCache.AddOrUpdate(response.Items); LatestSearchResponse = response; } catch (ApiException e) { notificationService.Show("Unable to load the next page", e.Message); } } }