Multi-Platform Package Manager for Stable Diffusion
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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
namespace StabilityMatrix.Core.Models.Api.Comfy;
/// <summary>
/// Collection of preprocessors included in
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Value"></param>
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
public record ComfyAuxPreprocessor(string Value) : StringValue(Value)
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor None { get; } = new("none");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor AnimeFaceSemSegPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor BinaryPreprocessor { get; } = new("BinaryPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor CannyEdgePreprocessor { get; } = new("CannyEdgePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ColorPreprocessor { get; } = new("ColorPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor DensePosePreprocessor { get; } = new("DensePosePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor DepthAnythingPreprocessor { get; } = new("DepthAnythingPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ZoeDepthAnythingPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor DiffusionEdgePreprocessor { get; } = new("DiffusionEdge_Preprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor DWPreprocessor { get; } = new("DWPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor AnimalPosePreprocessor { get; } = new("AnimalPosePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor HEDPreprocessor { get; } = new("HEDPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor FakeScribblePreprocessor { get; } = new("FakeScribblePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor LeReSDepthMapPreprocessor { get; } = new("LeReS-DepthMapPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor LineArtPreprocessor { get; } = new("LineArtPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor AnimeLineArtPreprocessor { get; } = new("AnimeLineArtPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor LineartStandardPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor Manga2AnimeLineArtPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MediaPipeFaceMeshPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MeshGraphormerDepthMapPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MiDaSNormalMapPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MiDaSDepthMapPreprocessor { get; } = new("MiDaS-DepthMapPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MLSDPreprocessor { get; } = new("M-LSDPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor BAENormalMapPreprocessor { get; } = new("BAE-NormalMapPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor OneFormerCOCOSemSegPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor OneFormerADE20KSemSegPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor OpenposePreprocessor { get; } = new("OpenposePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor PiDiNetPreprocessor { get; } = new("PiDiNetPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor SavePoseKpsAsJsonFile { get; } = new("SavePoseKpsAsJsonFile");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor FacialPartColoringFromPoseKps { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ImageLuminanceDetector { get; } = new("ImageLuminanceDetector");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ImageIntensityDetector { get; } = new("ImageIntensityDetector");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ScribblePreprocessor { get; } = new("ScribblePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ScribbleXDoGPreprocessor { get; } = new("Scribble_XDoG_Preprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor SAMPreprocessor { get; } = new("SAMPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ShufflePreprocessor { get; } = new("ShufflePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor TEEDPreprocessor { get; } = new("TEEDPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor TilePreprocessor { get; } = new("TilePreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor UniFormerSemSegPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor SemSegPreprocessor { get; } = new("SemSegPreprocessor");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor UnimatchOptFlowPreprocessor { get; } =
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor MaskOptFlow { get; } = new("MaskOptFlow");
public static ComfyAuxPreprocessor ZoeDepthMapPreprocessor { get; } = new("Zoe-DepthMapPreprocessor");
private static Dictionary<ComfyAuxPreprocessor, string> DisplayNamesMapping { get; } =
[None] = "None",
[AnimeFaceSemSegPreprocessor] = "Anime Face SemSeg Preprocessor",
[BinaryPreprocessor] = "Binary Preprocessor",
[CannyEdgePreprocessor] = "Canny Edge Preprocessor",
[ColorPreprocessor] = "Color Preprocessor",
[DensePosePreprocessor] = "DensePose Preprocessor",
[DepthAnythingPreprocessor] = "Depth Anything Preprocessor",
[ZoeDepthAnythingPreprocessor] = "Zoe Depth Anything Preprocessor",
[DiffusionEdgePreprocessor] = "Diffusion Edge Preprocessor",
[DWPreprocessor] = "DW Preprocessor",
[AnimalPosePreprocessor] = "Animal Pose Preprocessor",
[HEDPreprocessor] = "HED Preprocessor",
[FakeScribblePreprocessor] = "Fake Scribble Preprocessor",
[LeReSDepthMapPreprocessor] = "LeReS-DepthMap Preprocessor",
[LineArtPreprocessor] = "LineArt Preprocessor",
[AnimeLineArtPreprocessor] = "Anime LineArt Preprocessor",
[LineartStandardPreprocessor] = "Lineart Standard Preprocessor",
[Manga2AnimeLineArtPreprocessor] = "Manga2Anime LineArt Preprocessor",
[MediaPipeFaceMeshPreprocessor] = "MediaPipe FaceMesh Preprocessor",
[MeshGraphormerDepthMapPreprocessor] = "MeshGraphormer DepthMap Preprocessor",
[MiDaSNormalMapPreprocessor] = "MiDaS NormalMap Preprocessor",
[MiDaSDepthMapPreprocessor] = "MiDaS DepthMap Preprocessor",
[MLSDPreprocessor] = "M-LSD Preprocessor",
[BAENormalMapPreprocessor] = "BAE NormalMap Preprocessor",
[OneFormerCOCOSemSegPreprocessor] = "OneFormer COCO SemSeg Preprocessor",
[OneFormerADE20KSemSegPreprocessor] = "OneFormer ADE20K SemSeg Preprocessor",
[OpenposePreprocessor] = "Openpose Preprocessor",
[PiDiNetPreprocessor] = "PiDiNet Preprocessor",
[SavePoseKpsAsJsonFile] = "Save Pose Kps As Json File",
[FacialPartColoringFromPoseKps] = "Facial Part Coloring From Pose Kps",
[ImageLuminanceDetector] = "Image Luminance Detector",
[ImageIntensityDetector] = "Image Intensity Detector",
[ScribblePreprocessor] = "Scribble Preprocessor",
[ScribbleXDoGPreprocessor] = "Scribble XDoG Preprocessor",
[SAMPreprocessor] = "SAM Preprocessor",
[ShufflePreprocessor] = "Shuffle Preprocessor",
[TEEDPreprocessor] = "TEED Preprocessor",
[TilePreprocessor] = "Tile Preprocessor",
[UniFormerSemSegPreprocessor] = "UniFormer SemSeg Preprocessor",
[SemSegPreprocessor] = "SemSeg Preprocessor",
[UnimatchOptFlowPreprocessor] = "Unimatch OptFlow Preprocessor",
[MaskOptFlow] = "Mask OptFlow",
[ZoeDepthMapPreprocessor] = "Zoe DepthMap Preprocessor"
public static IEnumerable<ComfyAuxPreprocessor> Defaults => DisplayNamesMapping.Keys;
public string DisplayName => DisplayNamesMapping.GetValueOrDefault(this, Value);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string ToString() => Value;