using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Net.WebSockets; using System.Text.Json; using NLog; using Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Api; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Extensions; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy.Nodes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy.WebSocketData; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.FileInterfaces; using Websocket.Client; using Websocket.Client.Exceptions; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Inference; public class ComfyClient : InferenceClientBase { private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private readonly WebsocketClient webSocketClient; private readonly IComfyApi comfyApi; private bool isDisposed; // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global public string ClientId { get; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); public Uri BaseAddress { get; } /// /// Optional local path to output images. /// public DirectoryPath? OutputImagesDir { get; set; } /// /// Optional local path to input images. /// public DirectoryPath? InputImagesDir { get; set; } /// /// Dictionary of ongoing prompt execution tasks /// public ConcurrentDictionary PromptTasks { get; } = new(); /// /// Current running prompt task /// private ComfyTask? currentPromptTask; /// /// Event raised when a progress update is received from the server /// public event EventHandler? ProgressUpdateReceived; /// /// Event raised when a status update is received from the server /// public event EventHandler? StatusUpdateReceived; /// /// Event raised when a executing update is received from the server /// public event EventHandler? ExecutingUpdateReceived; /// /// Event raised when a preview image is received from the server /// public event EventHandler? PreviewImageReceived; public ComfyClient(IApiFactory apiFactory, Uri baseAddress) { comfyApi = apiFactory.CreateRefitClient(baseAddress); BaseAddress = baseAddress; // Setup websocket client var wsUri = new UriBuilder(baseAddress) { Scheme = "ws", Path = "/ws", Query = $"clientId={ClientId}" }.Uri; webSocketClient = new WebsocketClient(wsUri) { Name = "ComfyClient", ReconnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) }; webSocketClient.DisconnectionHappened.Subscribe( info => Logger.Info("Websocket Disconnected, ({Type})", info.Type) ); webSocketClient.ReconnectionHappened.Subscribe( info => Logger.Info("Websocket Reconnected, ({Type})", info.Type) ); webSocketClient.MessageReceived.Subscribe(OnMessageReceived); } private void OnMessageReceived(ResponseMessage message) { switch (message.MessageType) { case WebSocketMessageType.Text: HandleTextMessage(message.Text); break; case WebSocketMessageType.Binary: HandleBinaryMessage(message.Binary); break; case WebSocketMessageType.Close: Logger.Trace("Received ws close message: {Text}", message.Text); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(message)); } } private void HandleTextMessage(string text) { ComfyWebSocketResponse? json; try { json = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(text); } catch (JsonException e) { Logger.Warn($"Failed to parse json {text} ({e}), skipping"); return; } if (json is null) { Logger.Warn($"Could not parse json {text}, skipping"); return; } Logger.Trace("Received json message: (Type = {Type}, Data = {Data})", json.Type, json.Data); if (json.Type == ComfyWebSocketResponseType.Executing) { var executingData = json.GetDataAsType(); if (executingData?.PromptId is null) { Logger.Warn($"Could not parse executing data {json.Data}, skipping"); return; } // When Node property is null, it means the prompt has finished executing // remove the task from the dictionary and set the result if (executingData.Node is null) { if (PromptTasks.TryRemove(executingData.PromptId, out var task)) { task.RunningNode = null; task.SetResult(); currentPromptTask = null; } else { Logger.Warn( $"Could not find task for prompt {executingData.PromptId}, skipping" ); } } // Otherwise set the task's active node to the one received else { if (PromptTasks.TryGetValue(executingData.PromptId, out var task)) { task.RunningNode = executingData.Node; } } ExecutingUpdateReceived?.Invoke(this, executingData); } else if (json.Type == ComfyWebSocketResponseType.Status) { var statusData = json.GetDataAsType(); if (statusData is null) { Logger.Warn($"Could not parse status data {json.Data}, skipping"); return; } StatusUpdateReceived?.Invoke(this, statusData); } else if (json.Type == ComfyWebSocketResponseType.Progress) { var progressData = json.GetDataAsType(); if (progressData is null) { Logger.Warn($"Could not parse progress data {json.Data}, skipping"); return; } // Set for the current prompt task currentPromptTask?.OnProgressUpdate(progressData); ProgressUpdateReceived?.Invoke(this, progressData); } else { Logger.Warn($"Unknown message type {json.Type} ({json.Data}), skipping"); } } /// /// Parses binary data (previews) into image streams /// /// private void HandleBinaryMessage(byte[] data) { if (data is not { Length: > 4 }) { Logger.Warn("The input data is null or not long enough."); return; } // The first 4 bytes is int32 of the message type // Subsequent 4 bytes following is int32 of the image format // The rest is the image data // Read the image type from the first 4 bytes of the data. // Python's struct.pack(">I", type_num) will pack the data as a big-endian unsigned int /*var typeBytes = new byte[4]; stream.Read(typeBytes, 0, 4); var imageType = BitConverter.ToInt32(typeBytes, 0);*/ /*if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(typeBytes); }*/ PreviewImageReceived?.Invoke(this, new ComfyWebSocketImageData { ImageBytes = data[8..], }); } public override async Task ConnectAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var delays = Backoff .DecorrelatedJitterBackoffV2(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), retryCount: 5) .ToImmutableArray(); foreach (var (i, retryDelay) in delays.Enumerate()) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { await webSocketClient.StartOrFail().ConfigureAwait(false); return; } catch (WebsocketException e) { Logger.Info( "Failed to connect to websocket, retrying in {RetryDelay} ({Message})", retryDelay, e.Message ); if (i == delays.Length - 1) { throw; } } } } public override async Task CloseAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { await webSocketClient .Stop(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty) .ConfigureAwait(false); } public async Task QueuePromptAsync( Dictionary nodes, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { var request = new ComfyPromptRequest { ClientId = ClientId, Prompt = nodes }; var result = await comfyApi.PostPrompt(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Add task to dictionary and set it as the current task var task = new ComfyTask(result.PromptId); PromptTasks[result.PromptId] = task; currentPromptTask = task; return task; } public async Task InterruptPromptAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { await comfyApi.PostInterrupt(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Set the current task to null, and remove it from the dictionary if (currentPromptTask is { } task) { PromptTasks.TryRemove(task.Id, out _); task.TrySetCanceled(cancellationToken); task.Dispose(); currentPromptTask = null; } } public async Task?>> GetImagesForExecutedPromptAsync( string promptId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { // Get history for images var history = await comfyApi.GetHistory(promptId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Get the current prompt history var current = history[promptId]; var dict = new Dictionary?>(); foreach (var (nodeKey, output) in current.Outputs) { dict[nodeKey] = output.Images; } return dict; } public async Task GetImageStreamAsync( ComfyImage comfyImage, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { var response = await comfyApi .GetImage(comfyImage.FileName, comfyImage.SubFolder, comfyImage.Type, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return response; } /// /// Get a list of strings representing available model names /// public Task?> GetModelNamesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return GetNodeOptionNamesAsync("CheckpointLoaderSimple", "ckpt_name", cancellationToken); } /// /// Get a list of strings representing available sampler names /// public Task?> GetSamplerNamesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return GetNodeOptionNamesAsync("KSampler", "sampler_name", cancellationToken); } /// /// Get a list of strings representing available options of a given node /// public async Task?> GetNodeOptionNamesAsync( string nodeName, string optionName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { var response = await comfyApi .GetObjectInfo(nodeName, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); var info = response[nodeName]; return info.Input.GetRequiredValueAsNestedList(optionName); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (isDisposed) return; webSocketClient.Dispose(); isDisposed = true; } }