from typing import List, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn #from: def enhance_normalize(data: torch.Tensor, mean: torch.Tensor, std: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Normalize an image/video tensor with mean and standard deviation. .. math:: \text{input[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel]} Where `mean` is :math:`(M_1, ..., M_n)` and `std` :math:`(S_1, ..., S_n)` for `n` channels, Args: data: Image tensor of size :math:`(B, C, *)`. mean: Mean for each channel. std: Standard deviations for each channel. Return: Normalised tensor with same size as input :math:`(B, C, *)`. Examples: >>> x = torch.rand(1, 4, 3, 3) >>> out = normalize(x, torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([255.])) >>> out.shape torch.Size([1, 4, 3, 3]) >>> x = torch.rand(1, 4, 3, 3) >>> mean = torch.zeros(4) >>> std = 255. * torch.ones(4) >>> out = normalize(x, mean, std) >>> out.shape torch.Size([1, 4, 3, 3]) """ shape = data.shape if len(mean.shape) == 0 or mean.shape[0] == 1: mean = mean.expand(shape[1]) if len(std.shape) == 0 or std.shape[0] == 1: std = std.expand(shape[1]) # Allow broadcast on channel dimension if mean.shape and mean.shape[0] != 1: if mean.shape[0] != data.shape[1] and mean.shape[:2] != data.shape[:2]: raise ValueError(f"mean length and number of channels do not match. Got {mean.shape} and {data.shape}.") # Allow broadcast on channel dimension if std.shape and std.shape[0] != 1: if std.shape[0] != data.shape[1] and std.shape[:2] != data.shape[:2]: raise ValueError(f"std length and number of channels do not match. Got {std.shape} and {data.shape}.") mean = torch.as_tensor(mean, device=data.device, dtype=data.dtype) std = torch.as_tensor(std, device=data.device, dtype=data.dtype) if mean.shape: mean = mean[..., :, None] if std.shape: std = std[..., :, None] out: torch.Tensor = (data.view(shape[0], shape[1], -1) - mean) / std return out.view(shape)