using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using NLog; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.Cache; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Python; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages; public class VladAutomatic : BaseGitPackage { private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); public override string Name => "automatic"; public override string DisplayName { get; set; } = "SD.Next Web UI"; public override string Author => "vladmandic"; public override string LicenseType => "AGPL-3.0"; public override string LicenseUrl => ""; public override string Blurb => "Stable Diffusion implementation with advanced features"; public override string LaunchCommand => ""; public override Uri PreviewImageUri => new(""); public override bool ShouldIgnoreReleases => true; public override SharedFolderMethod RecommendedSharedFolderMethod => SharedFolderMethod.Symlink; public override IEnumerable AvailableTorchVersions => new[] { TorchVersion.Cpu, TorchVersion.Rocm, TorchVersion.DirectMl, TorchVersion.Cuda }; public VladAutomatic( IGithubApiCache githubApi, ISettingsManager settingsManager, IDownloadService downloadService, IPrerequisiteHelper prerequisiteHelper ) : base(githubApi, settingsManager, downloadService, prerequisiteHelper) { } // public override Dictionary> SharedFolders => new() { [SharedFolderType.StableDiffusion] = new[] { "models/Stable-diffusion" }, [SharedFolderType.Diffusers] = new[] { "models/Diffusers" }, [SharedFolderType.VAE] = new[] { "models/VAE" }, [SharedFolderType.TextualInversion] = new[] { "models/embeddings" }, [SharedFolderType.Hypernetwork] = new[] { "models/hypernetworks" }, [SharedFolderType.Codeformer] = new[] { "models/Codeformer" }, [SharedFolderType.GFPGAN] = new[] { "models/GFPGAN" }, [SharedFolderType.BSRGAN] = new[] { "models/BSRGAN" }, [SharedFolderType.ESRGAN] = new[] { "models/ESRGAN" }, [SharedFolderType.RealESRGAN] = new[] { "models/RealESRGAN" }, [SharedFolderType.ScuNET] = new[] { "models/ScuNET" }, [SharedFolderType.SwinIR] = new[] { "models/SwinIR" }, [SharedFolderType.LDSR] = new[] { "models/LDSR" }, [SharedFolderType.CLIP] = new[] { "models/CLIP" }, [SharedFolderType.Lora] = new[] { "models/Lora" }, [SharedFolderType.LyCORIS] = new[] { "models/LyCORIS" }, [SharedFolderType.ControlNet] = new[] { "models/ControlNet" } }; [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ArrangeObjectCreationWhenTypeNotEvident")] public override List LaunchOptions => new() { new() { Name = "Host", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, DefaultValue = "localhost", Options = new() { "--server-name" } }, new() { Name = "Port", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, DefaultValue = "7860", Options = new() { "--port" } }, new() { Name = "VRAM", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper .IterGpuInfo() .Select(gpu => gpu.MemoryLevel) .Max() switch { Level.Low => "--lowvram", Level.Medium => "--medvram", _ => null }, Options = new() { "--lowvram", "--medvram" } }, new() { Name = "Auto-Launch Web UI", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = new() { "--autolaunch" } }, new() { Name = "Force use of Intel OneAPI XPU backend", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = new() { "--use-ipex" } }, new() { Name = "Use DirectML if no compatible GPU is detected", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper.PreferDirectML(), Options = new() { "--use-directml" } }, new() { Name = "Force use of Nvidia CUDA backend", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper.HasNvidiaGpu(), Options = new() { "--use-cuda" } }, new() { Name = "Force use of AMD ROCm backend", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper.PreferRocm(), Options = new() { "--use-rocm" } }, new() { Name = "CUDA Device ID", Type = LaunchOptionType.String, Options = new() { "--device-id" } }, new() { Name = "API", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = new() { "--api" } }, new() { Name = "Debug Logging", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = new() { "--debug" } }, LaunchOptionDefinition.Extras }; public override string ExtraLaunchArguments => ""; public override Task GetLatestVersion() => Task.FromResult("master"); public override async Task InstallPackage( string installLocation, TorchVersion torchVersion, IProgress? progress = null ) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1f, "Installing package...", isIndeterminate: true)); // Setup venv var venvRunner = new PyVenvRunner(Path.Combine(installLocation, "venv")); venvRunner.WorkingDirectory = installLocation; venvRunner.EnvironmentVariables = SettingsManager.Settings.EnvironmentVariables; await venvRunner.Setup(true).ConfigureAwait(false); switch (torchVersion) { // Run initial install case TorchVersion.Cuda: await venvRunner .CustomInstall(" --use-cuda --debug --test", OnConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); break; case TorchVersion.Rocm: await venvRunner .CustomInstall(" --use-rocm --debug --test", OnConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); break; case TorchVersion.DirectMl: await venvRunner .CustomInstall(" --use-directml --debug --test", OnConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); break; default: // CPU await venvRunner .CustomInstall(" --debug --test", OnConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); break; } progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(1f, isIndeterminate: false)); } public override async Task DownloadPackage( string installLocation, DownloadPackageVersionOptions downloadOptions, IProgress? progress = null ) { progress?.Report( new ProgressReport( -1f, message: "Downloading package...", isIndeterminate: true, type: ProgressType.Download ) ); var installDir = new DirectoryPath(installLocation); installDir.Create(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadOptions.CommitHash)) { await