using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Extensions;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models;
namespace StabilityMatrix.Avalonia.Models.Inference;
public partial class FileNameFormatProvider
public GenerationParameters? GenerationParameters { get; init; }
public InferenceProjectType? ProjectType { get; init; }
public string? ProjectName { get; init; }
private Dictionary<string, Func<string?>>? _substitutions;
private Dictionary<string, Func<string?>> Substitutions =>
_substitutions ??= new Dictionary<string, Func<string?>>
{ "seed", () => GenerationParameters?.Seed.ToString() },
{ "model_name", () => GenerationParameters?.ModelName },
{ "model_hash", () => GenerationParameters?.ModelHash },
{ "width", () => GenerationParameters?.Width.ToString() },
{ "height", () => GenerationParameters?.Height.ToString() },
{ "project_type", () => ProjectType?.GetStringValue() },
{ "project_name", () => ProjectName },
{ "date", () => DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") },
{ "time", () => DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm-ss") }
/// <summary>
/// Validate a format string
/// </summary>
public void Validate(string format)
var regex = BracketRegex();
var matches = regex.Matches(format);
var variables = matches.Select(m => m.Value[1..^1]).ToList();
foreach (var variable in variables)
if (!Substitutions.ContainsKey(variable))
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown variable '{variable}'");
public IEnumerable<FileNameFormatPart> GetParts(string template)
var regex = BracketRegex();
var matches = regex.Matches(template);
var parts = new List<FileNameFormatPart>();
// Loop through all parts of the string, including matches and non-matches
var currentIndex = 0;
foreach (var result in matches.Cast<Match>())
// If the match is not at the start of the string, add a constant part
if (result.Index != currentIndex)
var constant = template[currentIndex..result.Index];
parts.Add(new FileNameFormatPart(constant, null));
currentIndex += constant.Length;
var variable = result.Value[1..^1];
parts.Add(new FileNameFormatPart(null, Substitutions[variable]));
currentIndex += result.Length;
// Add remaining as constant
if (currentIndex != template.Length)
var constant = template[currentIndex..];
parts.Add(new FileNameFormatPart(constant, null));
return parts;
/// <summary>
/// Regex for matching contents within a curly brace.
/// </summary>
private static partial Regex BracketRegex();