using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Attributes;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Extensions;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy.NodeTypes;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Database;
namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy.Nodes;
/// Builder functions for comfy nodes
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "MemberCanBePrivate.Global")]
public class ComfyNodeBuilder
public NodeDictionary Nodes { get; } = new();
private static string GetRandomPrefix() => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..8];
private string GetUniqueName(string nameBase)
var name = $"{nameBase}_1";
for (var i = 0; Nodes.ContainsKey(name); i++)
if (i > 1_000_000)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find unique name for base {nameBase}");
name = $"{nameBase}_{i + 1}";
return name;
public record VAEEncode : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ImageNodeConnection Pixels { get; init; }
public required VAENodeConnection Vae { get; init; }
public record VAEDecode : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required LatentNodeConnection Samples { get; init; }
public required VAENodeConnection Vae { get; init; }
public record KSampler : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ModelNodeConnection Model { get; init; }
public required ulong Seed { get; init; }
public required int Steps { get; init; }
public required double Cfg { get; init; }
public required string SamplerName { get; init; }
public required string Scheduler { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Positive { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Negative { get; init; }
public required LatentNodeConnection LatentImage { get; init; }
public required double Denoise { get; init; }
public record KSamplerAdvanced : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ModelNodeConnection Model { get; init; }
[BoolStringMember("enable", "disable")]
public required bool AddNoise { get; init; }
public required ulong NoiseSeed { get; init; }
public required int Steps { get; init; }
public required double Cfg { get; init; }
public required string SamplerName { get; init; }
public required string Scheduler { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Positive { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Negative { get; init; }
public required LatentNodeConnection LatentImage { get; init; }
public required int StartAtStep { get; init; }
public required int EndAtStep { get; init; }
[BoolStringMember("enable", "disable")]
public bool ReturnWithLeftoverNoise { get; init; }
public record SamplerCustom : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ModelNodeConnection Model { get; init; }
public required bool AddNoise { get; init; }
public required ulong NoiseSeed { get; init; }
[Range(0d, 100d)]
public required double Cfg { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Positive { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Negative { get; init; }
public required SamplerNodeConnection Sampler { get; init; }
public required SigmasNodeConnection Sigmas { get; init; }
public required LatentNodeConnection LatentImage { get; init; }
public record KSamplerSelect : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required string SamplerName { get; init; }
public record SDTurboScheduler : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ModelNodeConnection Model { get; init; }
[Range(1, 10)]
public required int Steps { get; init; }
public record EmptyLatentImage : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required int BatchSize { get; init; }
public required int Height { get; init; }
public required int Width { get; init; }
public static NamedComfyNode LatentFromBatch(
string name,
LatentNodeConnection samples,
int batchIndex,
int length
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "LatentFromBatch",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["samples"] = samples.Data,
["batch_index"] = batchIndex,
["length"] = length,
public static NamedComfyNode ImageUpscaleWithModel(
string name,
UpscaleModelNodeConnection upscaleModel,
ImageNodeConnection image
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "ImageUpscaleWithModel",
Inputs = new Dictionary { ["upscale_model"] = upscaleModel.Data, ["image"] = image.Data }
public static NamedComfyNode UpscaleModelLoader(string name, string modelName)
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "UpscaleModelLoader",
Inputs = new Dictionary { ["model_name"] = modelName }
public static NamedComfyNode ImageScale(
string name,
ImageNodeConnection image,
string method,
int height,
int width,
