using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; public class TrackedDownloadService : ITrackedDownloadService, IDisposable { private readonly ILogger logger; private readonly IDownloadService downloadService; private readonly ISettingsManager settingsManager; private readonly IModelIndexService modelIndexService; private readonly ConcurrentDictionary< Guid, (TrackedDownload Download, FileStream Stream) > downloads = new(); public IEnumerable Downloads => downloads.Values.Select(x => x.Download); /// public event EventHandler? DownloadAdded; public TrackedDownloadService( ILogger logger, IDownloadService downloadService, IModelIndexService modelIndexService, ISettingsManager settingsManager ) { this.logger = logger; this.downloadService = downloadService; this.settingsManager = settingsManager; this.modelIndexService = modelIndexService; // Index for in-progress downloads when library dir loaded settingsManager.RegisterOnLibraryDirSet(path => { var downloadsDir = new DirectoryPath(settingsManager.DownloadsDirectory); // Ignore if not exist if (!downloadsDir.Exists) return; LoadInProgressDownloads(downloadsDir); }); } private void OnDownloadAdded(TrackedDownload download) { DownloadAdded?.Invoke(this, download); } /// /// Creates a new tracked download with backed json file and adds it to the dictionary. /// /// private void AddDownload(TrackedDownload download) { // Set download service download.SetDownloadService(downloadService); // Create json file var downloadsDir = new DirectoryPath(settingsManager.DownloadsDirectory); downloadsDir.Create(); var jsonFile = downloadsDir.JoinFile($"{download.Id}.json"); var jsonFileStream = jsonFile.Info.Open( FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read ); // Serialize to json var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(download); jsonFileStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)); jsonFileStream.Flush(); // Add to dictionary downloads.TryAdd(download.Id, (download, jsonFileStream)); // Connect to state changed event to update json file AttachHandlers(download); logger.LogDebug("Added download {Download}", download.FileName); OnDownloadAdded(download); } /// /// Update the json file for the download. /// private void UpdateJsonForDownload(TrackedDownload download) { // Serialize to json var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(download); var jsonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); // Write to file var (_, fs) = downloads[download.Id]; fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(jsonBytes); fs.Flush(); } private void AttachHandlers(TrackedDownload download) { download.ProgressStateChanged += TrackedDownload_OnProgressStateChanged; } /// /// Handler when the download's state changes /// private void TrackedDownload_OnProgressStateChanged(object? sender, ProgressState e) { if (sender is not TrackedDownload download) { return; } // Update json file UpdateJsonForDownload(download); // If the download is completed, remove it from the dictionary and delete the json file if (e is ProgressState.Success or ProgressState.Failed or ProgressState.Cancelled) { if (downloads.TryRemove(download.Id, out var downloadInfo)) { downloadInfo.Item2.Dispose(); // Delete json file new DirectoryPath(settingsManager.DownloadsDirectory) .JoinFile($"{download.Id}.json") .Delete(); logger.LogDebug("Removed download {Download}", download.FileName); } } // On successes, run the continuation action if (e == ProgressState.Success) { if (download.ContextAction is not null) { logger.LogDebug("Running context action for {Download}", download.FileName); } switch (download.ContextAction) { case CivitPostDownloadContextAction action: action.Invoke(settingsManager, modelIndexService); break; case ModelPostDownloadContextAction action: action.Invoke(modelIndexService); break; } } } private void LoadInProgressDownloads(DirectoryPath downloadsDir) { logger.LogDebug("Indexing in-progress downloads at {DownloadsDir}...", downloadsDir); var jsonFiles = downloadsDir.Info.EnumerateFiles("*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); // Add to dictionary, the file name is the guid foreach (var file in jsonFiles) { // Try to get a shared write handle try { var fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read); // Deserialize json and add to dictionary var download = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(fileStream)!; // If the download is marked as working, pause it if (download.ProgressState == ProgressState.Working) { download.ProgressState = ProgressState.Inactive; } else if (download.ProgressState != ProgressState.Inactive) { // If the download is not inactive, skip it logger.LogWarning( "Skipping download {Download} with state {State}", download.FileName, download.ProgressState ); fileStream.Dispose(); // Delete json file logger.LogDebug( "Deleting json file for {Download} with unsupported state", download.FileName ); file.Delete(); continue; } download.SetDownloadService(downloadService); downloads.TryAdd(download.Id, (download, fileStream)); AttachHandlers(download); OnDownloadAdded(download); logger.LogDebug("Loaded in-progress download {Download}", download.FileName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogInformation(e, "Could not open file {File} for reading", file.Name); } } } public TrackedDownload NewDownload(Uri downloadUrl, FilePath downloadPath) { var download = new TrackedDownload { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), SourceUrl = downloadUrl, DownloadDirectory = downloadPath.Directory!, FileName = downloadPath.Name, TempFileName = NewTempFileName(downloadPath.Directory!), }; AddDownload(download); return download; } /// /// Generate a new temp file name that is unique in the given directory. /// In format of "Unconfirmed {id}.smdownload" /// /// /// private static string NewTempFileName(DirectoryPath parentDir) { FilePath? tempFile = null; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (tempFile is { Exists: false }) { return tempFile.Name; } var id = Random.Shared.Next(1000000, 9999999); tempFile = parentDir.JoinFile($"Unconfirmed {id}.smdownload"); } throw new Exception("Failed to generate a unique temp file name."); } /// public void Dispose() { foreach (var (download, fs) in downloads.Values) { if (download.ProgressState == ProgressState.Working) { try { download.Pause(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogWarning(e, "Failed to pause download {Download}", download.FileName); } } } GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } }