using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using NLog; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Helper.Cache; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Python; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Services; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages; public class ComfyUI : BaseGitPackage { private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); public override string Name => "ComfyUI"; public override string DisplayName { get; set; } = "ComfyUI"; public override string Author => "comfyanonymous"; public override string Blurb => "A powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI and backend"; public override string LaunchCommand => ""; public override Uri PreviewImageUri => new(""); public override bool ShouldIgnoreReleases => true; public ComfyUI(IGithubApiCache githubApi, ISettingsManager settingsManager, IDownloadService downloadService, IPrerequisiteHelper prerequisiteHelper) : base(githubApi, settingsManager, downloadService, prerequisiteHelper) { } // public override Dictionary SharedFolders => new() { [SharedFolderType.StableDiffusion] = "models/checkpoints", [SharedFolderType.Diffusers] = "models/diffusers", [SharedFolderType.Lora] = "models/loras", [SharedFolderType.CLIP] = "models/clip", [SharedFolderType.TextualInversion] = "models/embeddings", [SharedFolderType.VAE] = "models/vae", [SharedFolderType.ApproxVAE] = "models/vae_approx", [SharedFolderType.ControlNet] = "models/controlnet", [SharedFolderType.GLIGEN] = "models/gligen", [SharedFolderType.ESRGAN] = "models/upscale_models", [SharedFolderType.Hypernetwork] = "models/hypernetworks", }; public override List LaunchOptions => new List { new() { Name = "VRAM", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = HardwareHelper.IterGpuInfo().Select(gpu => gpu.MemoryLevel).Max() switch { Level.Low => "--lowvram", Level.Medium => "--normalvram", _ => null }, Options = { "--highvram", "--normalvram", "--lowvram", "--novram" } }, new() { Name = "Use CPU only", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = !HardwareHelper.HasNvidiaGpu(), Options = {"--cpu"} }, new() { Name = "Disable Xformers", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, InitialValue = !HardwareHelper.HasNvidiaGpu(), Options = { "--disable-xformers" } }, new() { Name = "Auto-Launch", Type = LaunchOptionType.Bool, Options = { "--auto-launch" } }, LaunchOptionDefinition.Extras }; public override Task GetLatestVersion() => Task.FromResult("master"); public override async Task> GetAllVersions(bool isReleaseMode = true) { var allBranches = await GetAllBranches(); return allBranches.Select(b => new PackageVersion { TagName = $"{b.Name}", ReleaseNotesMarkdown = string.Empty }); } public override async Task InstallPackage(IProgress? progress = null) { await UnzipPackage(progress); progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1, "Setting up venv", isIndeterminate: true)); // Setup venv var venvRunner = new PyVenvRunner(Path.Combine(InstallLocation, "venv")); if (!venvRunner.Exists()) { await venvRunner.Setup(); } // Install torch / xformers based on gpu info var gpus = HardwareHelper.IterGpuInfo().ToList(); if (gpus.Any(g => g.IsNvidia)) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1, "Installing PyTorch for CUDA", isIndeterminate: true)); Logger.Info("Starting torch install (CUDA)..."); await venvRunner.PipInstall(PyVenvRunner.TorchPipInstallArgsCuda, InstallLocation, OnConsoleOutput); Logger.Info("Installing xformers..."); await venvRunner.PipInstall("xformers", InstallLocation, OnConsoleOutput); } else { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1, "Installing PyTorch for CPU", isIndeterminate: true)); Logger.Info("Starting torch install (CPU)..."); await venvRunner.PipInstall(PyVenvRunner.TorchPipInstallArgsCpu, InstallLocation, OnConsoleOutput); } // Install requirements file progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(-1, "Installing Package Requirements", isIndeterminate: true)); Logger.Info("Installing requirements.txt"); await venvRunner.PipInstall($"-r requirements.txt", InstallLocation, OnConsoleOutput); progress?.Report(new ProgressReport(1, "Installing Package Requirements", isIndeterminate: false)); } public override async Task RunPackage(string installedPackagePath, string arguments) { await SetupVenv(installedPackagePath); void HandleConsoleOutput(ProcessOutput s) { OnConsoleOutput(s); if (s.Text.Contains("To see the GUI go to", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var regex = new Regex(@"(https?:\/\/)([^:\s]+):(\d+)"); var match = regex.Match(s.Text); if (match.Success) { WebUrl = match.Value; } OnStartupComplete(WebUrl); } } void HandleExit(int i) { Debug.WriteLine($"Venv process exited with code {i}"); OnExit(i); } var args = $"\"{Path.Combine(installedPackagePath, LaunchCommand)}\" {arguments}"; VenvRunner?.RunDetached( args.TrimEnd(), HandleConsoleOutput, HandleExit, workingDirectory: installedPackagePath, environmentVariables: SettingsManager.Settings.EnvironmentVariables); } }