using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy; namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models; [JsonSerializable(typeof(GenerationParameters))] public partial record GenerationParameters { public string? PositivePrompt { get; set; } public string? NegativePrompt { get; set; } public int Steps { get; set; } public string? Sampler { get; set; } public double CfgScale { get; set; } public ulong Seed { get; set; } public int Height { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } public string? ModelHash { get; set; } public string? ModelName { get; set; } public static bool TryParse( string? text, [NotNullWhen(true)] out GenerationParameters? generationParameters ) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { generationParameters = null; return false; } var lines = text.Split('\n'); if (lines.LastOrDefault() is not { } lastLine) { generationParameters = null; return false; } if (lastLine.StartsWith("Steps:") != true) { lines = text.Split("\r\n"); lastLine = lines.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty; if (lastLine.StartsWith("Steps:") != true) { generationParameters = null; return false; } } // Join lines before last line, split at 'Negative prompt: ' var joinedLines = string.Join("\n", lines[..^1]); var splitFirstPart = joinedLines.Split("Negative prompt: "); if (splitFirstPart.Length != 2) { generationParameters = null; return false; } var positivePrompt = splitFirstPart[0]; var negativePrompt = splitFirstPart[1]; // Parse last line var match = ParseLastLineRegex().Match(lastLine); if (!match.Success) { generationParameters = null; return false; } generationParameters = new GenerationParameters { PositivePrompt = positivePrompt, NegativePrompt = negativePrompt, Steps = int.Parse(match.Groups["Steps"].Value), Sampler = match.Groups["Sampler"].Value, CfgScale = double.Parse(match.Groups["CfgScale"].Value), Seed = ulong.Parse(match.Groups["Seed"].Value), Height = int.Parse(match.Groups["Height"].Value), Width = int.Parse(match.Groups["Width"].Value), ModelHash = match.Groups["ModelHash"].Value, ModelName = match.Groups["ModelName"].Value, }; return true; } /// /// Converts current string to and . /// /// public (ComfySampler sampler, ComfyScheduler scheduler)? GetComfySamplers() { if (Sampler is not { } source) return null; var scheduler = source switch { _ when source.Contains("Karras") => ComfyScheduler.Karras, _ when source.Contains("Exponential") => ComfyScheduler.Exponential, _ => ComfyScheduler.Normal, }; var sampler = source switch { "LMS" => ComfySampler.LMS, "DDIM" => ComfySampler.DDIM, "UniPC" => ComfySampler.UniPC, "DPM fast" => ComfySampler.DpmFast, "DPM adaptive" => ComfySampler.DpmAdaptive, "Heun" => ComfySampler.Heun, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM2 a") => ComfySampler.Dpm2Ancestral, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM2") => ComfySampler.Dpm2, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ 2M SDE") => ComfySampler.Dpmpp2MSde, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ 2M") => ComfySampler.Dpmpp2M, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ 3M SDE") => ComfySampler.Dpmpp3MSde, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ 3M") => ComfySampler.Dpmpp3M, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ SDE") => ComfySampler.DpmppSde, _ when source.StartsWith("DPM++ 2S a") => ComfySampler.Dpmpp2SAncestral, _ => default }; return (sampler, scheduler); } /// /// Return a sample parameters for UI preview /// public static GenerationParameters GetSample() { return new GenerationParameters { PositivePrompt = "(cat:1.2), by artist, detailed, [shaded]", NegativePrompt = "blurry, jpg artifacts", Steps = 30, CfgScale = 7, Width = 640, Height = 896, Seed = 124825529, ModelName = "ExampleMix7", ModelHash = "b899d188a1ac7356bfb9399b2277d5b21712aa360f8f9514fba6fcce021baff7", Sampler = "DPM++ 2M Karras" }; } // Example: Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2216407431, Size: 640x896, Model hash: eb2h052f91, Model: anime_v1 [GeneratedRegex( """^Steps: (?\d+), Sampler: (?.+?), CFG scale: (?\d+(\.\d+)?), Seed: (?\d+), Size: (?\d+)x(?\d+), Model hash: (?.+?), Model: (?.+)$""" )] private static partial Regex ParseLastLineRegex(); }