bool crop
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "ImageScale",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["image"] = image.Data,
["upscale_method"] = method,
["height"] = height,
["width"] = width,
["crop"] = crop ? "center" : "disabled"
public record VAELoader : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required string VaeName { get; init; }
public static NamedComfyNode LoraLoader(
string name,
ModelNodeConnection model,
ClipNodeConnection clip,
string loraName,
double strengthModel,
double strengthClip
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "LoraLoader",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["model"] = model.Data,
["clip"] = clip.Data,
["lora_name"] = loraName,
["strength_model"] = strengthModel,
["strength_clip"] = strengthClip
public record CheckpointLoaderSimple
: ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required string CkptName { get; init; }
public record FreeU : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ModelNodeConnection Model { get; init; }
public required double B1 { get; init; }
public required double B2 { get; init; }
public required double S1 { get; init; }
public required double S2 { get; init; }
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
public record CLIPTextEncode : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ClipNodeConnection Clip { get; init; }
public required string Text { get; init; }
public static NamedComfyNode ClipTextEncode(
string name,
ClipNodeConnection clip,
string text
return new NamedComfyNode(name)
ClassType = "CLIPTextEncode",
Inputs = new Dictionary { ["clip"] = clip.Data, ["text"] = text }
public record LoadImage : ComfyTypedNodeBase
/// Path relative to the Comfy input directory
public required string Image { get; init; }
public record PreviewImage : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ImageNodeConnection Images { get; init; }
public record ImageSharpen : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ImageNodeConnection Image { get; init; }
public required int SharpenRadius { get; init; }
public required double Sigma { get; init; }
public required double Alpha { get; init; }
public record ControlNetLoader : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required string ControlNetName { get; init; }
public record ControlNetApplyAdvanced : ComfyTypedNodeBase
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Positive { get; init; }
public required ConditioningNodeConnection Negative { get; init; }
public required ControlNetNodeConnection ControlNet { get; init; }
public required ImageNodeConnection Image { get; init; }
public required double Strength { get; init; }
public required double StartPercent { get; init; }
public required double EndPercent { get; init; }
public ImageNodeConnection Lambda_LatentToImage(LatentNodeConnection latent, VAENodeConnection vae)
var name = GetUniqueName("VAEDecode");
return Nodes
new VAEDecode
Name = name,
Samples = latent,
Vae = vae
public LatentNodeConnection Lambda_ImageToLatent(ImageNodeConnection pixels, VAENodeConnection vae)
var name = GetUniqueName("VAEEncode");
return Nodes
new VAEEncode
Name = name,
Pixels = pixels,
Vae = vae
/// Create a group node that upscales a given image with a given model
public NamedComfyNode Group_UpscaleWithModel(
string name,
string modelName,
ImageNodeConnection image
var modelLoader = Nodes.AddNamedNode(UpscaleModelLoader($"{name}_UpscaleModelLoader", modelName));
var upscaler = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
ImageUpscaleWithModel($"{name}_ImageUpscaleWithModel", modelLoader.Output, image)
return upscaler;
/// Create a group node that scales a given image to image output
public PrimaryNodeConnection Group_Upscale(
string name,
PrimaryNodeConnection primary,
VAENodeConnection vae,
ComfyUpscaler upscaleInfo,
int width,
int height
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.Latent)
return primary.Match(
latent =>
new NamedComfyNode($"{name}_LatentUpscale")
ClassType = "LatentUpscale",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["upscale_method"] = upscaleInfo.Name,
["width"] = width,
["height"] = height,
["crop"] = "disabled",
["samples"] = latent.Data,
image =>
.AddNamedNode(ImageScale($"{name}_ImageUpscale", image, upscaleInfo.Name, height, width, false))
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.ESRGAN)
// Convert to image space if needed
var samplerImage = GetPrimaryAsImage(primary, vae);
// Do group upscale
var modelUpscaler = Group_UpscaleWithModel($"{name}_ModelUpscale", upscaleInfo.Name, samplerImage);
// Since the model upscale is fixed to model (2x/4x), scale it again to the requested size
