using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Python.Runtime; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Extensions; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.Cache; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.HardwareInfo; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Python; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages; [Singleton(typeof(BasePackage))] public class KohyaSs( IGithubApiCache githubApi, ISettingsManager settingsManager, IDownloadService downloadService, IPrerequisiteHelper prerequisiteHelper, IPyRunner runner ) : BaseGitPackage(githubApi, settingsManager, downloadService, prerequisiteHelper) { public override string Name => "kohya_ss"; public override string DisplayName { get; set; } = "kohya_ss"; public override string Author => "bmaltais"; public override string Blurb => "A Windows-focused Gradio GUI for Kohya's Stable Diffusion trainers"; public override string LicenseType => "Apache-2.0"; public override string LicenseUrl => ""; public override string LaunchCommand => ""; public override Uri PreviewImageUri => new( "" ); public override string OutputFolderName => string.Empty; public override bool IsCompatible => HardwareHelper.HasNvidiaGpu(); public override TorchVersion GetRecommendedTorchVersion() => TorchVersion.Cuda; public override string Disclaimer => "Nvidia GPU with at least 8GB VRAM is recommended. May be unstable on Linux."; public override PackageDifficulty InstallerSortOrder => PackageDifficulty.UltraNightmare; public override PackageType PackageType => PackageType.SdTraining; public override bool OfferInOneClickInstaller => false; public override SharedFolderMethod RecommendedSharedFolderMethod => SharedFolderMethod.None; public override IEnumerable AvailableTorchVersions => [TorchVersion.Cuda]; public override IEnumerable AvailableSharedFolderMethods => new[] { SharedFolderMethod.None }; public override IEnumerable Prerequisites => base.Prerequisites.Concat([PackagePrerequisite.Tkinter]); public override List LaunchOptions => [ new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Listen Address", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, DefaultValue = "", Options = ["--listen"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Port", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, Options = ["--port"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Username", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, Options = ["--username"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Password", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, Options = ["--password"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Auto-Launch Browser", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--inbrowser"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Share", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--share"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Headless", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = ["--headless"] }, new LaunchOptionDefinition { Name = "Language", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, Options = ["--language"] }, LaunchOptionDefinition.Extras ]; public override async Task InstallPackage( string installLocation, TorchVersion torchVersion, SharedFolderMethod selectedSharedFolderMethod, DownloadPackageVersionOptions versionOptions, IProgress? progress = null, Action? onConsoleOutput = null ) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1f, "Updating submodules", isIndeterminate: true)); await PrerequisiteHelper .RunGit( ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--quiet"], onConsoleOutput, installLocation ) .ConfigureAwait(false); progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1f, "Setting up venv", isIndeterminate: true)); // Setup venv await using var venvRunner = new PyVenvRunner(Path.Combine(installLocation, "venv")); venvRunner.WorkingDirectory = installLocation; venvRunner.EnvironmentVariables = settingsManager.Settings.EnvironmentVariables; await venvRunner.Setup(true, onConsoleOutput).ConfigureAwait(false); // Extra dep needed before running setup since v23.0.x await venvRunner.PipInstall(["rich", "packaging"]).ConfigureAwait(false); if (Compat.IsWindows) { // Install await venvRunner .CustomInstall("setup/ --headless", onConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else if (Compat.IsLinux) { await venvRunner .CustomInstall("setup/ --headless", onConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } public override async Task RunPackage( string installedPackagePath, string command, string arguments, Action? onConsoleOutput ) { await SetupVenv(installedPackagePath).ConfigureAwait(false); // update gui files to point to venv accelerate await runner.RunInThreadWithLock(() => { var scope = Py.CreateScope(); scope.Exec( """ import ast class StringReplacer(ast.NodeTransformer): def __init__(self, old: str, new: str, replace_count: int = -1): self.old = old = new self.replace_count = replace_count def visit_Constant(self, node: ast.Constant) -> ast.Constant: if isinstance(node.value, str) and self.old in node.value: new_value = node.value.replace(self.old,, self.replace_count) node.value = new_value return node def rewrite_module(self, module_text: str) -> str: tree = ast.parse(module_text) tree = self.visit(tree) return ast.unparse(tree) """ ); var replacementAcceleratePath = Compat.IsWindows ? @".\venv\scripts\accelerate" : "./venv/bin/accelerate"; var replacer = scope.InvokeMethod( "StringReplacer", "accelerate".ToPython(), $"{replacementAcceleratePath}".ToPython(), 1.ToPython() ); var kohyaGuiDir = Path.Combine(installedPackagePath, "kohya_gui"); var guiDirExists = Directory.Exists(kohyaGuiDir); var filesToUpdate = new List(); if (guiDirExists) { filesToUpdate.AddRange( [ "", "", "", "", "" ] ); } else { filesToUpdate.AddRange( [ "", "", "", Path.Combine("library", ""), "" ] ); } foreach (var file in filesToUpdate) { var path = Path.Combine(guiDirExists ? kohyaGuiDir : installedPackagePath, file); if (!File.Exists(path)) continue; var text = File.ReadAllText(path); if (text.Contains(replacementAcceleratePath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"))) continue; var result = replacer.InvokeMethod("rewrite_module", text.ToPython()); var resultStr = result.ToString(); File.WriteAllText(path, resultStr); } }); void HandleConsoleOutput(ProcessOutput s) { onConsoleOutput?.Invoke(s); if (!s.Text.Contains("Running on", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return; var regex = new Regex(@"(https?:\/\/)([^:\s]+):(\d+)"); var match = regex.Match(s.Text); if (!match.Success) return; WebUrl = match.Value; OnStartupComplete(WebUrl); } var args = $"\"{Path.Combine(installedPackagePath, command)}\" {arguments}"; VenvRunner.RunDetached(args.TrimEnd(), HandleConsoleOutput, OnExit); } public override Dictionary>? SharedFolders { get; } public override Dictionary>? SharedOutputFolders { get; } public override string MainBranch => "master"; }