PrerequisiteHelper .RunGit( installDir.Parent ?? "", "clone", "", installDir.Name ) .ConfigureAwait(false); await PrerequisiteHelper .RunGit(installLocation, "checkout", downloadOptions.CommitHash) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadOptions.BranchName)) { await PrerequisiteHelper .RunGit( installDir.Parent ?? "", "clone", "-b", downloadOptions.BranchName, "", installDir.Name ) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } public override async Task RunPackage( string installedPackagePath, string command, string arguments ) { await SetupVenv(installedPackagePath).ConfigureAwait(false); void HandleConsoleOutput(ProcessOutput s) { OnConsoleOutput(s); if (s.Text.Contains("Running on local URL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var regex = new Regex(@"(https?:\/\/)([^:\s]+):(\d+)"); var match = regex.Match(s.Text); if (match.Success) { WebUrl = match.Value; OnStartupComplete(WebUrl); } } } void HandleExit(int i) { Debug.WriteLine($"Venv process exited with code {i}"); OnExit(i); } var args = $"\"{Path.Combine(installedPackagePath, command)}\" {arguments}"; VenvRunner.RunDetached(args.TrimEnd(), HandleConsoleOutput, HandleExit); } public override async Task Update( InstalledPackage installedPackage, TorchVersion torchVersion, IProgress? progress = null, bool includePrerelease = false ) { if (installedPackage.Version is null) { throw new Exception("Version is null"); } progress?.Report( new ProgressReport( -1f, message: "Downloading package update...", isIndeterminate: true, type: ProgressType.Update ) ); await PrerequisiteHelper .RunGit(installedPackage.FullPath, "checkout", installedPackage.Version.InstalledBranch) .ConfigureAwait(false); var venvRunner = new PyVenvRunner(Path.Combine(installedPackage.FullPath!, "venv")); venvRunner.WorkingDirectory = installedPackage.FullPath!; venvRunner.EnvironmentVariables = SettingsManager.Settings.EnvironmentVariables; await venvRunner .CustomInstall(" --upgrade --test", OnConsoleOutput) .ConfigureAwait(false); try { var output = await PrerequisiteHelper .GetGitOutput(installedPackage.FullPath, "rev-parse", "HEAD") .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InstalledPackageVersion { InstalledBranch = installedPackage.Version.InstalledBranch, InstalledCommitSha = output.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").Replace("\n", "") }; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn(e, "Could not get current git hash, continuing with update"); } finally { progress?.Report( new ProgressReport( 1f, message: "Update Complete", isIndeterminate: false, type: ProgressType.Update ) ); } return new InstalledPackageVersion { InstalledBranch = installedPackage.Version.InstalledBranch }; } public override Task SetupModelFolders( DirectoryPath installDirectory, SharedFolderMethod sharedFolderMethod ) { switch (sharedFolderMethod) { case SharedFolderMethod.Symlink: return base.SetupModelFolders(installDirectory, sharedFolderMethod); case SharedFolderMethod.None: return Task.CompletedTask; } // Config option var configJsonPath = installDirectory + "config.json"; var exists = File.Exists(configJsonPath); JsonObject? configRoot; if (exists) { var configJson = File.ReadAllText(configJsonPath); try { configRoot = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(configJson) ?? new JsonObject(); } catch (JsonException e) { Logger.Error(e, "Error setting up Vlad shared model config"); return Task.CompletedTask; } } else { configRoot = new JsonObject(); } configRoot["ckpt_dir"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "StableDiffusion"); configRoot["diffusers_dir"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "Diffusers"); configRoot["vae_dir"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "VAE"); configRoot["lora_dir"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "Lora"); configRoot["lyco_dir"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "LyCORIS"); configRoot["embeddings_dir"] = Path.Combine( SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "TextualInversion" ); configRoot["hypernetwork_dir"] = Path.Combine( SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "Hypernetwork" ); configRoot["codeformer_models_path"] = Path.Combine( SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "Codeformer" ); configRoot["gfpgan_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "GFPGAN"); configRoot["bsrgan_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "BSRGAN"); configRoot["esrgan_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "ESRGAN"); configRoot["realesrgan_models_path"] = Path.Combine( SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "RealESRGAN" ); configRoot["scunet_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "ScuNET"); configRoot["swinir_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "SwinIR"); configRoot["ldsr_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "LDSR"); configRoot["clip_models_path"] = Path.Combine(SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "CLIP"); configRoot["control_net_models_path"] = Path.Combine( SettingsManager.ModelsDirectory, "ControlNet" ); var configJsonStr = JsonSerializer.Serialize( configRoot, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true } ); File.WriteAllText(configJsonPath, configJsonStr); return Task.CompletedTask; } public override Task UpdateModelFolders( DirectoryPath installDirectory, SharedFolderMethod sharedFolderMethod ) => SetupModelFolders(installDirectory, sharedFolderMethod); public override Task RemoveModelFolderLinks( DirectoryPath installDirectory, SharedFolderMethod sharedFolderMethod ) => sharedFolderMethod switch { SharedFolderMethod.Symlink => base.RemoveModelFolderLinks(installDirectory, sharedFolderMethod), SharedFolderMethod.None => Task.CompletedTask, _ => Task.CompletedTask }; }