using System; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models.Inference; using StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.ViewModels.Inference; namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models; /// /// This is the project file for inference tabs /// [JsonSerializable(typeof(InferenceProjectDocument))] public class InferenceProjectDocument : ICloneable { [JsonIgnore] private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions SerializerOptions = new() { IgnoreReadOnlyProperties = true, WriteIndented = true, }; public int Version { get; set; } = 2; [JsonConverter(typeof(JsonStringEnumConverter))] public InferenceProjectType ProjectType { get; set; } public JsonObject? State { get; set; } public static InferenceProjectDocument FromLoadable(IJsonLoadableState loadableModel) { return new InferenceProjectDocument { ProjectType = loadableModel switch { InferenceImageToImageViewModel => InferenceProjectType.ImageToImage, InferenceTextToImageViewModel => InferenceProjectType.TextToImage, InferenceImageUpscaleViewModel => InferenceProjectType.Upscale, InferenceImageToVideoViewModel => InferenceProjectType.ImageToVideo, }, State = loadableModel.SaveStateToJsonObject() }; } public void VerifyVersion() { if (Version < 2) { throw new NotSupportedException( $"Project was created in an earlier pre-release version of Stability Matrix and is no longer supported. " + $"Please create a new project." ); } } public SeedCardModel? GetSeedModel() { if (State is null || !State.TryGetPropertyValue("Seed", out var seedCard)) { return null; } return seedCard.Deserialize(); } /// /// Returns a new with the State modified. /// /// Action that changes the state public InferenceProjectDocument WithState(Action stateModifier) { var document = (InferenceProjectDocument)Clone(); stateModifier(document.State); return document; } public bool TryUpdateModel(string key, Func modifier) { if (State is not { } state) return false; if (!state.TryGetPropertyValue(key, out var modelNode)) { return false; } if (modelNode.Deserialize() is not { } model) { return false; } modelNode = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(modifier(model)); state[key] = modelNode; return true; } public bool TryUpdateModel(string key, Func modifier) { if (State is not { } state) return false; if (!state.TryGetPropertyValue(key, out var modelNode) || modelNode is null) { return false; } state[key] = modifier(modelNode); return true; } public InferenceProjectDocument WithBatchSize(int batchSize, int batchCount) { if (State is null) throw new InvalidOperationException("State is null"); var document = (InferenceProjectDocument)Clone(); var batchSizeCard = document.State!["BatchSize"] ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("BatchSize card is null"); batchSizeCard["BatchSize"] = batchSize; batchSizeCard["BatchCount"] = batchCount; return document; } /// public object Clone() { var newObj = (InferenceProjectDocument)MemberwiseClone(); // Clone State also since its mutable newObj.State = State == null ? null : JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(State).Deserialize(); return newObj; } }