using System; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AsyncAwaitBestPractices; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Controls.Notifications; using Avalonia.Platform.Storage; using Avalonia.Threading; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using FluentAvalonia.UI.Controls; using NLog; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Extensions; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Services; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Base; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Dialogs; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Inference; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Views; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Database; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Extensions; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Database; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; using InferenceTabViewModelBase = StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Base.InferenceTabViewModelBase; using Path = System.IO.Path; using Symbol = FluentIcons.Common.Symbol; using SymbolIconSource = FluentIcons.FluentAvalonia.SymbolIconSource; namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels; [Preload] [View(typeof(InferencePage))] [Singleton] public partial class InferenceViewModel : PageViewModelBase { private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private readonly INotificationService notificationService; private readonly ISettingsManager settingsManager; private readonly ServiceManager vmFactory; private readonly IModelIndexService modelIndexService; private readonly ILiteDbContext liteDbContext; private bool isFirstLoadComplete; public override string Title => "Inference"; public override IconSource IconSource => new SymbolIconSource { Symbol = Symbol.AppGeneric, IsFilled = true }; public RefreshBadgeViewModel ConnectionBadge { get; } = new() { State = ProgressState.Failed, FailToolTipText = "Not connected", FailIcon = FluentAvalonia.UI.Controls.Symbol.Refresh, SuccessToolTipText = "Connected", }; public IInferenceClientManager ClientManager { get; } public SharedState SharedState { get; } public ObservableCollection Tabs { get; } = new(); [ObservableProperty] private InferenceTabViewModelBase? selectedTab; [ObservableProperty] private int selectedTabIndex; [ObservableProperty] private bool isWaitingForConnection; [ObservableProperty] [NotifyPropertyChangedFor(nameof(IsComfyRunning))] private PackagePair? runningPackage; public bool IsComfyRunning => RunningPackage?.BasePackage is ComfyUI; public InferenceViewModel( ServiceManager vmFactory, INotificationService notificationService, IInferenceClientManager inferenceClientManager, ISettingsManager settingsManager, IModelIndexService modelIndexService, ILiteDbContext liteDbContext, SharedState sharedState ) { this.vmFactory = vmFactory; this.notificationService = notificationService; this.settingsManager = settingsManager; this.modelIndexService = modelIndexService; this.liteDbContext = liteDbContext; ClientManager = inferenceClientManager; SharedState = sharedState; // Keep RunningPackage updated with the current package pair EventManager.Instance.RunningPackageStatusChanged += OnRunningPackageStatusChanged; // "Send to Inference" EventManager.Instance.InferenceTextToImageRequested += OnInferenceTextToImageRequested; EventManager.Instance.InferenceUpscaleRequested += OnInferenceUpscaleRequested; MenuSaveAsCommand.WithConditionalNotificationErrorHandler(notificationService); MenuOpenProjectCommand.WithConditionalNotificationErrorHandler(notificationService); } /// /// Updates the RunningPackage property when the running package changes. /// Also starts a connection to the backend if a new ComfyUI package is running. /// And disconnects if the package is closed. /// private void OnRunningPackageStatusChanged( object? sender, RunningPackageStatusChangedEventArgs e ) { RunningPackage = e.CurrentPackagePair; IDisposable? onStartupComplete = null; Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() => { if (e.CurrentPackagePair?.BasePackage is ComfyUI package) { IsWaitingForConnection = true; onStartupComplete = Observable .FromEventPattern(package, nameof(package.StartupComplete)) .Take(1) .Subscribe(_ => { Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() => { if (ConnectCommand.CanExecute(null)) { Logger.Trace("On package launch - starting connection"); ConnectCommand.Execute(null); } IsWaitingForConnection = false; }); }); } else { // Cancel any pending connection if (ConnectCancelCommand.CanExecute(null)) { ConnectCancelCommand.Execute(null); } onStartupComplete?.Dispose(); onStartupComplete = null; IsWaitingForConnection = false; // Disconnect Logger.Trace("On package close - disconnecting"); DisconnectCommand.Execute(null); } }); } public override void OnLoaded() { if (!Design.IsDesignMode && !isFirstLoadComplete) { isFirstLoadComplete = true; OnInitialLoad().SafeFireAndForget(); } modelIndexService.BackgroundRefreshIndex(); } private async Task OnInitialLoad() { // Load any open projects var openProjects = await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.FindAsync(p => p.IsOpen); if (openProjects is not null) { foreach (var project in openProjects.OrderBy(p => p.CurrentTabIndex)) { var file = new FilePath(project.FilePath); if (!file.Exists) { // Remove from database await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.DeleteAsync(project.Id); } try { if (file.Exists) { await AddTabFromFile(project.FilePath); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn(e, "Failed to open project file {FilePath}", project.FilePath); notificationService.Show( "Failed to open project file", $"[{e.GetType().Name}] {e.Message}", NotificationType.Error ); // Set not open await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.UpdateAsync( project with { IsOpen = false, IsSelected = false, CurrentTabIndex = -1 } ); } } } if (Tabs.Count == 0) { AddTab(InferenceProjectType.TextToImage); } } private void OnInferenceTextToImageRequested(object? sender, LocalImageFile e) { Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() => AddTabFromImage(e).SafeFireAndForget()); } private void OnInferenceUpscaleRequested(object? sender, LocalImageFile e) { Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() => AddUpscalerTabFromImage(e).SafeFireAndForget()); } /// /// Update the database with current tabs /// private async Task SyncTabStatesWithDatabase() { // Update the database with the current tabs foreach (var (i, tab) in Tabs.ToImmutableArray().Enumerate()) { if (tab.ProjectFile is not { } projectFile) { continue; } var projectPath = projectFile.ToString(); var entry = await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.FindOneAsync( p => p.FilePath == projectPath ); // Create if not found entry ??= new InferenceProjectEntry { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FilePath = projectFile.ToString() }; entry.IsOpen = tab == SelectedTab; entry.CurrentTabIndex = i; Logger.Trace( "SyncTabStatesWithDatabase updated entry for tab '{Title}': {@Entry}", tab.TabTitle, entry ); await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.UpsertAsync(entry); } } /// /// Update the database with given tab /// private async Task SyncTabStateWithDatabase(InferenceTabViewModelBase tab) { if (tab.ProjectFile is not { } projectFile) { return; } var entry = await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.FindOneAsync( p => p.FilePath == projectFile.ToString() ); // Create if not found entry ??= new InferenceProjectEntry { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FilePath = projectFile.ToString() }; entry.IsOpen = tab == SelectedTab; entry.CurrentTabIndex = Tabs.IndexOf(tab); Logger.Trace( "SyncTabStatesWithDatabase updated entry for tab '{Title}': {@Entry}", tab.TabTitle, entry ); await liteDbContext.InferenceProjects.UpsertAsync(entry); } /// /// When the + button on the tab control is clicked, add a new tab. /// [RelayCommand] private void AddTab(InferenceProjectType type) { if (type.ToViewModelType() is not { } vmType) { return; } var tab = vmFactory.Get(vmType) as InferenceTabViewModelBase ?? throw new NullReferenceException($"Could not create view model of type {vmType}"); Tabs.Add(tab); // Set as new selected tab SelectedTabIndex = Tabs.Count - 1; // Update the database with the current tab SyncTabStateWithDatabase(tab).SafeFireAndForget(); } /// /// When the close button on the tab is clicked, remove the tab. /// public void OnTabCloseRequested(TabViewTabCloseRequestedEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is not InferenceTabViewModelBase vm) { Logger.Warn("Tab close requested for unknown item {@Item}", e); return; } Logger.Trace("Closing tab {Title}", vm.TabTitle); // Set the selected tab to the next tab if there is one, then previous, then null lock (Tabs) { var index = Tabs.IndexOf(vm); if (index < Tabs.Count - 1) { SelectedTabIndex = index + 1; } else if (index > 0) { SelectedTabIndex = index - 1; } // Remove the tab Tabs.RemoveAt(index); } // Update the database with the current tab SyncTabStateWithDatabase(vm).SafeFireAndForget(); // Dispose the view model vm.Dispose(); } /// /// Show the connection help dialog. /// [RelayCommand] private async Task ShowConnectionHelp() { var vm = vmFactory.Get(); await vm.CreateDialog().ShowAsync(); } /// /// Connect to the inference server. /// [RelayCommand(IncludeCancelCommand = true)] private async Task Connect(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (ClientManager.IsConnected) return; if (Design.IsDesignMode) { await ClientManager.ConnectAsync(cancellationToken); return; } if (RunningPackage is not null) { await notificationService.TryAsync( ClientManager.ConnectAsync(RunningPackage, cancellationToken), "Could not connect to backend" ); } } /// /// Disconnect from the inference server. /// [RelayCommand] private async Task Disconnect() { if (!ClientManager.IsConnected) return; if (Design.IsDesignMode) { await ClientManager.CloseAsync(); return; } await notificationService.TryAsync( ClientManager.CloseAsync(), "Could not disconnect from ComfyUI backend" ); } /// /// Menu "Save As" command. /// [RelayCommand(FlowExceptionsToTaskScheduler = true)] private async Task MenuSaveAs() { var currentTab = SelectedTab; if (currentTab == null) { Logger.Warn("MenuSaveAs: currentTab is null"); return; } // Prompt for save file dialog var provider = App.StorageProvider; var projectDir = new DirectoryPath(settingsManager.LibraryDir, "Projects"); projectDir.Create(); var startDir = await provider.TryGetFolderFromPathAsync(projectDir); var result = await provider.SaveFilePickerAsync( new FilePickerSaveOptions { Title = "Save As", SuggestedFileName = "Untitled", FileTypeChoices = new FilePickerFileType[] { new("StabilityMatrix Project") { Patterns = new[] { "*.smproj" }, MimeTypes = new[] { "application/json" }, } }, SuggestedStartLocation = startDir, DefaultExtension = ".smproj", ShowOverwritePrompt = true, } ); if (result is null) { Logger.Trace("MenuSaveAs: user cancelled"); return; } var document = InferenceProjectDocument.FromLoadable(currentTab); // Save to file try { await using var stream = await result.OpenWriteAsync(); stream.SetLength(0); // Overwrite fully await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync( stream, document, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true } ); } catch (Exception e) { notificationService.ShowPersistent( "Could not save to file", $"[{e.GetType().Name}] {e.Message}", NotificationType.Error ); return; } // Update project file currentTab.ProjectFile = new FilePath(result.TryGetLocalPath()!); await SyncTabStatesWithDatabase(); notificationService.Show( "Saved", $"Saved project to {result.Name}", NotificationType.Success ); } /// /// Menu "Save Project" command. /// [RelayCommand(FlowExceptionsToTaskScheduler = true)] private async Task MenuSave() { if (SelectedTab is not { } currentTab) { Logger.Info("MenuSaveProject: currentTab is null"); return; } // If the tab has no project file, prompt for save as if (currentTab.ProjectFile is not { } projectFile) { await MenuSaveAs(); return; } // Otherwise, save to the current project file var document = InferenceProjectDocument.FromLoadable(currentTab); // Save to file try { await using var stream = projectFile.Info.OpenWrite(); stream.SetLength(0); // Overwrite fully await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync( stream, document, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true } ); } catch (Exception e) { notificationService.ShowPersistent( "Could not save to file", $"[{e.GetType().Name}] {e.Message}", NotificationType.Error ); return; } notificationService.Show( "Saved", $"Saved project to {projectFile.Name}", NotificationType.Success ); } private async Task AddTabFromFile(FilePath file) { await using var stream = file.Info.OpenRead(); var document = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(stream); if (document is null) { throw new ApplicationException( "MenuOpenProject: Deserialize project file returned null" ); } if (document.State is null) { throw new ApplicationException("Project file does not have 'State' key"); } document.VerifyVersion(); InferenceTabViewModelBase vm; if (document.ProjectType is InferenceProjectType.TextToImage) { // Get view model var textToImage = vmFactory.Get(); // Load state textToImage.LoadStateFromJsonObject(document.State); // Set the file backing the view model textToImage.ProjectFile = file; vm = textToImage; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Unsupported project type: {document.ProjectType}" ); } Tabs.Add(vm); SelectedTab = vm; await SyncTabStatesWithDatabase(); } private async Task AddTabFromImage(LocalImageFile imageFile) { var metadata = imageFile.ReadMetadata(); InferenceTabViewModelBase? vm = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.SMProject)) { var document = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(metadata.SMProject); if (document is null) { throw new ApplicationException( "MenuOpenProject: Deserialize project file returned null" ); } if (document.State is null) { throw new ApplicationException("Project file does not have 'State' key"); } document.VerifyVersion(); var textToImage = vmFactory.Get(); textToImage.LoadStateFromJsonObject(document.State); vm = textToImage; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Parameters)) { if (GenerationParameters.TryParse(metadata.Parameters, out var generationParameters)) { var textToImageViewModel = vmFactory.Get(); textToImageViewModel.LoadStateFromParameters(generationParameters); vm = textToImageViewModel; } } if (vm == null) { notificationService.Show( "Unable to load project from image", "No image metadata found", NotificationType.Error ); return; } Tabs.Add(vm); SelectedTab = vm; await SyncTabStatesWithDatabase(); } private async Task AddUpscalerTabFromImage(LocalImageFile imageFile) { var upscaleVm = vmFactory.Get(); upscaleVm.IsUpscaleEnabled = true; upscaleVm.SelectImageCardViewModel.ImageSource = new ImageSource(imageFile.AbsolutePath); Tabs.Add(upscaleVm); SelectedTab = upscaleVm; await SyncTabStatesWithDatabase(); } /// /// Menu "Open Project" command. /// [RelayCommand(FlowExceptionsToTaskScheduler = true)] private async Task MenuOpenProject() { // Prompt for open file dialog var provider = App.StorageProvider; var projectDir = new DirectoryPath(settingsManager.LibraryDir, "Projects"); projectDir.Create(); var startDir = await provider.TryGetFolderFromPathAsync(projectDir); var results = await provider.OpenFilePickerAsync( new FilePickerOpenOptions { Title = "Open Project File", FileTypeFilter = new FilePickerFileType[] { new("StabilityMatrix Project") { Patterns = new[] { "*.smproj" }, MimeTypes = new[] { "application/json" }, } }, SuggestedStartLocation = startDir, } ); if (results.Count == 0) { Logger.Trace("MenuOpenProject: No files selected"); return; } // Load from file var file = results[0].TryGetLocalPath()!; try { await AddTabFromFile(file); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { notificationService.ShowPersistent( $"Unsupported Project Version", $"[{Path.GetFileName(file)}] {e.Message}", NotificationType.Error ); } catch (Exception e) { notificationService.ShowPersistent( $"Failed to load Project", $"[{Path.GetFileName(file)}] {e.Message}", NotificationType.Error ); } } }