using Octokit;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Progress;
using StabilityMatrix.Core.Processes;
namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Packages;
public abstract class BasePackage
public string ByAuthor => $"By {Author}";
public abstract string Name { get; }
public abstract string DisplayName { get; set; }
public abstract string Author { get; }
public abstract string Blurb { get; }
public abstract string GithubUrl { get; }
public abstract string LaunchCommand { get; }
public abstract Uri PreviewImageUri { get; }
public virtual bool ShouldIgnoreReleases => false;
public virtual bool UpdateAvailable { get; set; }
public abstract Task<string?> DownloadPackage(string version, bool isCommitHash,
IProgress<ProgressReport>? progress = null);
public abstract Task InstallPackage(IProgress<ProgressReport>? progress = null);
public abstract Task RunPackage(string installedPackagePath, string arguments);
public abstract Task Shutdown();
public abstract Task<bool> CheckForUpdates(InstalledPackage package);
public abstract Task<string> Update(InstalledPackage installedPackage, IProgress<ProgressReport>? progress = null);
public abstract Task<IOrderedEnumerable<Release>> GetReleaseTags();
public abstract List<LaunchOptionDefinition> LaunchOptions { get; }
public virtual string? ExtraLaunchArguments { get; set; } = null;
/// <summary>
/// The shared folders that this package supports.
/// Mapping of <see cref="SharedFolderType"/> to the relative path from the package root.
/// </summary>
public virtual Dictionary<SharedFolderType, string>? SharedFolders { get; }
public abstract Task<string> GetLatestVersion();
public abstract Task<IEnumerable<PackageVersion>> GetAllVersions(bool isReleaseMode = true);
public abstract Task<IReadOnlyList<GitHubCommit>?> GetAllCommits(string branch, int page = 1, int perPage = 10);
public abstract Task<IReadOnlyList<Branch>> GetAllBranches();
public abstract Task<IOrderedEnumerable<Release>> GetAllReleases();
public abstract string DownloadLocation { get; }
public abstract string InstallLocation { get; set; }
public event EventHandler<ProcessOutput>? ConsoleOutput;
public event EventHandler<int>? Exited;
public event EventHandler<string>? StartupComplete;
public void OnConsoleOutput(ProcessOutput output) => ConsoleOutput?.Invoke(this, output);
public void OnExit(int exitCode) => Exited?.Invoke(this, exitCode);
public void OnStartupComplete(string url) => StartupComplete?.Invoke(this, url);