var resizedScaled = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
ImageScale($"{name}_ImageScale", modelUpscaler.Output, "bilinear", height, width, false)
return resizedScaled.Output;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown upscaler type: {upscaleInfo.Type}");
/// Create a group node that scales a given image to a given size
public NamedComfyNode Group_UpscaleToLatent(
string name,
LatentNodeConnection latent,
VAENodeConnection vae,
ComfyUpscaler upscaleInfo,
int width,
int height
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.Latent)
return Nodes.AddNamedNode(
new NamedComfyNode($"{name}_LatentUpscale")
ClassType = "LatentUpscale",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["upscale_method"] = upscaleInfo.Name,
["width"] = width,
["height"] = height,
["crop"] = "disabled",
["samples"] = latent.Data,
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.ESRGAN)
// Convert to image space
var samplerImage = Nodes.AddTypedNode(
new VAEDecode
Name = $"{name}_VAEDecode",
Samples = latent,
Vae = vae
// Do group upscale
var modelUpscaler = Group_UpscaleWithModel($"{name}_ModelUpscale", upscaleInfo.Name, samplerImage.Output);
// Since the model upscale is fixed to model (2x/4x), scale it again to the requested size
var resizedScaled = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
ImageScale($"{name}_ImageScale", modelUpscaler.Output, "bilinear", height, width, false)
// Convert back to latent space
return Nodes.AddTypedNode(
new VAEEncode
Name = $"{name}_VAEEncode",
Pixels = resizedScaled.Output,
Vae = vae
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown upscaler type: {upscaleInfo.Type}");
/// Create a group node that scales a given image to image output
public NamedComfyNode Group_LatentUpscaleToImage(
string name,
LatentNodeConnection latent,
VAENodeConnection vae,
ComfyUpscaler upscaleInfo,
int width,
int height
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.Latent)
var latentUpscale = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
new NamedComfyNode($"{name}_LatentUpscale")
ClassType = "LatentUpscale",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["upscale_method"] = upscaleInfo.Name,
["width"] = width,
["height"] = height,
["crop"] = "disabled",
["samples"] = latent.Data,
// Convert to image space
return Nodes.AddTypedNode(
new VAEDecode
Name = $"{name}_VAEDecode",
Samples = latentUpscale.Output,
Vae = vae
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.ESRGAN)
// Convert to image space
var samplerImage = Nodes.AddTypedNode(
new VAEDecode
Name = $"{name}_VAEDecode",
Samples = latent,
Vae = vae
// Do group upscale
var modelUpscaler = Group_UpscaleWithModel($"{name}_ModelUpscale", upscaleInfo.Name, samplerImage.Output);
// Since the model upscale is fixed to model (2x/4x), scale it again to the requested size
var resizedScaled = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
ImageScale($"{name}_ImageScale", modelUpscaler.Output, "bilinear", height, width, false)
// No need to convert back to latent space
return resizedScaled;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown upscaler type: {upscaleInfo.Type}");
/// Create a group node that scales a given image to image output
public NamedComfyNode Group_UpscaleToImage(
string name,
ImageNodeConnection image,
ComfyUpscaler upscaleInfo,
int width,
int height
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.Latent)
return Nodes.AddNamedNode(
new NamedComfyNode($"{name}_LatentUpscale")
ClassType = "ImageScale",
Inputs = new Dictionary
["image"] = image,
["upscale_method"] = upscaleInfo.Name,
["width"] = width,
["height"] = height,
["crop"] = "disabled",
if (upscaleInfo.Type == ComfyUpscalerType.ESRGAN)
// Do group upscale
var modelUpscaler = Group_UpscaleWithModel($"{name}_ModelUpscale", upscaleInfo.Name, image);
// Since the model upscale is fixed to model (2x/4x), scale it again to the requested size
var resizedScaled = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
ImageScale($"{name}_ImageScale", modelUpscaler.Output, "bilinear", height, width, false)
// No need to convert back to latent space
return resizedScaled;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown upscaler type: {upscaleInfo.Type}");
/// Create a group node that loads multiple Lora's in series
public NamedComfyNode Group_LoraLoadMany(
string name,
ModelNodeConnection model,
ClipNodeConnection clip,
IEnumerable<(string FileName, double? ModelWeight, double? ClipWeight)> loras
NamedComfyNode? currentNode = null;
foreach (var (i, loraNetwork) in loras.Enumerate())
currentNode = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
$"{name}_LoraLoader_{i + 1}",
loraNetwork.ModelWeight ?? 1,
loraNetwork.ClipWeight ?? 1
// Connect to previous node
model = currentNode.Output1;
clip = currentNode.Output2;
return currentNode ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("No lora networks given");
/// Create a group node that loads multiple Lora's in series
public NamedComfyNode Group_LoraLoadMany(
string name,
ModelNodeConnection model,
ClipNodeConnection clip,
IEnumerable<(LocalModelFile ModelFile, double? ModelWeight, double? ClipWeight)> loras
NamedComfyNode? currentNode = null;
foreach (var (i, loraNetwork) in loras.Enumerate())
currentNode = Nodes.AddNamedNode(
$"{name}_LoraLoader_{i + 1}",
loraNetwork.ModelWeight ?? 1,
loraNetwork.ClipWeight ?? 1
// Connect to previous node
model = currentNode.Output1;
clip = currentNode.Output2;
return currentNode ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("No lora networks given");
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to latent
public LatentNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsLatent()
if (Connections.Primary?.IsT0 == true)
return Connections.Primary.AsT0;
return GetPrimaryAsLatent(
Connections.Primary ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No primary connection"),
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to latent
public LatentNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsLatent(PrimaryNodeConnection primary, VAENodeConnection vae)
return primary.Match(latent => latent, image => Lambda_ImageToLatent(image, vae));
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to latent
public LatentNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsLatent(VAENodeConnection vae)
if (Connections.Primary?.IsT0 == true)
return Connections.Primary.AsT0;
return GetPrimaryAsLatent(
Connections.Primary ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No primary connection"),
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to image
public ImageNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsImage()
if (Connections.Primary?.IsT1 == true)
return Connections.Primary.AsT1;
return GetPrimaryAsImage(
Connections.Primary ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No primary connection"),
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to image
public ImageNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsImage(PrimaryNodeConnection primary, VAENodeConnection vae)
return primary.Match(latent => Lambda_LatentToImage(latent, vae), image => image);
/// Get or convert latest primary connection to image
public ImageNodeConnection GetPrimaryAsImage(VAENodeConnection vae)
if (Connections.Primary?.IsT1 == true)
return Connections.Primary.AsT1;
return GetPrimaryAsImage(Connections.Primary ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No primary connection"), vae);
/// Convert to a NodeDictionary
public NodeDictionary ToNodeDictionary()
return Nodes;
public class NodeBuilderConnections
public ulong Seed { get; set; }
public int BatchSize { get; set; } = 1;
public int? BatchIndex { get; set; }
public ModelNodeConnection? BaseModel { get; set; }
public VAENodeConnection? BaseVAE { get; set; }
public ClipNodeConnection? BaseClip { get; set; }
public ConditioningNodeConnection? BaseConditioning { get; set; }
public ConditioningNodeConnection? BaseNegativeConditioning { get; set; }
public ModelNodeConnection? RefinerModel { get; set; }
public VAENodeConnection? RefinerVAE { get; set; }
public ClipNodeConnection? RefinerClip { get; set; }
public ConditioningNodeConnection? RefinerConditioning { get; set; }
public ConditioningNodeConnection? RefinerNegativeConditioning { get; set; }
public PrimaryNodeConnection? Primary { get; set; }
public VAENodeConnection? PrimaryVAE { get; set; }
public Size PrimarySize { get; set; }
public ComfySampler? PrimarySampler { get; set; }
public ComfyScheduler? PrimaryScheduler { get; set; }
public List OutputNodes { get; } = new();
public IEnumerable OutputNodeNames => OutputNodes.Select(n => n.Name);
public ModelNodeConnection GetRefinerOrBaseModel()
return RefinerModel ?? BaseModel ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No Model");
public ConditioningNodeConnection GetRefinerOrBaseConditioning()
return RefinerConditioning ?? BaseConditioning ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No Conditioning");
public ConditioningNodeConnection GetRefinerOrBaseNegativeConditioning()
return RefinerNegativeConditioning
?? BaseNegativeConditioning
?? throw new NullReferenceException("No Negative Conditioning");
public VAENodeConnection GetDefaultVAE()
return PrimaryVAE ?? RefinerVAE ?? BaseVAE ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No VAE");
public NodeBuilderConnections Connections { get; } = new();