using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Avalonia.Collections; using Avalonia.Media; using Avalonia.Media.Imaging; using Avalonia.Threading; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using NLog; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Controls; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Helpers; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Services; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Base; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Dialogs; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Views.Dialogs; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Inference; [View(typeof(ImageGalleryCard))] public partial class ImageGalleryCardViewModel : ViewModelBase { private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private readonly ServiceManager vmFactory; [ObservableProperty] private bool isPreviewOverlayEnabled; [ObservableProperty] private Bitmap? previewImage; [ObservableProperty] private AvaloniaList imageSources = new(); [ObservableProperty] private ImageSource? selectedImage; [ObservableProperty] [NotifyPropertyChangedFor(nameof(CanNavigateBack), nameof(CanNavigateForward))] private int selectedImageIndex; [ObservableProperty] private bool isPixelGridEnabled; public bool HasMultipleImages => ImageSources.Count > 1; public bool CanNavigateBack => SelectedImageIndex > 0; public bool CanNavigateForward => SelectedImageIndex < ImageSources.Count - 1; public ImageGalleryCardViewModel( ServiceManager vmFactory, ISettingsManager settingsManager ) { this.vmFactory = vmFactory; settingsManager.RelayPropertyFor( this, vm => vm.IsPixelGridEnabled, settings => settings.IsImageViewerPixelGridEnabled, true ); ImageSources.CollectionChanged += OnImageSourcesItemsChanged; } public void SetPreviewImage(byte[] imageBytes) { Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() => { using var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes); var bitmap = new Bitmap(stream); var currentImage = PreviewImage; PreviewImage = bitmap; IsPreviewOverlayEnabled = true; currentImage?.Dispose(); }); } private void OnImageSourcesItemsChanged(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (sender is AvaloniaList sources) { if ( e.Action is NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add or NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove or NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset ) { if (sources.Count == 0) { SelectedImageIndex = -1; } else if (SelectedImageIndex == -1) { SelectedImageIndex = 0; } // Clamp the selected index to the new range else { SelectedImageIndex = Math.Clamp(SelectedImageIndex, 0, sources.Count - 1); } OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CanNavigateBack)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CanNavigateForward)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasMultipleImages)); } } } [RelayCommand] // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local private async Task FlyoutCopy(IImage? image) { if (image is null) { Logger.Trace("FlyoutCopy: image is null"); return; } Logger.Trace($"FlyoutCopy is copying bitmap..."); await Task.Run(() => { if (Compat.IsWindows) { WindowsClipboard.SetBitmap((Bitmap)image); } }); } [RelayCommand] // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local private async Task FlyoutPreview(IImage? image) { if (image is null) { Logger.Trace("FlyoutPreview: image is null"); return; } Logger.Trace($"FlyoutPreview opening..."); var viewerVm = vmFactory.Get(); viewerVm.ImageSource = new ImageSource((Bitmap)image); var dialog = new BetterContentDialog { Content = new ImageViewerDialog { DataContext = viewerVm, } }; await dialog.ShowAsync(); } }