using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.Cache; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.HardwareInfo; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages.Extensions; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Python; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages; [Singleton(typeof(BasePackage))] public class SDWebForge( IGithubApiCache githubApi, ISettingsManager settingsManager, IDownloadService downloadService, IPrerequisiteHelper prerequisiteHelper ) : A3WebUI(githubApi, settingsManager, downloadService, prerequisiteHelper) { public override string Name => "stable-diffusion-webui-forge"; public override string DisplayName { get; set; } = "Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge"; public override string Author => "lllyasviel"; public override string Blurb => "Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge is a platform on top of Stable Diffusion WebUI (based on Gradio) to make development easier, optimize resource management, and speed up inference."; public override string LicenseUrl => ""; public override Uri PreviewImageUri => new( "" ); public override string MainBranch => "main"; public override bool ShouldIgnoreReleases => true; public override IPackageExtensionManager ExtensionManager => null; public override string OutputFolderName => "output"; public override Dictionary>? SharedOutputFolders => new() { [SharedOutputType.Extras] = new[] { "output/extras-images" }, [SharedOutputType.Saved] = new[] { "log/images" }, [SharedOutputType.Img2Img] = new[] { "output/img2img-images" }, [SharedOutputType.Text2Img] = new[] { "output/txt2img-images" }, [SharedOutputType.Img2ImgGrids] = new[] { "output/img2img-grids" }, [SharedOutputType.Text2ImgGrids] = new[] { "output/txt2img-grids" } }; public override List LaunchOptions => [ new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Always Offload from VRAM", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--always-offload-from-vram"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Always GPU", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--always-gpu"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Always CPU", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--always-cpu"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Use DirectML", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper.PreferDirectML(), Options = ["--directml"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Skip Torch CUDA Test", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = Compat.IsMacOS, Options = ["--skip-torch-cuda-test"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "No half-precision VAE", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = Compat.IsMacOS, Options = ["--no-half-vae"] }, LaunchOptionDefinition.Extras ]; public override IEnumerable AvailableTorchVersions => new[] { TorchVersion.Cpu, TorchVersion.Cuda, TorchVersion.DirectMl, TorchVersion.Rocm, TorchVersion.Mps }; public override async Task InstallPackage( string installLocation, TorchVersion torchVersion, SharedFolderMethod selectedSharedFolderMethod, DownloadPackageVersionOptions versionOptions, IProgress? progress = null, Action? onConsoleOutput = null ) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1f, "Setting up venv", isIndeterminate: true)); var venvRunner = await SetupVenv(installLocation, forceRecreate: true).ConfigureAwait(false); await venvRunner.PipInstall("--upgrade pip wheel", onConsoleOutput).ConfigureAwait(false); progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1f, "Installing requirements...", isIndeterminate: true)); var requirements = new FilePath(installLocation, "requirements_versions.txt"); var pipArgs = new PipInstallArgs(); if (torchVersion is TorchVersion.DirectMl) { pipArgs = pipArgs.WithTorchDirectML(); } else { pipArgs = pipArgs .WithTorch("==2.1.2") .WithTorchVision("==0.16.2") .WithTorchExtraIndex( torchVersion switch { TorchVersion.Cpu => "cpu", TorchVersion.Cuda => "cu121", TorchVersion.Rocm => "rocm5.6", TorchVersion.Mps => "nightly/cpu", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(torchVersion), torchVersion, null) } ); } pipArgs = pipArgs.WithParsedFromRequirementsTxt( await requirements.ReadAllTextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), excludePattern: "torch" ); await venvRunner.PipInstall(pipArgs, onConsoleOutput).ConfigureAwait(false); progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(1f, "Install complete", isIndeterminate: false)); } }